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The Emergence of Landbridges

Landbridge movements, the usage of a land segment to ensure the continuity of a maritime segment, have taken place
throughout history. They tended to involve short land segments since inland transportation was more costly than maritime
transportation. The Silk Road can be considered as one of the first significant landbridge and the exception to the short
land segment rule. Due to the long distances involved and the difficulties to provide maritime services, land only routes
prevailed well into the 15th century. Even the existing maritime trading routes to Asia, from Antiquity and onward, required
a short landbridge from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean. This endured until the Suez was completed in 1869. A similar
situation applied to the Panama isthmus used as an overland route (as well as other Central American passages)
between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans until the Panama Canal opened in 1914. The development of rail networks
permitted to change of the conventional short land segment dynamic of landbridges to long-distance inland services.

One of the first modern landbridges was implemented in the 1880s by Canadian Pacific Railway. Its goal was to improve
the shipping time of high-value Asian commodities, notably silk and tea, from the Far East to Europe (and also the US
eastern seaboard), using Canada’s transcontinental rail link. The so-called “silk trains” disappeared in the first two
decades of the 20th century and with them significant landbridge activity. The transport benefits of both the Suez and
Panama canals negated the advantages of most overland routes for at least half a century after their construction. It is not
until the late 1960s that changes in trade flows, capacity issues, and geopolitics (particularly for the Suez Canal) would
lead to renewed interests in overland routes.

The setting of modern landbridges is strongly associated with developments in intermodal transportation, which was
considerably improved by double-stacking trains but also by more efficient port and rail terminals. In 1979, American
Presidents Line (APL) ran the first dedicated express container TOFC (Trailers On Flat Cars) trains across the United
States between Los Angeles and New York via Chicago. In 1985, a revolution was achieved by APL with the introduction
of double-stack container rail services (COFC; Containers On Flat Cars) with capacities of up to 600 TEU (about 300 forty
foot containers) in a unit train. Shipping companies were particularly eager to see the emergence of these types of
services as using the Panama Canal incurred substantial delays, which could be by-passed by the landbridge. In 2004,
the first doublestacking rail service in China began, linking Shanghai and Beijing. This underlines that efficient landbridge
services can also emerge in other parts of the world.

2. Types of Landbridges
There are two major characteristics of a landbridge freight service:

 First, there is a single bill of lading issued by the freight forwarder that covers the entire intermodal journey.
 Second, the goods remain in the same container for the entire journey.

Four major types of landbridges can be identified:

 Landbridge. The rail system is used as a link between a foreign origin and destination. The continental mass is used as
a link (bridge) between two maritime systems. The transport mode is almost exclusively rail because it offers faster long-
distance service. An example would be to ship a container from Japan to Europe by using the North American
Landbridge as a way to bypass the detour imposed by the Panama Canal.
 Minibridge. It involves a foreign origin, but the destination is a port reached from another port of the same continental
mass. The TranSiberian was the first minibridge to be in operation in 1967, linking harbors of the pacific coast to harbors
of Baltic and Atlantic coasts of Europe. However, problems of railway gauging between Russia and Western Europe
impose some delays as rail cargo needs to be transloaded. Still, a Europe-Asia link (Eurasian Landbridge or New Silk
Road) that covers Siberia and ends at the pacific coast of Russia or China is receiving serious consideration.
 Microbridge. It involves a link between a foreign origin and an inland destination via a port of entry. The minibridge and
the microbridge took more time to become implemented in North America because of the regulation of the maritime and
railway sectors that impeded collaboration (such as joint ventures) among companies of different transport sectors.
 Reverse microbridge. It is similar to a microbridge, but the port of entry is on another facade than the most direct
maritime route. In North America, this implies for transpacific trade the usage of the Panama Canal through an all-water
route to reach an inland destination through an East Coast port. For Europe, this would imply for cargo coming from
Pacific Asia using a Northern European port such as Antwerp, Rotterdam, or Hamburg to reach an inland destination in
Southern Europe.

 T
ypes of Landbridges
 T
he North American Landbridge
 The
Trans-Asian Railway (Eurasian Landbridge)
Although each of these terms refers to a specific inland transport service configuration, the term landbridge has
increasingly be used as the generic term to label any form of long-distance inland transportation or an inland service
enabling to by-pass a maritime segment. Landbridges are also being challenged by economies of scale in maritime
shipping, which can be perceived as somewhat paradoxical. The initial application of economies of scale in containerized
shipping induced the setting of pendulum services that were complemented by landbridge services. In North America, this
led to an acute differentiation of maritime services for the East and West coasts and the usage of the landbridge to
service East Coast markets from West Coast ports. Yet, new generations of post-Panamax containerships, particularly
above 8,000 TEU, and contemporary supply chain management strategies impose capacity and reliability constraints on
long-distance rail that are challenging to be met. With the expansion of the Panama Canal in 2016, the North American
and the Eurasian landbridges face a new commercial environment and more competitiveness between the East and West

B.5 – Transcontinental Bridges

Author: Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue

Transcontinental bridges are inland long distance rail corridors connecting gateways and hinterlands.

1. The Emergence of Landbridges

Landbridge movements, the usage of a land segment to ensure the continuity of a maritime segment, have taken place
throughout history. They tended to involve short land segments since inland transportation was more costly than maritime
transportation. The Silk Road can be considered as one of the first significant landbridge and the exception to the short
land segment rule. Due to the long distances involved and the difficulties to provide maritime services, land only routes
prevailed well into the 15th century. Even the existing maritime trading routes to Asia, from Antiquity and onward, required
a short landbridge from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean. This endured until the Suez Canal was completed in 1869. A
similar situation applied to the Panama isthmus used as an overland route (as well as other Central American passages)
between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans until the Panama Canal opened in 1914. The development of rail networks
permitted to change of the conventional short land segment dynamic of landbridges to long-distance inland services.

One of the first modern landbridges was implemented in the 1880s by Canadian Pacific Railway. Its goal was to improve
the shipping time of high-value Asian commodities, notably silk and tea, from the Far East to Europe (and also the US
eastern seaboard), using Canada’s transcontinental rail link. The so-called “silk trains” disappeared in the first two
decades of the 20th century and with them significant landbridge activity. The transport benefits of both the Suez and
Panama canals negated the advantages of most overland routes for at least half a century after their construction. It is not
until the late 1960s that changes in trade flows, capacity issues, and geopolitics (particularly for the Suez Canal) would
lead to renewed interests in overland routes.

The setting of modern landbridges is strongly associated with developments in intermodal transportation, which was
considerably improved by double-stacking trains but also by more efficient port and rail terminals. In 1979, American
Presidents Line (APL) ran the first dedicated express container TOFC (Trailers On Flat Cars) trains across the United
States between Los Angeles and New York via Chicago. In 1985, a revolution was achieved by APL with the introduction
of double-stack container rail services (COFC; Containers On Flat Cars) with capacities of up to 600 TEU (about 300 forty
foot containers) in a unit train. Shipping companies were particularly eager to see the emergence of these types of
services as using the Panama Canal incurred substantial delays, which could be by-passed by the landbridge. In 2004,
the first doublestacking rail service in China began, linking Shanghai and Beijing. This underlines that efficient landbridge
services can also emerge in other parts of the world.

2. Types of Landbridges
There are two major characteristics of a landbridge freight service:

 First, there is a single bill of lading issued by the freight forwarder that covers the entire intermodal journey.
 Second, the goods remain in the same container for the entire journey.
Four major types of landbridges can be identified:

 Landbridge. The rail system is used as a link between a foreign origin and destination. The continental mass is used as
a link (bridge) between two maritime systems. The transport mode is almost exclusively rail because it offers faster long-
distance service. An example would be to ship a container from Japan to Europe by using the North American
Landbridge as a way to bypass the detour imposed by the Panama Canal.
 Minibridge. It involves a foreign origin, but the destination is a port reached from another port of the same continental
mass. The TranSiberian was the first minibridge to be in operation in 1967, linking harbors of the pacific coast to harbors
of Baltic and Atlantic coasts of Europe. However, problems of railway gauging between Russia and Western Europe
impose some delays as rail cargo needs to be transloaded. Still, a Europe-Asia link (Eurasian Landbridge or New Silk
Road) that covers Siberia and ends at the pacific coast of Russia or China is receiving serious consideration.
 Microbridge. It involves a link between a foreign origin and an inland destination via a port of entry. The minibridge and
the microbridge took more time to become implemented in North America because of the regulation of the maritime and
railway sectors that impeded collaboration (such as joint ventures) among companies of different transport sectors.
 Reverse microbridge. It is similar to a microbridge, but the port of entry is on another facade than the most direct
maritime route. In North America, this implies for transpacific trade the usage of the Panama Canal through an all-water
route to reach an inland destination through an East Coast port. For Europe, this would imply for cargo coming from
Pacific Asia using a Northern European port such as Antwerp, Rotterdam, or Hamburg to reach an inland destination in
Southern Europe.
 T
ypes of Landbridges

 The North American Landbridge

 The Trans-Asian Railway (Eurasian Landbridge)

Although each of these terms refers to a specific inland transport service configuration, the term landbridge has
increasingly be used as the generic term to label any form of long-distance inland transportation or an inland service
enabling to by-pass a maritime segment. Landbridges are also being challenged by economies of scale in maritime
shipping, which can be perceived as somewhat paradoxical. The initial application of economies of scale in containerized
shipping induced the setting of pendulum services that were complemented by landbridge services. In North America, this
led to an acute differentiation of maritime services for the East and West coasts and the usage of the landbridge to
service East Coast markets from West Coast ports. Yet, new generations of post-Panamax containerships, particularly
above 8,000 TEU, and contemporary supply chain management strategies impose capacity and reliability constraints on
long-distance rail that are challenging to be met. With the expansion of the Panama Canal in 2016, the North American
and the Eurasian landbridges face a new commercial environment and more competitiveness between the East and West

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