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Activity 1

 What I can say about the picture below is that I saw a person who is unsure of which path to
take. Yes, I've been in a situation like this before, and it took me a long time to make a decision.
When making decisions, I ask myself if it is beneficial to my life, and then I choose the path that
will allow me to learn and grow, the path that is best for me and those around me.

Activity 2

12 years old

LIFE DECISION: I spend my time with my friends rather than doing my homework.

CONSEQUENCES: a failed grades


LIFE DECISION: attend a birthday celebration

CONSEQUENCES: absent on class


LIFE DECISION: Because of my shyness, I did not wish my brother a happy birthday.

CONSEQUENCES: he was sulked at me

Activity 3

For me, the message of this image is that your actions in the present will affect your future, so we
should be cautious when making decisions in our lives. We should think about our decisions or plans in
our lives before making a move because we can't change the past.

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