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If you looking to open your own Anon bank drops for Dropping slips, Wire Transfers,
Direct deposit, and (ACH) Bank Transfers, this is a guide you can follow:


You will need a good fullz preferrably with a high credit score but any fullz will
work unless deceased.

(TIP, if you want 100% success, sometimes automated systems might decline you. So
get a fullz from the state you reside or currently live)


A Fake or Real ID with credentials of the Fullz holders may or may not be
necesscary depending on how smoothly you operate.


You'll need a GPS SPOOFER plus PAID VPN.

Here's the correct fullz format that you'll need to use:

- D.O.B:
- SSN:
- MMN:

Some other details that may or may not be included are the IP ADDRESS,CC,CREDIT

Always do Background checks on your Fullz especially if you plan on using for
opening A Bank Drop.
Fullz also may come with CC but you can put it to the side if it was.

With the GPS SPOOF and PAID VPN,

you will mask your location to one of that is close(same state) to the Fullz holder
As long as it's in the same state, city, it shouldn't really matter it should be a

Once you have those, setup and with your Fullz you're ready to start your process


Direct yourself to the Banking site of your choice.

For this guide, I went with Capital One 360 Account.

Once you're on the site and have opened the application for the 360 acct, start
filling in the Fullz info

Leave EVERYTHING EXACTLY THE SAME except the Email, which you should change to one
that you have access to.

Unless the Fullz you have is in your current state where you are then you may be
able to slide your drop address to receive the card in there

Some banks might ask if your mailing and home address are the same. Untick the box
and enter you drop address there instead.

I suggest opening a free or email in Fullz name once you've
filled in everything. The application will process you to a questions screen on the
Fullz which if you took it upon yourself to do before hand, a background check on
the Fullz will greatly come in handy for this part of the process.

If you answer the questions atleast good enough to fool the system, your drop
application should go through and direct you to a screen with your acct and routing
# or a screen asking you how you will fund the acct.

The bank may send your card as soon as the application was accepted.

If that's your case Do NOT ACTIVATE IT. Instead, wait for it to be delivered or be
Thereafter, go on the app or site and report it lost or stolen. They will then ask
for a new mailing address. Add your drop and if it's not in the state you're in,
they may ask for ID verification.

if your card didn't ship after acception, just go in the acct and change the
address to your drop address.

Again, if it's not in the state where you're getting the card, they may ask for ID

NOTE that Capital one 360 accts give you 60 days to fund the acct if you haven't on
the start up.

Here's one thing to note on the Bank OpenUps and when applying for the Unemployment

Always use a computer and proxy same as state.

Banks can access your cookies and other stuff when you log on a device.

A vpn ain’t always strong enough

That’s why it’s better to use a computer.


Please share send and support ❤️

Enjoy ❤️

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