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Department of Civil Engineering

1. Scientists create new knowledge & theories, while Engineers apply those theories
to invent new machines or devices, systems and structures for the well-being of
the human beings. Explain the above statement briefly with examples

There is a widespread misconception that scientists and engineers are identical. But in reality,
scientists investigate the physical universe, whereas engineers apply specialized knowledge to
the design process and use principles to generate innovative ideas. The objectives of scientists
and engineers are distinct. Scientists work to understand and describe the natural world.
Engineers take into account a variety of criteria and constraints when designing solutions to
issues, needs, and desires that enhance the lives of people, animals, and/or the environment.
For instance, a scientist might read up on the most recent discoveries in their area of study,
come up with some new theories or concepts, and then set out to test them. Their hypothesis
might turn out to be incorrect. That is not a failed experiment; rather, it is a scientific finding
of equal merit.

On the other hand, an engineer creates things that adhere to specifications while working within
the limitations of available technology and expertise. Utilizing cutting-edge technology, an
engineer constructs a bridge. They construct it at a new location under different circumstances
and restrictions. But in order for the bridge to meet recognized requirements for stiffness,
strength, and other factors, they built it using tried-and-true methods. because the bridge must
be raised. Only within a very specific set of constraints are experimental bridges possible.
Possibly, a new, light-weight concrete will be used in a new bridge. However, the new cement
would not have been tried if there was any chance of the bridge collapsing. It may turn out that
this concrete did not, in fact, increase the strength of the bridge. There aren't many different
worlds that can be created in engineering.

Think about a different motor vehicle illustration. The scientist will research the
thermodynamic theories required for creating the internal combustion engine for a car. To
establish how much energy is needed, they will research several formulas and create them. The
engineer, on the other hand, will consider how these concepts, formulas, and theories are
applied in order to choose the design of the internal combustion engine, which will then be
used to produce the automobile's component parts. Despite the fact that these two professions
are distinct domains, we need both parties to collaborate in order to advance human wellness.
It is also usual to find crossover between these two professions, with scientists designing and
building machinery or engineers working on significant scientific breakthroughs.

In other words, engineering develops answers whereas science develops questions. Engineers
contribute to the development of solutions to these challenges while scientists observe and
formulate hypotheses and ideas. Without the other, one profession cannot exist.

2. Engineering has infiltrated to every profession and it makes their lives easy.

Discuss this matter.

We might believe that engineering is only applicable to a single profession and that engineering
degrees and certifications from educational institutions only create engineers who work as
electrical, mechanical, chemical, or civil engineers. But in reality, engineering is present in all
professions, spans a wide range of industries, and simplifies people's lives.

Engineering plays a role in all sectors of society, including health and medicine, business
operations, manufacturing, and even entertainment, in addition to conventional vocations like
mechanics who build machinery, occupations in the industries of construction, information
technology, and transportation. Engineers, for instance, are heavily involved in the design of
medical equipment. Biomedical engineers employ technology to build and enhance medical
research apparatus in addition to helping to design prosthetics. Chemical engineers are required
in the industrial sector to design the most efficient process for transforming raw materials into
manufactured items while minimizing costs and maintaining high standards for quality.

We don't often consider the fact that there are still more jobs that call for some form of
engineering skills. Designing, building, and operating airplanes, aerospace vehicles, and
propulsion systems call for experts in aerospace engineering. Additionally, detailed
maintenance schedules for airplanes must be planned by aerospace engineers, and severe
environmental and safety regulations must be followed. Researchers in the field of agriculture
work to create solutions for issues like salinity and soil erosivity. In order for individuals to
receive additional benefits, they also assist in the invention of new farming and fishing

The construction of massive structures is not the only application of civil engineering. Civil
engineers created the road you travel on to get to the store in order to make the journey as quick
and secure as feasible. The water that comes out of the faucets is designed to get to you as
quickly and cleanly as possible.

Think about the situation of taking a train to Galle. There are indications of engineers from
various fields wherever you look, from the electricity at the train station to the train's design,
the railway's construction, and even the material used for the seats.

Being an engineer entails more than just having a technical understanding of how things
operate. However, it necessitates both the capacity for original thought and sound judgment, as
well as the capacity for managing the technical and administrative work of others. Some of the
biggest and most prosperous businesses in the world are managed by engineers rather than

Everything we use to make our lives simpler is a result of engineering, if we take a moment to
look around and consider it for a second. Therefore, engineering affects every profession and
improves everyone's quality of life. It is not just confined to mechanical, electrical, civil, and
software engineering.

3. Do our Engineers deliver their duty and responsibility to the country when
compared to developed countries? Analyze this matter critically with your
independent views and suggestions.

An engineer's professional life includes a significant amount of social responsibility. When

compared to wealthy nations, Sri Lankan engineers are without a doubt technically proficient
and knowledgeable, yet one could say that they lack a sense of social responsibility. Most of
them only think about their own personal gain and give little thought to their obligations to the
nation. While not all engineers operate in this manner, there are a sizable number in Sri Lanka
that do so without comprehending the effects their job has on people, the environment, society,
or culture.
Engineers in Sri Lanka do their jobs by building infrastructure that keeps the population safe,
creating machines and automobiles with human safety as a top priority, and creating systems,
such water treatment or energy supply, that support the nation's economic development. But
community involvement is one aspect of duty that our nation's engineers lack. Engineers are
also expected to perform professional services on a volunteer basis and without compensation
in many developed nations. This aids in both their learning via service and their understanding
of the social effects of community involvement.

Studies have revealed that a person's view of their societal responsibilities as engineers will
contribute to the nation's development. Only a small percentage of engineering students will
respond when asked if they are interested in changing the world through their education. Any
nation, including the US, Australia, Finland, and Japan, is of the opinion that social justice issues
are part of engineering social responsibility.

Maintaining a balance between the nation's economic and social development is crucial for
developing nations like Sri Lanka. There is only so much an engineer can accomplish if their
exclusive focus is on creating ever-larger structures for faster cars.

Therefore, in my opinion, while engineers in our nation are performing their duties in terms of
economic and personal growth, there is clearly a lack of social responsibility among the
community, which in the long run will be a hurdle that we will need to jump over in order to
catch up to developed countries.

4. Explain the following.


Personal values are "wide desired ideals that direct people's behavior and serve as pillars of
their life," according to the dictionary. Spending time with family and giving to charities are
two examples of personal values. Although everyone has values, those values vary from
person to person. These variations are influenced by a person's culture, upbringing,
experiences, and a host of other factors.

Personal values are attractive to a person and show what is significant to them. The same
value might lead to various behaviors in different people. For instance, if success is a value,
one person may work very hard to succeed in their career, while another person may take
advantage of others to move up the corporate ladder. A person can hold several different
values, giving some values more weight than others. The values that are most important to
you have been found to frequently direct your decision-making in all areas of your life,
including employment, religion, social circles, self-identity, etc.

A personal value is a wide notion that can be used in a variety of contexts. For instance, if
loyalty is a value that is essential to you, this might be applied to your family, friends, or
workplace. Personal beliefs and behavior may or may not be related. An individual may
practice some ideals and put them into practice in daily life. Someone may have a personal
value that is significant to them but does not currently reflect in their daily actions despite
wanting to. Additionally, a person's behavior may not be consistent with their personal

Doing what you think needs to be done requires courage, not in the absence of fear but rather
in defiance of it. Even if you might be hesitant to apologize as you're worried the other
person won't accept it, having guts will enable you to do so. It's up to them whether they
accept your apology or not. Treating others, the way you want to be treated is the essence of
kindness. When you're tempted to say something hurtful, it's more than just keeping your
mouth shut. It finds pleasure in encouraging people and letting them know they are not alone,
helpless, or unimportant. The cornerstone of self-care is kindness toward oneself, which is
equally crucial. Put yourself in the other person's position and respond with respect and
kindness to practice patience. Nobody wants to be treated like a bother or a burden, but
sometimes you have to rearrange your priorities to make place for something (or someone)
more crucial or more likely to advance your development.


Moral principles are subjective principles that uphold the value of life and are considerate of
the dual existence of oneself and others. Truth, freedom, kindness, and other lofty moral
ideals all have something in common. When they work well, they either safeguard or improve
everyone's quality of life. However, they remain relative values.

In order for our moral principles to consistently defend human life, they must be continually
scrutinized. In this situation, even the Marine Corps' core ideals of "honor, courage, and
devotion" need to be examined. Honor can turn into self-righteousness, vanity, and disdain
for other people, while courage can turn into foolish martyrdom. Our adversaries have a
different code of honor, are courageous, and are unquestionably devoted.

Ethics can be thought of as the rules that direct our behavior so that we make the best
decisions for the benefit of everybody. In order to tell the truth, maintain our word, or assist a
stranger in need, we must follow ethical principles. Everyday decisions we make are guided
by an ethical framework that helps us avoid unjust results and helps us make decisions that
have good effects on the world. Through our decisions, ethics teaches us how to improve the
world. The importance of ethics in business and personal life is equal. Business executives
play a special role in determining the ethical climate of their companies, which has an impact
on their larger communities as well. From our personal lives to our professional careers and
beyond, ethics has an impact on the decisions and actions we take. We are all a part of a
global community that is connected. No matter how big or small, our efforts for the common
good can have a significant effect. Living ethically will guarantee that our influence is for the
better. Business leaders have a special chance to establish and shape the ethical culture within
their organizations and among their stakeholders. You will be able to respond to events more
ethically if you even include ethics into your business attitude. Leading by example is a great
place to start if you're unsure how to develop an ethical culture in your company.


The exact meaning of law is up for debate, but it is generally understood to be a set of
regulations that are made and enforced by social or governmental institutions to control
behavior. It has been called both a science and the practice of justice in diverse contexts.
Statutes can be created by a group of legislators or a single lawmaker; the administration can
issue decrees and regulations; or judges can set precedent, mainly in common law
jurisdictions. Private individuals have the power to enact legally binding agreements, such as
arbitration clauses that substitute alternative dispute resolution procedures for traditional
court action. A constitution, whether written or implied, and the rights enshrined within may
have an impact on the laws as they are being made. The law influences politics, economy,
history, and society in a variety of ways and mediates interpersonal conflicts. Comparative
law studies the variations in legal systems across jurisdictions. In civil law jurisdictions, the
law is codified and consolidated by a legislature or other central body. In common law
regimes, judges have the authority to establish precedent that is legally binding, albeit this
can occasionally be overturned by a higher court or the legislature.

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