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JavaScript Examples

The Document Object

1. Display the domain name of the server that loaded the document
2. Display the full URL of a document

Examples Explained

CSS Manipulation
1. Change the visibility of an HTML element
2. Change the background color of an HTML element

Button Object
1. Disable a button

Form Object
1. Submit a form
2. Reset a form

Option and Select Objects

1. Disable and enable a dropdown list
2. Get the number of options in the dropdown list
3. Display the selected option in a dropdown list
4. Display the index of the selected option in a dropdown list

Image Object
1. Change the source of the lightbulb
Popup Boxes
1. Display an alert box
2. Display a confirm box
3. Display a prompt box

Popup Boxes
1. Display an alert box
2. Display a confirm box
3. Display a prompt box

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