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Team work Self-assessment Record Sheet

Social Justice in Education - Faculty of Education - UNED

Group (Optional): Frequency

Observed aspects: Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always

1. Communication among group members flows regularly

2. There is a common interest to explore issues or topics raised

3. The knowledge /experience of each member is taken into account

4. Discrepancies and differences are dealt with constructively

5. Tasks distribution is done in a balanced way

6. Each student assumes his/her responsibility

7. Time is managed effectively in order to deliver the tasks on time.

8. The contributions by each participant are registered in their forum.

9. Students support each other to achieve the group’s goals.

10. Students’ different work rhythms and styles are taken into account
and managed adequately.

The following self-assesment scale can be filled out by each group member individually, or by reaching a
consensus among all members of the group on the rating assigned to each item. It can be presented as
an annex to the Final Report, or as a different file in Entrega de Tareas.

Malik Liévano B., Mamolar Alarcón P., Senrra Varela, M. (2014 ) Based on the observation scale to aassess group work interactions by
Izquierdo M. & Iborra A. (2010)

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