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What do you think about environmental pollution and what do you

think we should do to reduce it?

I believe that environmental pollution is caused due to industrial

advances such as deforestation of trees and industrial
fishing. Factories are important to the economy but cause a
lot of pollution by waste and smokes that generate. There
is also human activity such as burning garbage, use of cars
without care that cause environmental deterioration. The
consequences of the pollution can be seen in the excessive
warming, altering rain and harvests, melting glaciers, likewise
acid rain that is generated when destroying trees. The plastics in
the seas are another consequence of this pollution, without proper planning
the environment can lead to deterioration with the extinction of flora and fauna, as
an example are fireflies. For this reason, it is necessary to incorporate cleaning
activities in schools, institutes and universities for a better environment, whether on
beaches or parks, thus creating healthy and environmental habits for both people and
the environment.

Additionally, we clarify what exactly environmental pollution is, environmental

pollution is understood when there is the presence of harmful substances in the
water, air or soil. Harmful substances are what we call environmental pollutants, and
they can have different origins. In addition, they are found in different
concentrations and in different places and to reduce it we just have to be aware and
use the 3 R's

As we know, environmental pollution is one of the main problems that has been
occurring worldwide for a long time, affecting the entire planet, its biodiversity and
people's health. There are different types of contamination that exist, it all depends
on the area or element that is affected and the type of contaminants that cause the
problem. All contamination is causing great consequences that must be solved and for
this your understanding is needed.

When harmful substances are present in the water, air or soil. Harmful substances
are what we call environmental pollutants, and they can have different origins. In
addition, they are found in different concentrations and in different places. In this
case, we will go on to talk about other aspects such as the types that exist, what are
the polluting agents, the consequences, and the solutions to this global problem, and
the use of the 3R's. (reduce, recycle and reuse)
To sum up everything I want to say that pollution is causing consequences for us and
we are causing problems for the earth and for us to be able to help the planet and we
must use the 3R's and also help ourselves to become aware (doing talks on family)

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