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Readings in Philippine History

PROF. Gemirette Pagunuran

Answer: I Choose Reaction Paper
After learning the topics in module 03 and some activities I have focused on a specific topic in the module.The
"Jose Rizal's Retraction" Before Rizal's death, December 30, 1896, it has been told that he signed a paper
withdrawing all the claims he has done against the Spanish government, Friars. And the Church. So, the retraction
issue has begun, whether it is true or not. So, the day of Rizal's execution, He was held in a room alone. He was
escorted by Senor Travielde Andrade and the Jesuit priest Vila Clara.Hours have been passed, an Assistant of the
Plaza, Senor Maure asked Rizal if he wants anything. Then Rizal asked for a prayer book that was brought by a
Father named March. Later that morning, Fr. Balaguer, a priest accompanied in the execution, he testified that
hesaw Rizal had several rude awakenings: confessed, celebrated mass, had Communion, and prayed the Rosary
four Times. After Senior Andrade left, Rizal spoke for a long while with the Jesuit fathers, March and Vila Clara
about religious matters. It happens that the two offered Rizal a retraction letter to withdraw all his claim, but he
refused to sign. They argued about the matter but afterward, Rizal asked the two to leave to write and wrote for a
long time by himself. In the afternoon Father March entered the chapel and Rizal gave him what he had written.
Immediately the chief of the firing squad, Senordel Fresno, and the Assistant of the Plaza, Senor Maure, were
informed. They entered death row and together with Rizal signed the document that the accused had written. It
seems this was the retraction. State the viewpoint/s or argument/s in this resource.

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