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Total recall 400-500

Terms in this set (140)

Dry bulb: wet bulb 70-30


Temp. Requirement 32-25 C

day old to 3 days

Temp. Requirement 20-25 C

for growing birds

Reduction of egg 0.2-0.4 g

weight per degrees
temp change

Reduction of feed 1.5%

intake per defrees
temp change

Embryonic 5 hours after ovulation

development of chick
starts at

First cell division Oviduct

occur in
Total recall 400-500
Fsh in poultry is 15 hours before ovulation
secreted about

LH in poultry is 4-6 hours before ovulation

secreted in about

Feed particle size in 5 mm and 3 mm

broiler and layer

Feed control in layers 1.4 g / bird/ day

for every 50 g lessen
amount of feeds

For every 10% egg 6.5 g per day/bird

production added
increase feed to

Floor soace 1.5-2.0 sq ft/bird

requirement of egg

Floor space 2.5-3.0 sq ft/bird

requirement of broiler

Computation of 5 hens/ nest

number of nest in the

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