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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Negros Occidental


Module 1 – Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics (UCSP)

I. Identification. Write the correct answer on the space provided.

________________ 1. It is a behavioral science that deals with the study of culture?

________________ 2. It is a behavioral science that deals with the study of society?

________________ 3. It deals with the study of politics or government?

________________ 4. The meaning of the Greek word “Anthropo”?

________________ 5. In the word Sociology, what is the meaning of the Greek word

II. Modified True or False. Write the word TRUE in capital letter if the
statement is correct and change the underlined word if the statement is wrong.

_______________ 6. Sociology makes you different from the rest.

_______________ 7. Political science trains students to develop critical skills.

_______________ 8. Anthropology is irrelevant.

_______________ 9. Anthropology is interesting.

_______________10. Sociology deepens knowledge and understanding of students in the

field of government and politics.

_______________11. As a Discipline, Sociology involves the description and explanation of

social structures and processes.

_______________12. Politics tell us that health is a human right.

_______________13. Anthropology helps the students to obtain practical knowledge and

insights on political issues.

_______________14. Anthropology broadens your horizon and changes your perspectives.

_______________15. One of the goal of political science is to acquire knowledge and

understanding of government.
III. Direction: Complete the statement to give meaning and sense of such by
encircling the word enclosed inside the parenthesis.

1. Culture is the (visible, invisible, discernible) bond.

2. Sociology is produced because of (personal, social, real) change.

3. Sociology tell us that health is a (political, cultural, human) right.

4. (Sociology, Anthropology, Political Science) increases our understanding of ourselves and

our society.

5. Studying Sociology is a (confirmative, supportive, transformative) experience.

6. Political science trains students to develop (symbiotic, critical, simple)

7. Anthropology is (stereotype, relevant, commentary).

8. Politics can (enhance, destroy, obstruct) personal happiness.

9. Politics affects human (biology, lives, society)

10. Sociology specifically significant because it regulates and control people’s (life, behavior,


Prepare by:

UCSP Teacher

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