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The anti-global impulse
Regional Alternatives to Globalization
You’re studying

The Asia Pacific and South Asia
- Regionalism as a source of resistance to
globalization and Western powers.

- Asian exceptionalism has been prevalent

historically and in contemporary times.

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You’re studying

The Asia Pacific and South Asia
- One example would be the Japanese colonialism
in 1930s through 1940s, which led to the failure
of co-prosperity among Western and Asian

- A modern example is the advocacy of

collectivism through religion of the Asian
countries, while individualism is manifested by
the people in the West.

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You’re studying

The Asia Pacific and South Asia
- Asian values respect, authority, hard work, thrift,
and prices community over individual, hence
they operate through harmony and consensus.

- While Western countries are the antithesis to the

Asian traditions.

- As such, this led to denial of basic rights and


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You’re studying

The Asia Pacific and South Asia
- East Asia Economic Causcus (EAEC) in the 1990,
an organization in place of APEC, in which
ASEAN, China, South Korea, and Japan are the
members. Such organization is not supported by
the Western concepts for strategic partnership.

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You’re studying

The Asia Pacific and South Asia
- Another example would be the emergence of
regional terror networks (terrorism) known as
Jemah Islamiyah or JI.

- It is formed to create an Islamic state mainly in

Asian countries.

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You’re studying

The Asia Pacific and South Asia
- Regionalism can also be seen as various local
movements, but still pursues to combat

- An example would be the creation of a local

currency in a village in Thailand. Instead of
viewing it as “self-sufficiency”, the West
understood it as rejection of culture.

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You’re studying

The Anti-Global Impulse: Regional Alternatives to Globalization
- In understanding the relationship between Asia
Pacific and South Asia, regionalism may be an analytical tool
is assessing globalization.

- Globalization is complex process which can be understood

through its cause and consequences.

- The essay has proposed a view of the Asia Pacific and South
Asia as an object of globalization, a subject of globalization,
and an alternative to globalization.

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You’re studying

The Anti-Global Impulse: Regional Alternatives to Globalization
- Cultures are dynamic and emerge and adapt in the context
of external and even internal changes. In this
- way, processes can be recursive and include both the role of
subject and object simultaneously. While this may
- be true, the benefit of this framework has been to
disaggregate and illustrate the different perspectives instead
- of subsuming them in one whole theoretical approach.

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