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Ann Anat 188 (2006) 353—361

Morphological and clinical considerations of first

and second permanent molar eruption disorders
Peter Proffa,, Thomas Bayerleina, Jochen Fanghänelb,
Sergio Allegrini Jr.b, Tomas Gedrangea

Poliklinik für Kieferorthopädie, Präventive Zahnmedizin und Kinderzahnheilkunde, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität
Greifswald, Rotgerberstraße 8, 17487 Greifswald, Germany
Abteilung für Oralanatomie im Zentrum für Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde der Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität
Greifswald, Rotgerberstraße 8, 17487 Greifswald, Germany

Received 11 January 2006; accepted 1 February 2006

Eruption disorder of
Tooth eruption is a complex biological process which starts from the site of
permanent molars;
development in the jaw bone until the teeth reach their final functional position in
Theory of tooth
the chewing plane. Various factors can disturb this process. Besides mechanical
obstacles on the eruption path, a pathological position or axial orientation of the
tooth germ, morphological aberrations of the tooth or pathological alterations of the
Case reports;
periodontium, primary disorders of the eruption mechanism may lead to complete or
Therapeutical rele-
partial retention of the tooth in the jaw bone.
These morphological features bear upon the prognosis of orthodontic correction
which is dependent upon the underlying cause. First and second molars are rarely
affected by eruption disorders, with a prevalence of 0.01 to 0.08 per cent, however,
marked consequences for function such as posterior open bite or elongation of the
antagonists may result. Following an overview of pathogenetic factors of tooth
eruption disorders, selected cases of impacted first and second permanent molars
are presented with respect to their morphological causes.
& 2006 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


Tooth eruption is a multifactorial process de-

scribing the movement of teeth from their site of
Corresponding author. Tel.: +03834 867110; development in the jaw bone to their final
fax: +03834 867113. functional position in the chewing plane (Jung
E-mail address: (P. Proff). et al., 2003; Marks, 1995; Marks et al., 1996). This

0940-9602/$ - see front matter & 2006 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
354 P. Proff et al.

process continues over a relatively long period of however, the eruption process has to be regarded
time, depends upon genetic and individual factors as multicausal.
and influences the development of the whole The knowledge of the physiological and patholo-
stomatognathic system (Nolla, 1960; Radlanski et gical mechanisms of tooth eruption in genetic,
al., 1999). Population studies have provided aver- cellular and particularly molecular terms has been
age eruption times depending on chronological age vastly expanded during recent years, partly owing
(Harzer and Hetzer, 1987). Nevertheless, marked to the increased use of molecular biological
interindividual differences may exist even in techniques, albeit to date the exact mutual
absence of a respective anatomical aberration. relationships and interactions of single molecules
Premature or delayed tooth eruption is assumed, if in the signal cascade have not yet been decoded
the eruption time lies outside 2 standard deviations (Wise et al., 2002). The established fundamentals
of the respective population mean expected for reflecting the assured preconditions of the complex
chronological age (Rasmussen and Kotsaki, 1997). eruption process comprise the chronological inter-
Exact diagnostic and therapeutic appraisal, how- play and the mutual interaction of single cells of
ever, implies biological age which is assessed from the enamel organ, the alveolar bone and the dental
clinical and radiological examination (Becker, follicle. That the tooth roots themselves are not
1998). Skeletal maturity and tooth development involved in active tooth eruption, has been estab-
may be determined by means of a hand X-ray and a lished for a fairly long time (Gowgiel, 1961). The
panoramic X-ray respectively. Physiological erup- relevance of the dental sac for tooth eruption was
tion time is defined as the time when about 23 to 34 of demonstrated by Cahill and Marks in 1980 in an
the final root length of the tooth have developed experimental study in dogs. Surgical removal of the
(Gron, 1962). Retention occurs when root growth dental follicle of premolars prior to their regular
has advanced or been completed without eruption. eruption prevented the latter (Cahill and Marks,
A primary retention of a normally shaped tooth 1980). At the cellular level, the active eruption
without discernible cause is clinically distinguished phase begins with the immigration of mononuclear
from a secondary retention due to a physical cells (monocytes) to the coronal part of the dental
barrier or tooth malformation or malposition sac, accompanied by a parallel increase of osteo-
(Raghoebar et al., 1991; Andreason et al., 1997). clasts in the coronal part of the covering alveolar
In the literature, numerous technical terms such as bone, and followed by a decrease of both cell types
impaction, depression, reinclusion, or pseudo- (Marks et al., 1983). The immigration of monocytes
anodontia partly are used synonymously for de- is a precondition of the subsequent formation of
layed or incomplete tooth eruption (Suri et al., multinucleate osteoclasts which leads to resorption
2004). Even though first and second molars are of the alveolar bone and formation of an eruption
rarely affected by eruption disorders, severe path (Wise and Fan, 1989). Interestingly, the
consequences for the patients may result from formation of this eruption path is a genetically
failing orthodontic mobilization and alignment. determined event proceeding independently of
possible pressure components of the erupting
tooth. The retention of teeth in the absence of
Pathogenesis of tooth eruption osteoclasts was confirmed by several studies in
osteopetrotic rats (Cotton et al., 1974; Marks et
Various classical theories have dealt with the al., 1994). Osteoclastogenesis requires the pre-
mechanisms of tooth eruption. Root theory (Tomes, sence of osteoblasts. In mouse studies, the pheno-
1872, and others) implies that the growing root typical occurrence of Cbfa1 (+/), the most
pushes the tooth away from the alveolar bottom important transcription factor for osteoblast dif-
towards the oral cavity. The alveolar theory (Groß, ferentiation, led—besides numerous other skele-
1934, and others) is based on the idea that the pre- ton-associated symptoms—to retardation or even
eruptive growth and transformation processes failure of tooth eruption due to the absence of
within the alveolar bones (apposition) move the osteoblasts (Wise et al., 2002). The processes at
tooth germs in the oral direction. Pulp theory the molecular level run parallel to the cellular
(v. Korff, 1935, and others) suggests that the tooth processes. The basic reaction pathways on the one
is moved lingually by pressure from the pulpal hand lead to the above-mentioned accumulation of
bulge. The explosive effect of the pulpal bulge is monocytes in the dental follicle (Diagram 1) and on
produced by the osmotic pressure of the briskly the other hand to subsequent osteoclastogenesis
proliferating and differentiating mesenchymal (Diagram 2). The molecule probably playing the
cells. The mitotic activity concentrates at the most important role during initiation of the cellular
apical end. The pulp theory has many supporters, processes is the (macrophage) colony-stimulating
Morphological and clinical considerations of first and second permanent molar eruption disorders 355

Alveolar protein (PTHrP), as well as by control of the

epidermal growth factor (EGF) and CSF-1 within
the dental sac itself. Following immigration of the
mononuclear cells, the fusion and formation of
Dental Fusion osteoclasts occurs in a favourable environment.
Follicle This process is influenced by transcription factors
Recruitment Cells Recruitment
such as c-fos and NFkB in the dental follicle, and
the osteoclast-differentiating factor (ODF) in the
Enhances alveolar bone which was demonstrated in knock-
Enhances MCP-1 mRNA CSF-1 mRNA out mice by several studies (Grigoriadis et al.,


EGF Enhances
1994; Franzoso et al, 1997; Kong et al., 1999).
Current concepts of osteoclast differentiation
Enhances accredit three molecules with special roles.
TGF- 1 IL-1 PTHrP Besides the receptor activator of nuclear factor-
6B (RANKL) which has also been referred to as ODF
(as mentioned above) and co-induces osteoclasto-
genesis, the previously mentioned CSF-1 is an
Diagram 1. Schematic sketch of the signaling pathway important factor in osteoclast proliferation and
for recruitment of the mononuclear cells with regard to differentiation (Yasuda et al., 1998; Felix et al.,
the tissue segments involved (after Wise et al., 2002).
1990; Kodama et al., 1991). Amazingly, the
presence of osteoprotegrin (OPG), a RANKL inhi-
bitor blocking differentiation of osteoclasts from
Alveolar progenitor cells, is also an indispensable factor in
Bone tooth eruption (Kong et al., 1999).
RANKL Osteoclast
The complexity of these processes at the cellular
as well as the molecular level despite their high
Dental redundancy incurs various possible disturbances of
Mononuclear Cell Fusion
physiological tooth eruption of local, systemic,
genetic or multicausal origin.



EGF C-Fos NFkB Local factors



CSF-1 Local alterations frequently form a physical

barrier to normal tooth eruption. In the gingiva,

Enhances scar tissue resulting from trauma or surgery,
PTHrP IL-α1 TGF- β1 fibromatous or hyperplastic alterations may ham-
per the eruption of the underlying tooth (Di Biase,
1971; Goho, 1987; Kratz et al., 2002). In the bone,
Diagram 2. Schematic sketch of the signaling pathway supernumeraries, odontogenous or non-odontogen-
for osteoclastogenesis with regard to the tissue segments ous tumours, cysts or cleft anomalies may interfere
involved (after Wise et al., 2002). with proper eruption (Mitchell and Bennett, 1992;
Duque et al., 2004; Kupietzky et al., 2003; Flaitz
et al., 2001; McGuinness et al., 2001).
factor one (CSF-1) (Wise et al., 1995). Together The fusion of cementum or dentine with alveolar
with the monocyte chemotactic protein (MCP 1), bone producing an ankylotic union of tooth and
CSF-1 fulfills a chemotactic function attracting bone is the most frequent local cause of disturbed
mononuclear cells to the dental follicle, with the eruption (Raghoebar et al., 1991; Suri et al., 2004;
redundancy serving to assure their effect on the Alexander et al., 1980). The erupting tooth itself
osteoclast progenitor cells in this critical process may show anomalies of shape or structure of its
during tooth eruption (Wise et al., 2002). Synthesis crown or root, or eruption may be delayed or
and secretion of both chemokines are regulated by hampered by germ displacement or dispersion (Suri
the paracrine signaling pathway between the et al., 2004; Diab and elBadrawy, 2000). Inflamma-
dental follicle and the stellate reticulum involving tion, disturbed resorption, premature loss or
transforming growth factor beta (TGF-b), inter- traumata of primary teeth can cause eruption
leukin-1a (IL-1a) and parathyroid-hormone-related disorders of the corresponding permanent teeth
356 P. Proff et al.

(Johnsen et al., 1977; Northway et al., 2000; Findings and discussion

Yawaka et al., 2002; Diab and elBadrawy, 2000).
Space shortage within the dental arch may lead to Impacted first and second molars are a relatively
disturbed eruption in addition to crowding (Pulver, rare finding, with prevalence rates ranging from
1968; Bjerklin and Kurol, 1983). 0.01 to 0.08 per cent (Valmaseda-Castellon et al.,
1999). However, the consequences of first or second
molar retention are severe, if orthodontic therapy
Systemic factors fails. The loss leads to a restricted chewing
function and, in case of an impacted or missing
Many systemic causes of delayed tooth eruption wisdom tooth, to a prosthetic free-end gap.
are well established. The numerous associations A marked vertical bone deficit makes prosthodontic
between dentition and other physical features have treatment, e.g., using implants, difficult and
been subsumed under the heading of ‘‘dento- requires augmentative bone surgery. Development
somatic correlation’’ (Weyers, 1968). Of great of a posterior open bite results in failing support
importance are factors that exert influence on and consecutive elongation of the antagonists.
growth and development of the skeletal system Partial molar retention poses the risk of a pericor-
(Weyers, 1968; Schumacher et al., 1986). Extreme onal infection with abscess formation.
malnourishment bears on tooth calcification and is In the following sections, four different cases of
a rare systemic cause of delayed tooth eruption impacted permanent molars are presented. The
(Alvarez and Navia, 1989). Endocrine dysfunction tooth formulae are given according to the FDI
such as hypothyreosis, lack of parathyroid hormone (Fédération Dentaire Internationale).
or growth hormone can affect tooth development
and eruption (Suri et al., 2004; Barberia Leache
et al., 1988; Pirinen, 1995).
Case 1
Drugs such as chemotherapeutic agents or antic-
onvulsants, or exposure to noxae such as tobacco The patient presented for orthodontic consulta-
tion at the age of 10 years. The family history was
smoke or radioactive radiation have an impact on
inconspicuous. The clinical examination produced
tooth development and eruption (Minicucci et al.,
evidence of a marked distal bite with increased
2003; Appleton and Leach, 1991; Kieser et al.,
overjet and a deep bite with retained tooth 36 and
1996). Animal studies suggest that hypoxia, ane-
elongated 26. The panoramic image reveals a late
mia, or renal failure may have an effect on human
second stage mixed dentition (Fig. 1). The teeth 75
tooth development and eruption (Suri et al., 2004).
and 85 have not yet exfoliated, while 17,27,37, and
47 have already erupted. Tooth 36 is partially
impacted, the periodontal gap is invisible, root
Genetic factors
growth is almost completed. Tooth 75 displays
distal tipping, with its distal bulge overlapping the
Disturbed tooth eruption occurs in numerous
mesial shoulder of 36. After removal of tooth 75
syndromal diseases or hereditary disorders of tooth
and eruption of 35 and 45, a fixed orthodontic
development (Suri et al., 2004). Various mechan-
appliance was inserted. The panoramic X-ray taken
isms are blamed for manifestation of the disorder.
after two years shows the partially impacted tooth
On the one hand, secondary physical obstacles
occurring in the context of syndromal diseases may 36 with a mesial and distal vertical bone deficit and
halted root growth (Fig. 2). Orthodontic traction
interfere with timely tooth eruption, e.g., multiple
was impossible. Complete ankylosis was revealed
cysts in the Gorlin-Goltz syndrome or in cherubism,
upon extraction. Prosthodontic treatment of the
or supernumerary teeth in cleido-cranial dysostosis
tooth gap was called for in view of the occlusal
or Apert syndrome (Rosenblum, 1998; Schultze-
Mosgau et al., 2003; Jensen et al., 1990; Kaloust
et al., 1997). On the other hand, deformities or
dysfunctions of the tissues and cells involved in Case 2
tooth eruption can be part of a genetic disease
(Rasmussen and Kotsaki, 1997; Zou et al., 2003; The patient presented at the age of 10 with the
Marks, 1995; Marks et al., 1996). Also, a combina- main problem of an intraorally invisible tooth 46.
tion of physical barrier and direct disturbance of Family history was positive for Angle class III
tooth eruption is frequent in syndromal diseases. anomalies (mesial occlusion). The clinical examina-
Suri et al., have tabulated hereditary diseases tion revealed a mesial bite with reduced overbite,
involving disturbed tooth eruption. right-hand crossbite, invisible 46 and elongated 26.
Morphological and clinical considerations of first and second permanent molar eruption disorders 357

Figure 1. Orthopantomogram, Case 1.

Figure 2. Orthopantomogram, Case 1.

The orthopantomogram showed a late second stage tip of 36 was visible, 46 was invisible and not
mixed dentition (Fig. 3). Tooth 46 is completely palpable. The panoramic image showed a mid
retained in the jaw with pericoronal radiolucency. mixed dentition, with presence of all permanent
The apex of the shortened root displays hook- tooth germs except the third molars (Fig. 4). Since
shaped deviations. Tooth 46 was extracted for root growth of the lower 6-year molars is almost
infaust prognosis with orthodontic gap closure from completed, disturbed eruption is assumed instead
distal. of a deviant order of eruption. The anatomical
shape of the second milk molar with its distal bulge
may be a mechanical obstacle to the 6-year molars.
Case 3 After removal of the barrier by exfoliation of the
second milk molars, the 6-year molars appear.
At the age of 9 12 years, the patient presented for
orthodontic consultation. Family history was insig-
nificant. Examination revealed an Angle class II/2 Case 4
anomaly (distal occlusion with steep upper incisor
position). Intraorally, the teeth 16 and 26 were The patient presented for orthodontic consulta-
palpable under the mucosa, the mesiobuccal cusp tion at the age of 10 for aesthetic impairment due
358 P. Proff et al.

Figure 3. Orthopantomogram, Case 2.

Figure 4. Orthopantomogram, Case 3.

to the invisible tooth 21. Family history revealed Tooth 21 was surgically exposed and provided with
that two molars of the mother had not erupted. an attachment. Subsequently, mobilization of 21
Examination showed a distal occlusion with in- will be attempted at minimum.
creased overjet and bilateral posterior open bite.
Intraorally, the teeth 21, 26 and 36 were invisible,
while 64, 65, 74, 75, and 84 presented infraocclu- Concluding considerations
sion. A tongue dysfunction existed. The panoramic
X-ray displayed a second stage mixed dentition Disturbed eruption of permanent molars does not
with impacted 21, 26, and 36, and deficient lead to marked aesthetic impairment such as
posterior vertical development of all quadrants retained incisors or canines, yet functional dis-
(Fig. 5). After paediatric consultation for exclusion orders may develop quite rapidly depending on the
of a syndromal disease, the radiographically non- number of teeth affected. Morphology, topop-
ankylosed impacted teeth indicated a primary graphic-anatomical position, and axial orientation
idiopathic eruption disorder (40). First of all, of the affected tooth, mechanical obstacles on the
orthodontic treatment of the distal occlusion was eruption path, and the condition of the period-
carried out using removable appliances. Radio- ontium play an important role for the prognosis of
graphic follow-up at the age of 12 additionally possible tooth conservation and orthodontic align-
reveals impaction of 17, 27, 37, and 47 (Fig. 6). ment. If the eruption mechanism of the permanent
Morphological and clinical considerations of first and second permanent molar eruption disorders 359

Figure 5. Orthopantomogram, Case 4.

Figure 6. Orthopantomogram, Case 4.

molars is primarily disturbed, orthodontic treat- continuing research in this complex and difficult
ment is almost futile even with normal molar branch of oral biology.
morphology (Proffit and Vig, 1981). In such cases,
treatment options are, besides prosthodontic care,
restricted to surgical tooth alignment using seg-
mental or distraction osteotomy. The limited
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