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This text is about the corruption seen in the government offices and how the sleazy image of an

office can invite more people in, which in turn, will lead to more corruption. The text is in the
form of a comic. It is written and illustrated by R.K. Lakshman who uses ink, which is stark in
appearance against the plain white background. The brushstrokes are casual and thin,
indicating a humorous and satirical tone. The purpose of this text is to express and to showcase
the stereotype of depraved government officers. The cartoon depicts two government officers
standing behind a desk whispering to each other while a brazen man stands to the side, holding
a briefcase. The panel will be appreciated by the general public as this stereotype is still widely

R.K. Lakshman uses an eye-level, medium shot to establish and set the scene. The sign that
says ‘Information’ and posters in the background to give context and to create a backstory.
Although the text does not explicitly state that it is a government office, it is a valid assumption
the viewers make based on the situation and clues from the background. The officers look
frenzied and agitated while the man has a look of annoyance and impatience. The officers say
that the reputation of the office is getting from bad to worse which means that they have been
taking bribes for a while. They are concerned and somewhat surprised by man’s flagrant
request because probably in the past, the people who wanted to bribe the officers were more
discreet about it. This text serves as a sarcastic take on the government and their ‘inability’ to
handle corruption and people who abuse their power while working for them.

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