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S.No. Word Meaning Synonyms Antonyms Other form
1 expensive high-priced costly cheap expensively
2 restore bring back rebuild, damage, restoration
reinstate destroy
4 garage a building or indoor repair shop, -- --
area for repairing parking lot
5 brute physical physical, basic refined brutal
6 reveal make known tell, disclose conceal --
7 shallow not deep low, narrow deep --
8 curiosity know about interest, apathy curious
something inquisitiveness
9 scruples sense of right and principles immorality --
10 trenches long deep ditches in ditches, -- --
the ground dugouts
11 crisp crunchy crunchy, soggy --
12 frosty icy icy, cool warm frost
13 schnapps a German drink made -- -- --
from grain
14 sausage minced pork, beef, or -- -- --
other meat
15 outstretched widely spread extended forded --
16 warmly in a friendly way affectionately, apathetically warm,
lovingly warmth
17 huddles gather together groups, crowd scatterings --
18 resolve come to a decision decide, agree indecision resolution
19 drifting go with the flow wandering, settled --
20 dugouts pits pits, bunkers -- --
21 carols choruses songs, chants -- --
22 treasure valuables wealth, money -- --
23 conservatory school of the arts -- -- --
24 suffused covered covered, filled -- --
25 tenderly kind-heartedly warmly, unkindly --
Reading Comprehension Passage I

“I spotted it in a junk shop………………………………………………………………………………………..

…………………………………………………………………inside the box there was an envelop.”

Questions and Answers:

Q1: What did the author find in a junk ship?

Ans: The author found a roll-top desk of nineteenth century made of oak.

Q2: How was the roll-top desk?

Ans: The roll-top was in a bad condition. The roll-top in several pieces, one leg clumsily
mended, scorch marks all down one side.

Q3: Why did the author buy that roll-top in bad condition?
Ans: Because it was going for very little money and he thought that he could restore it.

Q4: “It would be a risk, a challenge.” Why did the speaker think so?
Ans: It was a challenge for the author to restore the roll-top and had the risk of loosing
his money.

Q5: What made the desk badly damaged?

Ans: Both fire and water badly damaged the desk.

Q6: What did the author do to open the stuck drawer?

Ans: The author used brute force to open the stuck drawer.

Q7: What did the last drawer reveal when it was opened?
Ans: The last drawer revealed a shallow space underneath, a secret drawer.

Q8: How was the handwriting on the piece of notepaper?

Ans: The handwriting was shaky.

Q9: What was written on the notepaper in shaky handwriting?

Ans: Jim’s last letter received on 25 January, 1915. To be buried with me when the
time comes.

Q9: What did the author find in the secret drawer? ( a )

Ans: a) a small black tin box b) notepaper c) shaky handwriting

Q10: What was wrong according to the speaker? ( c )

Ans: a) to buy a damaged roll-top desk b) trying to restore it
c) to open the box found in the desk.

Q11: Why did the speaker open the box? ( b )

Ans: a) because it was wrong b) out of his curiosity
c) because it was his desk

Q12: Pick out the word from the above text which means ‘right or wrong.’ ( b )
Ans: a) brute b) scruples c) shallow

Reading Comprehension Passage II

Dearest Connie,
I write to you in a much…………………………………………………………….
………………………………………………….. not a rifle between them.

Questions and Answers:

Q1: Who was the letter addressed to?

Ans: The letter was addressed to Connie.

Q2: Why did Jim write that letter?

Ans: Jim wrote that letter to share his happiness with Connie as something wonderful
was happened.

Q3: Where was Jim when he wrote the letter to Connie?

Ans: Jim was in the war against the Germans.

Q4: ‘We were all standing in our trenches.” Who does the word ‘we’ refer to?
Ans: The word ‘we’ refers to the British soldiers.

Q5: Where were the British soldiers standing?

Ans: The British soldiers were standing in the trenches.

Q6: How was the day?

Ans: The day was crisp, quiet, cold and frosty

Q7: What was the first sign from the German soldiers to celebrate Christmas with
their enemy?
Ans: The German soldiers waved a white flag from their trenches.

Q8: What do the words ‘Fritz’ and ‘Tommy’ refer to?

Ans: The word ‘Fritz’ refers to a German soldier as Fritz is a common German name.
The word ‘Tommy’ refers to a British soldier as ‘Tommy’ is a common English

Q9: What was a big surprise for the British soldiers?

Ans: Being wished by the enemy army on Christmas day was a big surprise for them.

Q10: How can you say that Jim didn’t believe the German soldiers first?
Ans: Jim told his men that it was a trick.

Q11: What things did the German soldiers bring to celebrate Christmas?
Ans: The German soldiers brough schnapps and sausage.

Q12: When did the British soldiers believe the German soldiers?
Ans: The British soldiers noticed dozens of the Germans walking towards them
and there was not even a single rifle between them.
Q13: Why were the soldiers standing in the trenches? ( b )
Ans: a) because it was the British rule b) because they were fighting the Germans
c) because it was a Christmas day

Q14: Why did the German soldiers wave the white flag? ( c )
Ans: a) because they wanted to make peace with the British
b) because they wanted to stop the war.
c) because they wanted to celebrate Christmas with the British soldiers.

Q15: Why was Jim ashamed? ( a )

Ans: a) Because the German soldiers initiated to celebrate Christmas with the British.
b) because the British soldiers initiated to celebrate Christmas with the German
c) because Jim could not spend Christmas with Connie

Reading Comprehension Passage III:

The time came, and all too soon,………………………………………………..

………………………………………………………………………. I am sure for it.
Your loving, Jim.

Questions and Answers:

Q1: Why did they play a football game?

Ans: They played a football game as a part of Christmas celebrations.

Q2: How did they celebrate Christmas?

Ans: By playing a football match and sharing schnapps, the rum and the sausage.

Q3: How did Jim wish Hans?

Ans: Jim wished Hans that he hoped the fighting would end soon and he would see
his family again soon.

Q4: “I think that is what every soldier wants, on both sides,” Has Wolf said.
What does every soldier want on both sides?
Ans: The war would end soon and they would meet their families.

Q5: What did the British soldiers hear ever after coming back to their dugouts?
Ans: The British soldiers heard the German soldiers singing a carol quite beautifully.

Q6: How did the British soldiers respond to the carol?

Ans: The British soldiers gave them a rousing chorus.

Q7: What did Jim come to know from all that happened?
Ans: Jim came to know how much both armies long for peace.

Q8: Why did Jim feel the day was a treasure to them? ( a )
Ans: a) because had a time of peace and goodwill.
b) because they played a football match
c) because they shared schnapps and the rum

Q9: What was Jim sure of? ( b )

Ans: a) Jim was sure of that they would win the next football match.
b) Jim was sure that the war would come to an end very soon.
c) Jim was sure that they would celebrate Christmas again.

Reading Comprehension Passage IV:

The old lady was sitting in a wheelchair…………………………………………….

…………………………………………………… ow much you love marzipan.”

Questions and Answers:

Q1: Describe the old lady.

Ans: The old lady was sitting in a wheelchair with folded hands in her lap, having
silver white hair pinned into a wispy bun.

Q2: What was the old lady doing?

Ans: She was gazing out at the garden.

Q3: Why did the old lady look at him vacantly?

Ans: Because the old lady didn’t know the man who wished her.

Q4: What did the author do when he met the old lady?
Ans: The author wished her happy Christmas and handed her the tin box.

Q5: When were her eyes lit up?

Ans: When she recognized the tin box and letter in it her eye lit up with a sudden glow
of happiness.

Q6: Why were her eye filled with tears?

Ans: Because she thought that Jim came back to her as he promised.

Q7: Who did Connie think her visitor was?

Ans: Connie thought her visitor was her own husband, Jim Macpherson.

Q8: Why did the old lady (Connie) want the author to read the letter for her?
Ans: Because the old lady (Connie) thought he was Jim, her husband.

Q9: What is Connie’s Christmas present? Why is it the best Christmas present in the
Ans: Connie thought that Jim had come back home from war. She mistook the author for
Jim. She had been waiting for her husband Jim. So the coming home of Jim was the
best Christmas present in the world for her.
Q10: “I don’t think she was listening.” Why wasn’t she listening? ( c )
Ans: a) because she was reading the letter
b) because she was very old
c) because she was in immense happiness to have the letter again

Q11: What did the old lady want the author to do for her? ( b )
Ans: a) the old lady wanted the author to be with her forever
b) the old lady wanted the author to read the letter for her
c) the old lady wanted the author to go back to war again


Reading Comprehension Questions:

Q1: What was the young cricket accustomed to?

Ans: The young cricket was accustomed to sing all through the day.

Q2: How did the young cricket spend summer and spring seasons?
Ans: The silly young cricket spent the warm, sunny months of summer and spring by
singing and busy enjoying.

Q3: The cricket says, “Oh! What will become of me?” When does he say it, and why?
Ans: The cricket says these words when he finds no food in his home to eat in winter.

Q4: How was the winter described in the poem?

Ans: In winter the ground was covered with snow, not a flower and a leaf were seen.

Q5: What made the cricket bold at last?

Ans: Starvation and famine made the cricket bold at last.

Q6: Where did the cricket go keep him alive?

Ans: The cricket went to a miserly ant.

Q7: What did the cricket request the ant to give him?
Ans: The cricket requested the ant to give him a mouthful of grain, shelter from rain. (or)
The cricket requested the ant to give him food and shelter.

Q8: How did the ant respond to the cricket?

Ans: The ant said that it was the servant and friend of the cricket but it would neither
borrow nor lend anything.

Q9: Why didn’t the ant give food and shelter to the cricket? ( b )
Ans: a) because the ant didn’t have any food to give
b) because the ant neither lend nor borrow
c) because the ant didn’t like the cricket

Q10: Why didn’t the cricket save anything for winter? ( a )

Ans: a) because he was busy singing and enjoying all through the summer and spring.
b) because he thought of asking the ant to give him some food
c) because he was lazy

Q11: What advice did the ant give the cricket to do in winter? ( c )
Ans: a) go and find a suitable place
b) to ask someone for food
c) to dance in the winter

S.No. Word Meaning Synonyms Antonyms Other form
1 tsunami a very large and powerful -- -- ---
wave caused by
earthquakes under sea.
2 archipelago a group of many -- -- --
islands and the
surrounding sea
3 tremor a slight shake shiver, -- --
4 chaos complete disorder and disorder, order --
confusion confusion
5 rescue save someone from a save abandon --
dangerous situation
6 daze a state of confusion shock, -- --
7 cling hold on tightly to hang, grip, give up --
8 traumatized greatly shocked and hurt, shock -- --
9 recede move back withdraw advance --
10 massive exceptionally large huge, tiny, compact --
11 triggered activated activated, halted --
12 whirlpools a quick rotation of -- -- --
water in a river or sea
13 landslides a collapse of rock from -- -- --
a mountain
14 refuge place of safety shelter -- --
15 surge outpouring flow, flood -- --
16 abandoned give up completely leave, keep, abandonment
discard continue
17 enticed attract by offering tempt, attract repel --
18 possess have have, own lack possession
19 disaster a natural catastrophe tragedy, -- --
20 realise understand clearly understand fail realisation
21 hysterical feeling extreme agitated, composed hysteria
22 carcass the dead body of an remains, -- --
animal skeleton
23 excited very eager eager, calm, excitement
enthusiastic indifferent
24 slammed shut forcefully crashed, praised --
Reading Comprehension Passage I

Thirteen year old Meghana………………………………………………………………

……..………………………………………………………….is still traumatized.

Questions and Answers:

Q1: How many people were swept away along with Meghna?
Ans: Seventy seven people were swept away along with Meghna.

Q2: How many days did Meghna spend in the sea?

Ans: Meghna spent two days floating in the sea.

Q3: How did Meghna spend two days in the sea?

Ans: Meghna spend two days in the sea holding on to a wooden door.

Q4: How was she brought to the shore?

Ans: She was brought to the shore by a wave.

Q5: How was she when she reached the shore?

Ans: She was in a daze.

Q6: When did the tremors come?

Ans: The tremors came early in the morning.

Q7: What was Almas’ family doing when the tremors came?
Ans: Almas’ family was sleeping when the tremors came.

Q8: How did Almas’ mother and aunts try to save their lives?
Ans: They stood clinging to the leaves of a coconut tree but a wave uprooted the tree and they
were washed away.

Q9: Pick out the word from the above text which means ‘greatly shocked.’
Ans: Traumatised.

Q10: Why didn’t the relief helicopters save Meghna? ( a )

Ans: a) because the relief helicopters didn’t see Meghna.
b) because the helicopters couldn’t reach Meghna.
c) because Meghna saw the relief helicopters eleven times.

Q11: Why did Almas Javed’s family go to Port Blair? ( b )

Ans: a) to celebrate Almas birthday.
b) to celebrate Christmas.
c) to see Tsunami

Q12: Where was Almas’ when she woke up? ( c )

Ans: a) She was on the log of wood.
b) She was clinging to the leaves of a coconut tree.
c) She was in a hospital in Kamorta.
Reading Comprehension Passage II:

Now here is a story from Thailand…………………………………………………………

………………………………………………. volcanoes and landslide.

Q1: Where did the Smith’s family come from?

Ans: The Smith’s family came from South-East, England.

Q2: Why were they in Thailand?

Ans: They were in Thailand to celebrate Chirstmas.

Q3: How old was Tilly Smith?

Ans: Tilly Smith was a ten-year old school girl.

Q4: What was the reason for the deadly Tsunami?

Ans: The deadly Tsunami was caused by a massive earthquake near northern Sumatra.

Q5: What did Penny Smith remember?

Ans: Penny Smith remembered that the water was swelling and kept coming.

Q6: What did Tilly Smith sense?

Ans: Tilly Smith sensed that something was wrong.

Q7: Why did Tilly Smith sense that something was wrong?
Ans: She remembered that she had seen the same scenes like foam, whirlpools etc.
in a video of tsunami in her geography class.

Q8: Who showed her the video?

Ans: Her geography teacher had shown her class the video.

Q9: Why was the beach getting smaller and smaller? ( b )

Ans: a) because the Smith’s family was moving away from the beach
b) because the sea water was swelling and kept coming in
c) because of a massive earthquake

Q10: Tsunamis can be caused by ---------------------------- ( c )

Ans: a) earthquakes
b) volcanoes and landslides
c) both a & b

Reading Comprehension Passage III:

Many people believe that……………………………………………………………………….

…………………………………………….. and most probably saved his life.

Q1: What did many people believe?

Ans: Many people believed that animals possess a sixth sense and know when the earth is
going to shake.

Q2: What did some experts believe?
Ans: Some experts believe that animals’ more acute hearing helps them to hear or feel the
earth’s vibration. They can sense an approaching disaster long before humans realise
what’s going on.

Q3: How many people and animals were killed by the giant waves of the Indian Ocean?
Ans: More than 1,50,000 were killed in a dozen countries but not many animals have been
reported dead.

Q4: What interesting fact was observed in Cuddalore coast?

Ans: Along India’s Cuddalore coast, where thousands of people perished, buffaloes, goats
and dogs were found unharmed.

Q5: Where is the Yala National Park located?

Ans: The Yeala National Park is located in Srilanka.

Q6: What do you find in the Yala National Park?

Ans: The Yala National Park is home to a variety of animals including elephants, leopards,
and 130 species of birds.

Q7: How many people were washed away from the beach inside the park?
Ans: Sixty visitors were washed away from the Patanangala beach inside the park; but
no animals carcasses were found.

Q8: What did the people at the Yala National Park observe an hour before tsunami hit?
Ans: The people at the Yala National Park observed three elephants running away from
the Patanangala beach.

Q9: What did a Sri Lankan gentleman say about his dogs’ behaviour that day?
Ans: He said that his dogs refused to go for their daily run on the beach.

Q10: “not many animals have been reported dead” What might be reason? ( b )
Ans: a) tsunami can’t kill animals
b) animals could sense the approaching danger long before humans
c) animals know when disasters will happen

Q11: Pick out the word from the above text which means ‘remains of animals.’ ( a )
Ans: a) carcasses b) perished c) realise

GEOGRAPHY LESSON (Poem by Zulfikar Ghose)

Comprehension Questions:

Q1: Find three or four phrases in stanzas one and two which are likely to occur in a
geography lesson.
Ans: 1.scaled six inches to the mile
2. valleys were populated
3. land and water attracted man.

Q2: Seen from the window of an aeroplane, the city appears ( iii )
Ans: (i) as haphazard as on ground.
(ii) as neat as a map.
(iii) as developed as necessary.

Q3: Which of the following statements are examples of “the logic of geography”?
Ans: i) There are cities where there are rivers ( T )
ii) Cities appear as they are not from six miles above the ground
iii) It is easy to understand why valleys are populated ( T )
‘ iv) It is difficult to understand why humans hate and kill one another ( T )
v) The earth is round, and it has more sea than land.

Q4: Mention two things that (i) CLEAR from the height (ii) NOT CLEAR from the
Ans: i. From the height, it is clear that the cities and valleys of various countries are
populated near the rivers. Besides, it also implies that the earth is round and that it
had more sea than land.

ii. From the height, it is difficult to understand why the men on the earth find reasons
to hate each other and build walls across the cities and want to kill.

Q5: What was clear to the poet when the jet sprang into the sky?
Ans: When the jet sprang into the sky it was clear to the poet that the city had developed as
per the necessity of the people but not as per proper planning.

Q6: How was the city when the poet looked at it from the jet?
Ans: The city seemed unplanned and unorganised. It did not have any particular style and

Q7: What did the poet notice when the jet reached ten thousand feet high?
Ans: The poet noticed why the country had cities near the rivers and why the valleys were

Q8: What was the logic of geography?

Ans: The land and water attracted man.
S.No. Word Meaning Synonyms Antonyms Other forms
of word
1 glimpse a quick look sight, preview stare --
2 martyr a person who is victim, sufferer -- --
killed because of
their religious
3 conquest subjugation takeover, invasion release --
4 subdue calm down pacify, calm aggravate --
5 dethrone unseat defeat, remove install --
6 preach deliver an address speak, lecture -- --
7 scorned turned down refused admired scornful
8 abandon leave uncared leave, quit continue abandonment
9 starvation food shortage hunger, famine -- starve
10 despise look down on hate admire --
11 superstition a false belief misconception -- --
12 suspicious doubtful doubtful, trust suspicion
13 oppression domination domination liberty oppress
14 intellectual knowledgeable intelligent ignorant intellect
15 massacre killing a large death, slaughter -- --
number of people
16 brewing growing developing -- --
17 humiliate make feel degrade, dignify humiliation
ashamed dishonour
18 revolt revolution revolution, attract --
19 patriot a person who loyalist, partisan turncoat patriotism
loves his country
20 abolish put an end to stop, end establish abolition
21 pittance a small amount of -- -- --
22 adjutant a military officer -- -- --
23 upsurge a sudden rise -- -- --
24 pounce spring suddenly -- -- --

Reading Comprehension Exercise I:

1. The Martyrs (page 36) 2. The Company’s Conquests (page 37)

3. British Rule (page 38)

Q1: What is the first picture about?

Ans: The first picture is about the Martyrs.

Q2: What appeal did the speaker in the first picture make to the countrymen?
Ans: The speaker appealed the countrymen to recall the sacrifices of India’s martyrs.

Q3: Who do you see in the first picture?

Ans: I see many martyrs like Mahatma Gandhi, Nehru, Lal Bahadur Sastry, Tilak, Bhagat
Singh, Jhansi Lakshmi bai, Bahadur Shah Jafar, Lala Lajapati Roy, Netaji and many

Q4: What does the second picture tell us?

Ans: The second picture tells us about the company’s conquests between 1757-1849.

Q5: What do you understand by the company’s superior weapons?

Ans: The company’s superior weapons refer to advanced guns and cannons and their
policies like ‘divide and rule’ etc.

Q6: Do you think the Indian princes were short-sighted in their approach in 1857?
Ans: Yes. The Indian princes were short-sighted in their approach as they failed to under-
stand the bad intentions of the British and quarreled among themselves.

Q7: How did the East India Company subdue the Indian princes?
Ans: The East India Company subdued the Indian princes by taking the advantage of the
rivalry among the Indian princes.

Q8: What ideas did the religious leaders preach between 1765-1836?
Ans: Religious leaders preached the ideas like untouchability and child marriages.

Q9: Name some superstitions preached by the religious leaders in those days?
Ans: 1. Anyone who crosses the seas loses his religion.
2. All the misery in the world is due to women.

Q10: Who is an artisan? What happened to him during the British rule?
Ans: An artisan is a skilled worker in making things by hand. The British policies ruined
the artisans and their business.

Q11: In the year 1765 in India ( c )

(a) The British Govt, ruled most of the country

(b) East India Company ruled most parts of India
(c) Indian princes ruled most of the country
(d) The Mughals ruled the whole country

Q12: From 1757 to 1849, there was no peace in India because ( a )

(a) the Indian Princes kept fighting each other

(b) the East India Company was cruel
(c) Tipu Sultan fought the British
(d) there were Hindu-Muslim riots

Q13: Indian princes were subdued because ( b )

(a) they were not strong (b) of their rivalry
© the British defeated them (d) they were not good

Q14: The business community welcomed the British because ( c )

(a) they liked Europeans

(b) they disliked their own countrymen
(c) the British rule had brought a degree of peace
(d) they were afraid of the British

Reading Comprehension Exercise II:

4. Ram Mohan Roy (1772-1833) 5. Oppressions ( (1765-1835)

6. Dissatisfaction (1835-56)

Q1: Who was Ram Mohan Roy?

Ans: Ram Mohan Roy was a learned man from Bengal.

Q2: Quote the words of Ram Mohan Roy to say that every religion teaches the same
Ans: Cows are of different colours, but the colour of their milk is the same. Different
teachers have different opinions but the essence of every religion is the same.

Q3: What was he attracted by?

Ans: He was attracted by science and modern knowledge.

Q4: Why did he go to England?

Ans: He went to England to see what made the British powerful.

Q5: Which act had the British passed in 1818 to oppress the Indians?
Ans: The British had passed Regulation III. Under it an Indian could be jailed without trial
in a court.

Q6: Who suggested a change in the Indian education system?

Ans: In 1835, a Englishman named Macaulay suggested a change in the Indian education

Q7: Who did the English education produce?

Ans: The English education produced clerks and it also produced a new generation of

Q8: By which year had the British conquered the whole of India?
Ans: The British had conquered the whole of Indian by 1856.

Q9: What did the group of intellectuals think to improve the material conditions of the
Ans: They decided to convey their grievances to the British Parliament.
Q10: The worst sufferers under the British rule were ( d )
(a) who served in East India Company (b) the business community
(c) the religious leaders (d) the poor farmers and artisans

Q11: In the early nineteenth century Raja Ram Mohan Roy was ( b )

(a) an able fighter (b) an important reformer

(c) a great religious person (d) a great king

Q12: Under Regulation III of the British rulers ( d )

(a) Indians were to pay higher taxes (b) British goods became cheap
(c) cotton-wearers became poor
(d) Indians could be jailed without trial in a court.

Q13: Between 1822 and 1836 ___ people died of starvation in India. ( b )

(a) ten thousand (b) fifteen lakh

(c) fifty thousand (d) forty lakh

Q14: What did the British impose on the Indian farmers? ( a )

(a) Heavy taxes (b) Service taxes

(c) Regulation II (d) Regulation III

Q15: What was the value of the British goods exported to India in 1829? ( c )

(a) Five crores (b) Six crores

(c) Seven crores (d) Eight crores

Q16: How does the speaker explain the problem to his wife? ( a )

(a) By giving the example of cows and milk

(b) By giving the example of great leader
(c) By giving the example of religious leaders
(d) By giving the example of different teachers

Q17: Which Englishman reported the plight of India to England? ( b )

(a) Babington Macaulay (b) General Bentinck

(c) William Jones (d) Simon John
Reading Comprehension Exercise III:

7. The Sparks (1855-57) 8. Revolt (1857) 9. The Fight for Freedom (1857)

Q1: Why did the Santhals in Bengal become desperate?

Ans: The Santhals in Bengal became desperate as they lost their lands under new land

Q2: What did the Santhals do in desperation?

Ans: The Santhals rose in rebellion and massacred Europeans and their supporters alike.

Q3: Why was discontent brewing in the East India Company army?
Ans: Discontent was brewing in the East India Company army because the Indian soldiers
were getting pittance and the while soldiers were getting huge pay and mansions to
live in.

Q4: Why were chapatis sent from village to village?

Ans: Chapatis were sent from village to village to tell the people that their emperor would
want their services.

Q5: What did sepoy Mangal Pande do?

Ans: Sepoy Mangal Pande attacked the adjutant of his regiment and was executed.

Q6: What happened in Meerut in 1857?

Ans: There was a violent outbreak in 1857 in Meerut and the sepoys marched to Delhi.

Q7: Name these people:

i) The ruler who fought pitched battles against the British and died fighting

ii) The person who wanted to reform the society RAM MOHAN ROY

iii) The person who recommended the introduction of English education in India

iv) Two popular leaders who led the revolt.


Q8: Mention the following:

i) Two examples of social practices prevailing then.


ii) Two oppressive policies of the British.


iii) Two ways in which common people suffered

Q9: What were the reasons behind the prospering British? ( a )

(a) Company’s loot (b) Killing of Indians

(c) Divide and rule policy (d) Missionary zeal

Q10: Who killed the adjutant of his regiment? ( b )

(a) Bentinck (b) Mangal Pandey

(c) Macaulay (d) Kunwar Singh

Q11: The grease on the bullet the Indian soldiers had to bite was made from ( c )
(a) cows and buffaloes (b) pigs and buffaloes
© cows and pigs (d) none of the above

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