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BS Medical Laboratory Science | SEM 1 2022

Stained blood film is scanned

Relative Count
microscopically to:
- % of routine total leukocyte ct.
● estimate WBC count
represented by a specific cell
● identify the morphologic RBC
● estimate the platelet number
WBC type
● classify WBC into group types
RC= 100 WBC x 100
Normal Value: [Relative ct]
Segmenters/ Neutrophils/ PMN
● Neutrophils- 47.0-79.5%
- 2-5 lobes with fine purple ● Eosinophils- 0.0-7.5%
granules all over cytoplasm ● Basophils- 0.0-2.0%
- produces proteolytic enzyme ● Leukocytes- 12.5-40.0%
serve as a phagocyte ● Monocytes- 2.0-11.0%
- normal value: 50-70%
Absolute Count
Monocyte - actual number of a cell type per
- largest cell in circulation liter of blood
- bean shaped/ kidney shaped Formula:
nucleus with convolutions and AC= relative ct. x total WBC ct.
lace-like chromatin pattern Normal Value:
- serve as phagocyte and produces ● Neutrophils- 1.8-7.7 (x10^9/L)
proteolytic enzyme ● Eosinophils- 0.0-0.45
- normal value: 3-8% ● Leukocytes- 1.0-4.8
● Monocytes- 0.0-0.8

When 100 wbc have been identified and
- has large round compact nucleus
recorded, it may be classified either:
with thin rim skyblue cytoplasm
a. Schilling’s classification
or robin-egg blue cytoplasm
b. Filament and non-filament
- normal value: 25-40%
Differential counter
Schilling’s Classification
● one of the first to notice that
many diseases is caused by an
increase in the percentage of
immature neutrophils of the
granulocytic series
BS Medical Laboratory Science | SEM 1 2022
cell percent
Neutrophilic: lymphocyte 20-35
Myelocyte: 0%
monocyte 2-6
Metamyelocyte: 0%
Band Cells: 2-6% eosinophilic 1-3
Segmented Cells: 55-75% segmented cells

basophilic 0-1
note: immature cells on the left side of segmented cells
the chart, if the percentage of these
immature cells become increased,
Filament and Non-Filament
schilling called it as “shift to the left”;
if accompanied by a low wbc count, it is
called “degenerative shift to the left”: ● reports the percentage of each

seen in cases of typhoid fever due to cell with the exception of the

depression of cell factories in the bone neutrophils of the granulocytic

marrow; if accompanied by a high wbc series

ct, it is called “regenerative shift to - which is now the main

the left”: found in infectious diseases difference between the

due to stimulus of the cell factories in Schilling’s classification

the bone marrow ● neutrophils of the granulocytic

series are reported:
mature neutrophilic
cell percent
- neutrophilic segmented cells
neutrophilic 0 [makes up the filament ct]
myelocyte immature neutrophilic
- neutrophilic myelocytes
neutrophilic 0
[non-filament ct]
- neutrophilic metamyelocytes
neutrophilic band 2-6 [non-filament ct]
cell - neutrophilic band cells
neutrophilic 55-75 [non-filament ct]
segmented cells

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