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Department of Computer Engineering

Academic Session: 2022

Assignment 4

Submitted to:

 Sir Sheharyar Khan

Submitted by:

 Zara Khan
 22-CP-Omega

Subject Details:

 Computing Fundamentals (Lab)

Dated: 21 –10-2022

University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila

Write all tags we learnt in Lab?
1)<html>: It is the root element of an html page.
2)<head>: The <head> element is a container for
metadata (data about data) and is placed between the
<html> tag and the <body> tag.
3)<body>: Defines the document's body
4)<br>: Defines a single line break
5)<b>: Defines bold text
6)<h1> to <h6>: Defines HTML headings
 <h1>: Heading 1
 <h2>: Heading 2
 <h3>: Heading 3
 <h4>: Heading 4
 <h5>: Heading 5
 <h6>: Heading 6
7)<img>: Defines an image
8)<ol>: Defines an ordered list
9)<ul> : Defines an unordered list
10)<li> : Defines a list item
11)<a> : Defines a hyperlink
12)<p>: Defines a paragraph.
What Is HTML and why we need to learn this
HTML: HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is the code
that is used to structure a web page and its content. For example,
content could be structured within a set of paragraphs, a list of
bulleted points, or using images and data tables. Html is just like
the skeleton of a webpage with CSS, and JavaScript acting as
the muscles and skin of it. In HTML, content could be structured
within a set of paragraphs, a list of bulleted points, or using
images and data tables.

Why do we need to learn HTML?

HTML is the language used to tell your web browser what each
part of a website is. So, using HTML, you can define headers,
paragraphs, links, images, and more, so your browser knows
how to structure the web page you're looking at. So, HTML is a
high-level language and is the foundation of all webpages. It
provides a platform for the web page to stand on.

Lab task 1:
Perform these below Steps and write your Name?
Here is the code for the above task:
<h1>Zara Khan</h1>

Lab Tasks 2
Repeat above steps and add following code in <body> </body> Section?
<h1>Your name </h1>
<h2> Your Age </h2>
<h3> Education </h3>
<h4> Village Name </h4>
<h5> Your Address </h5>

Here is the code for the above task:

<title>My First Page</title>
<h1>Zara Khan</h1>
<h2>18 Years</h2>
<h3>FSC in Pre-Engineering (12 years of education) <h3>
<h5>House no. J246, Street no.32, Arya Mohallah, Murree Road, Rawalpindi. </h5>


The file to this task is attached.

Analyze the output and explain you learn from this above code?
The results show how we can customize the headings. There are 5 headings and we
can use them to have a specific size. So, I learned that when I used the heading tags
and wrote my content in between the size of each one changed.
Write your cv in Html and attach CV.html file?
Here is the code for the above task:
<title> MY CV</title>
<h1 style="text-align:centre;color:#7c11b7">Zara Khan</h1>
<p>Address: House # J246, Street # 32<br>Rawalpindi,Punjab, 46000<br>Phone number: 0333-
<h2 style="color:#990257;"><b>Work Experience</b></h2><hr>
<p><b>Company name, Dates of Employment</b><p>
<li>Job Title, Description, responsibilities</li>
<p><b>Company name, Dates of Employment</b><p>
<li>Job Title, Description, responsibilities</li>
<p><b>Company name, Dates of Employment</b><p>
<li>Job Title, Description, responsibilities</li>
<h2 style="color:#990257;"><b>Education</b></h2><hr>
<li> Viqar-un-Nisa School Girls Higher Secondary Institute - Rawalpindi, Punjab.</li>
<li>Attended: 2009 - 2020</li><br>
<h2 style="color:#990257;"><b>Achievements</b></h2><hr>
<li>First position in debate competition</li>
<li>Second position in Urdu speech contest</li>
<li>Gold medal in Science project</li>
<li>Shield of Honor in 6th Artbeat Competition</li>
<li>Ceritficate in Freelancing Course</li>
<li>Certificate in Creative Writing Course</li> <br>
<h2 style="color:#990257;"><b>Skills</b></h2><hr>
<li>Advanced skills in Html, CSS and C++</li>
<li>Advanced skills in Adobe Photoshop</li>
<li>Content writing skills</li>

The file of this CV is attached.
Write all Shortcut keys of Windows +Powerpoint+ Excel+ Words?
Already Submitted in hardcopy.

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