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CASE 1: To Add or Not to Add

Nitrates and nitrites are two different types of compound but they are both consist of
nitrogen and oxygen. Nitrates can turn into nitrites, which can then form either nitric oxide
which is beneficial for the body, and nitrosamines, that can be harmful.
Adding nitrites in a food is approved by the Food and Drug Administration because of
the fact that can also help or give beneficial to the body. The only concern is if nitrites was
exposed to level of heat and forms nitrosamines. Nitrosamines are carcinogenic compound
which means it can cause cancer.
So protesting the fact about nitrates and nitrites will be the best choice because this
compounds can be risky. Cancer is serious problem for one’s health so it’s better to avoid things
that can cause this kind of illness. For my friend who’s might get fired because of the protest
there can be a solution for him not to get fired. If the company decides to continue adding
nitrates and nitrite to bacons he can at least ask his superiors to add some precautions to the
wrappings of the product about its contents. In that way they can inform their costumer about
the products they are selling.

CASE 2: You Can’t Do Everything At Once

Comforting someone who is sick is a brave thing to do. It is a big help for everyone who
is fighting the epidemic. By comforting you can give a hope to those who are sick and give them
in a good or positive mood. But if I would choose of what duty I should take I want to clean the
water supply. Cholera is an acute diarrhoeal disease that can kill within hours if left untreated.
Means that it is a very dangerous kind of illness. Cholera is caused by ingestion of food and
water contaminated with the bacterium vibrio cholerae. It means that the country doesn’t have
a good water and food supply. If we keep that in that way, many people will still be infected. It
is better to clean the water supply so that the cases of people getting infected with the illness
will decrease or hopefully no cases at all. Just by cleaning the water we don’t just stop the
spread of cholera to the country but also help the others who just get infected because they
knew that they don’t have a contaminated water anymore. We can give them a good future
now and they don’t have to worry about the cholera to strike again if they maintain the
cleanliness of their water supply.

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