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To: RGV Inc
From: Eduardo Galvan


Re: Revenue Assessment

Thank you for the opportunity to assess your sales data in order to provide recommendations
for increasing your sales. The analysis and recommendations below are based on the data you
provided, which covers a period from May 2004 through June 2006. The analysis below is
based on this data alone. Therefore, our recommendations should be tempered by your
knowledge of business realities and your market. Please let us know if we can answer any
questions concerning the analysis or the recommendations provided.

ANALYSIS 1 [Highest selling product]


From the analysis made, it was found that beverages had the highest amount of total revenue.
Among the top 10 products with the highest total revenue, beverages took 9 out of 10 spots.


Total revenue
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Based on the analysis made, it is recommended to purchase more of the items that provide a product
discount. As is, beverages have the highest purchase price, by purchasing more units that come with a
discount, the purchase price will be less.

ANALYSIS 2 [Lowest Selling Product]


In this analysis, it is determined that the seafood product Konbu, is the lowest when it comes to

Total revenue. From all countries the USA brings in the most per average, while the UK brings

In the least.


Konbu total revenue



As seen in the chart, the total revenue brought in by the USA compared to the UK in the product

Konbu is massive. It is recommended for the UK market to seek coaching and advertising when

When it comes to selling this specific product.

ANALYSIS 3 [Top Salesperson]


The next analysis will focus on the top salesperson. The data was gathered from the past 3

Years and total amount of revenue made in that time. Upon analyzing, it is discovered that

Peacock is the top salesperson, while Buchanan is at the bottom of the table.

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Total Revenue
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Do Bu


The best recommendation based on this data is to set an employment quota. Meaning, if an

Employee does not make profit by the third quarter of the year, they should be put in probation,

If then, the quota is not met, the salesperson will be terminated.

ANALYSIS 4 [Quarterly Sales]


The fourth analysis focuses on the total revenue made by the top performing salesperson in

All 4 quarters of the year. It will be analyzed at what point the total revenue begins to decline.


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Quartely Sales
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

2014 2015 2016

As per the information and analysis shown by the graph, the biggest recommendation is to

Establish a higher quota for quarter 2 and 3. The chart shows a major dip from quarter 1

And onto quarters 2,3, and 4. By establishing a higher quota, there will be a sense of

Urgency when it comes to achieving a higher amount of total revenue.

ANALYSIS 5 [Total Revenue in 3 years]


For this section, the total revenue from 2014-2016 was analyzed. As per the data

It is shown how total revenue has fluctuated over those 3 years. The main concept

To take from this is how each year is a representation of each salesperson and

How they performed.


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Sales Revenue in 3 years







2014 2015 2016


After the analysis, the recommendation is to promote salesperson incentives and bonuses by

Reaching and exceeding records held in previous years. This will only ensure maximum

Motivation throughout the year and prevent all of the salesperson from not outperforming each

And every year.

ANALYSIS 6 [Unit Purchase Price Over the Years]


For this analysis, the fluctuation of unit purchase price was measured through the past

3 years. The highest price was gotten from each year from 3 products, beverages, seafood, and

Dairy products.


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Unit Purchase Prices Over the Years






2014 2015 2016

Beverages Seafood Dairy Products


As seen with the graph, from the years 2014-2016 there was an increase in unit purchase price.

The best method in order to conform with the increase in price is to only purchase the units that

Are selling more than the others. For example, seafood sells the least from most products, due

This, it is best to minimalize the purchasing of this item, and instead purchase items such as

Beverages that sell the most.

From completing this excel project, I learned something very valuable. I learned the importance

of data driven decision making, for example, by analyzing issues and recommending solutions I know it

prepares me to make any big decision based off facts and data gathered. Not only that, I have learned

how to view data and finally understand the concept and how to make it even more understandable to

myself and others. The importance of being able to utilize data and make decisions based on factual

evidence is very important when it comes to leading and organization. As we have been learning all

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semester long, it is best to make a decision based off fact and evidence instead of pure feelings and


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