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April Conrady

29 August 2016

Shift Happens is a video made to show just how much the world changes or

“shifts” in a given amount of time. Every fact that was in the video I didn’t even

know about. It starts off by showing how many people are in the world and how

many there will be in the future. Most of the video was using a lot of mathematic

equations to predict how much things are going to change in the future. Some of the

facts are very shocking, some are interesting and some are just plain sad for

Americans. Some sad facts were the fact that the number of people with the highest

IQ in China beats the number of people there are in the entire North America

continent. And there are more honor kids in India, than the number of kids we even


What upset me about the video is when it said that information we learn in

school is more than likely to change or be inaccurate within three years. So

whatever I learned in my subjects in high school, probably nobody is learning in that

same high school today. It’s like when scientists thought the world was flat, but now

we know it’s not and those scientists look dumb. It makes me wonder what we’re

doing today, that in the near or far future, people are going to look back at us and

think how stupid we look. Maybe there will be flying cars in the future and driving

on roads is going to be a slow form of transportation like we think about the past

when people had to ride horse buggies to get anywhere.

When I sit and think about all the things we have right now, I can’t think of

anything else that can be invented. Yet, there are people right now inventing some

new sort of technology or idea that no normal person could ever think of. The world

is still evolving in technology, transportation and the way of life. There are going to

be jobs, education, technology and ways of communication that aren’t even heard of

yet. Today, texting is the most popular way of communication. Before it was e-mail,

call or write a letter. It has changed so much in just one century. What does the

future look like for communication? Maybe we will be holograms talking to friends

and loved ones or maybe you can touch people through the phone, who knows!

But worse, there are going to be problems that we aren’t dealing with today.

With new developments, come new issues and hazards. For example, we have cars

that drive themselves being put on the road. Yes, that is really cool, but now we have

to make sure that these cars aren’t going to malfunction and cause accidents on the

road. Anything run by some sort of technology never lasts forever, and it is

inevitable that something is going to happen to it. Fun fact: About the time it took to

write this, 170 babies were born in America, 700 were born in China and 1,000 were

born in India.

Arithmetic change- speed of something. Change of speed. 2+2+2

Geometric Change- 2x2x2

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