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Building and Management International Conference

International Congress of Management in Building

Authors: Author's initial. First letter of name . SURNAME, SURNAME ; Author's
initial. First letter of name . SURNAME, SURNAME.

Paper No.:


Ronaldo FAUSTINO a , João MANOEL b , Yuri MORAES c , André MIRANDA d .
Prof. PhD, Federal Institute of Science and Technology of Pernambuco - IFPE, DACS, Av. Prof. Luís
Freire, 500 , 50740-545, Recife-Brasil, .
Prof. PhD, Federal Institute of Science and Technology of Pernambuco - IFPE, DACS, Av. Prof. Luís
Freire, 500 , 50740-545, Recife-Brasil, .
Prof. Master, Federal Institute of Science and Technology of Pernambuco - IFPE, DACS, Av. Prof. Luís
Freire, 500 , 50740-545, Recife-Brasil, .
Master, Federal Institute of Science and Technology of Pernambuco - IFPE, DACS, Av. Prof. Luís
Freire, 500 , 50740-545, Recife-Brasil, .
E-mail: (corresponding author)

The civil construction market has great potential regarding the reuse of environmental resources, which at
first could be discarded, opening the possibility of several possibilities for the use of different materials.
This research studies the use of mollusc shells (Anomalocardia brasiliana) from artisanal seafood and
incorrect disposal causes the accumulation causing serious damage to the environment, especially on the
coast of Pernambuco, making it essential to analyze the management of these residues. Thus, the objective
of this study is to analyze the application of shell residues, as coarse aggregate in its natural shell form and
fine aggregate in crushed form, for the preparation of non-structural concrete. Thus, numerous tests were
carried out with the concrete both in the fresh state and in the specimens of concrete in the hardened state.
It can be concluded that it is possible to make use of mollusc shells as fine and large aggregates in the
production of non-structural concrete, making this material useful for the composition of protective layers,
layer fillers, base of blocks, ballasts, against floors and parts. low-demand precast.

Keywords : Seafood, Non-structural concrete, Waste, Sustainability.

Building and Management International Conference
International Congress of Management in Building
Authors: Author's initial. First letter of name . SURNAME, SURNAME ; Author's
initial. First letter of name . SURNAME, SURNAME.

Paper No.:

1. Introduction
The growing pattern of consumption in Brazil in recent years has brought an increase in the generation of
industrial waste as well as urban solid waste, which has led to an increase in social and environmental costs
caused by inadequate disposal in the environment. However, through the reuse and recycling of waste,
inputs are obtained for production chains, as in the case of the civil construction industry, where there is a
good option for reducing the impact caused by consumption, as well as reducing the high demand for raw
materials. raw materials used. And, according to Silva [1], given this situation, it is necessary to observe
the environment and identify the waste that is accumulating and not being used, generating environmental
problems, which accumulate illegally in cities, aggravating urban problems.
Due to the scarcity of fishing resources, shellfishing has become a means of producing food and income,
found as an alternative for many fishing communities affected by the decline in productivity of conventional
fishing, making extractive fishing for the mollusc Anamalocardia Brasiliana the only viable activity.
However, this activity causes a large generation of waste, which in an uncontrolled way has been causing
environmental impacts in the fishing region and surroundings. We see, therefore, the shellfish as one of the
waste wasted or little used, can have a great potential of application in the construction industry as
The aggregates obtained through the processing of shellfish can be characterized according to the
recommendation prescribed by the ABNT NBR 7211/2005 [2] standard, which defines the specifications
of the aggregates to be used in the production of concrete through the evaluation of requirements such as:
distribution granulometric, specific mass, unit mass, shape and absorption index.
To study the influence of the use of recycled aggregates from construction and demolition waste in the
production of conventional concrete, Leite [3] evaluated the influence of recycled aggregate on fresh
concrete properties (specific mass and workability) and concrete properties in the fresh state. hardened
(compressive strength, flexural tensile strength, diametral compression traction and modulus of
deformation) and concluded that the use of these recycled aggregates is perfectly viable for the production
of concrete.
In this sense, the reuse of shellfish residue in civil construction, replacing small and large aggregates in the
production of non-structural concrete, can represent, from the environmental point of view, an alternative
for use and better destination for the residue, avoiding its accumulation. together with urban solid waste,
transforming them into raw material for new products. Another benefit is social inclusion, as fishermen
transform mariculture waste into employment and income generation, in addition to the possibility of
applying this non-structural concrete in their homes.
Building and Management International Conference
International Congress of Management in Building
Authors: Author's initial. First letter of name . SURNAME, SURNAME ; Author's
initial. First letter of name . SURNAME, SURNAME.

Paper No.:

2. Materials and methods

The shellfish shells were collected in an area where most of the riverside communities that carry out the
seafood activity are located, in the district of Nova Cruz located in the Municipality of Igarassu/PE, more
precisely in Praia do Capitão, popularly known as Praia de Mangue. Dry. In addition, it made use of natural
quartz sand, from the metropolitan region of Recife/PE, which was characterized in terms of its unitary
mass in the loose state and granulometric composition.
Obtained by crushing the shell in a jaw crusher, this aggregate was characterized as shown in Table 1 and
Figure 1.
Table 1 - Shellfish shell characteristics
Form and texture Angular and rough
Module of Finesse 2.7
Unit Mass(g/cm³)

maximum dimension
feature 4.8 mm

Figure 1 - Grain size curve of crushed shellfish.

The shell of the mollusk Anomalocardia brasiliana in its natural shape was used as a coarse aggregate,
being also classified as shown in Table 2 and Figure 2.
Table 2 - Shellfish shell characteristics

Form and texture Rough outer and inner surfacesmooth

Module of Finesse 6.99

Unit Mass(g/cm³)

maximum dimension
feature 19mm
Building and Management International Conference
International Congress of Management in Building
Authors: Author's initial. First letter of name . SURNAME, SURNAME ; Author's
initial. First letter of name . SURNAME, SURNAME.

Paper No.:

Figure 2 - Granulometry curve of the natural shell.

The binder used in this work was Portland pozzolanic cement CP IV-32 RS because it is widely used in the
city of Recife/PE. According to the Brazilian Association of Portland Cement (2015) [4] it is indicated in
cases of exposure to aggressive environments and large volumes of concrete because of its properties of
making the concrete more impermeable and generating less heat of hydration.
In the production of the studied concrete, potable water was used, available in the laboratories of the IFPE
Campus Recife, supplied by Companhia Pernambucana de Saneamento - COMPESA.
Due to the collection of shells having been carried out days after their disposal in the environment, it was
necessary to carry out a cleaning process that consisted of the following steps:
 Drying the shells in the sun, for a period of 30 days, aiming at the decomposition of the remaining
organic matter.
 Wash the shells using a 150 L concrete mixer, with 4 cycles of 10 minutes with plenty of water or
until the water color is not dark during the process.
 Drying of the washed shells in the open air for 15 days for moisture loss (Figure 3).

Figure 3 - Drying of the shells.

All these steps were carried out at the Construction Materials Laboratory of the IFPE Campus Recife.
In order to be used, the shell of the shellfish should be similar in size to the fine aggregates that make up
the concrete mixture. Thus, it was necessary to grind the shell. For this purpose, the ViaTest Model BB100
Building and Management International Conference
International Congress of Management in Building
Authors: Author's initial. First letter of name . SURNAME, SURNAME ; Author's
initial. First letter of name . SURNAME, SURNAME.

Paper No.:

jaw crusher equipment was used. In this process, the shells were subjected to two consecutive passes
through the crusher and then passed through the sieving method using #4.8mm, #2.4mm and #0.05mm
mesh sieves. The fractions retained in the #4.8mm sieve returned to the crusher, while the fraction passing
through the #0.05mm sieve was discarded because it had a high fraction of fines. This technique was
performed aiming at approximation with the granulometry of the natural sand used during the research
(Figure 5).

Figure 4 - Result of crushing the shell.

Two families of non-structural concrete were made as shown in Table 03.

Nomenclature Feature aggregate Small Aggregate - aggregate big
Kid Natural Shell crushed – Shell Natural
Family 01 1:1:1: 0.4 0% 10 100%
Family 02 1:2:3: 0.6 50% 50 100%

The initial idea would be for both families to have the trait (1:2:3 a/c 0.6), also used by Silva (2015) in the
work entitled: Replacement of coarse aggregate by shellfish shell residue in the production of non-concrete
structure, seeking to expand the research and for a better comparative effect of the replacements carried
out, however, when making the trace with the use only of recycled aggregates shell in natural format and
crushed shell, the concrete did not present the necessary workability. This was noticed through the loss of
consistency evidenced during the molding of the specimens. It was hypothesized that the recycled
aggregates have absorbed part of the water from the mixture, which expresses the need for pre-wetting them
with an amount of water referring to only 70% of their water absorption, as performed by Leite (2001) [ 3]
and Carrijo (2005) [5], however, this measure proved to be ineffective for the seafood-derived aggregate.
In order to correct this, a study of experimental dosages of traces was carried out, evaluating the workability
and final state of the concrete after the rupture of the specimens at the age of 7 days. At this stage, the
possibility of using an additive to achieve a plastic consistency was discarded because it is a non-structural
concrete. The traits 1:2:2 a/c 0.6 and 1:2:1 a/c 0.6 were evaluated, however these proved to be inadequate
in both criteria for presenting workability less than necessary, and after rupture showed low adhesion of the
paste with the coarse aggregates (shell) and high porosity. These criteria were only met by concrete with
1:1:1 w/c 0.40 as shown in Figure 6, which was chosen for the conclusion of the research.
Building and Management International Conference
International Congress of Management in Building
Authors: Author's initial. First letter of name . SURNAME, SURNAME ; Author's
initial. First letter of name . SURNAME, SURNAME.

Paper No.:

Figure 5 - Experimental specimens.

The concrete dosages were carried out with the materials in their natural state, without the use of
additives, and the replacement of the aggregate derived from the shell in relation to the natural aggregate
was carried out in volume, taking as a measure the wooden stretcher with dimensions (31.5x31.5x19 .5cm).
The mixing of both concrete families was carried out in a 150 L concrete mixer available at the building
materials laboratory at IFPE – Recife. To study the characteristics of the confectioned concrete, 12
specimens were molded for each family in cylindrical shapes of 10 cm in diameter and 20 cm in height, as
described in the NBR 5738/2015 standard [6]. The curing of the specimens was carried out in the air for
the first 24 hours and after demolding the replicas were kept in a humid chamber until they reached the
ages necessary to carry out the tests.
For comparison purposes, the influence of the recycled aggregate from the shell on the properties of the
concrete in the fresh state was evaluated according to its specific mass (NBR 9833/2008) [7] and
consistency (NBR NM 67/1998) [8] and the properties of concrete in the hardened state according to
compressive strength (NBR 5739/2007) [9], tension by diametrical compression (NBR 7222/2011) [10]
and Absorption and void index according to (NBR 9778/2005) [11].
Silva [12] produced non-structural concretes in two families using the traces 1:2:3 0.6, substituting the
natural coarse aggregate (Brita) for the shellfish in the proportion of 100% in family 2 and obtained the
results according to Table 4.
Table 4 - Results of Silva's tests [12]
resistance to resistance to
compression traction by
Nomenclature rebate Weight (average) compression
Specific diametral
Family 01 - Brita 120 mm 2.34 g/cm³ 19.11 MPa 2.39 MPa
Family 02 - Shell 100 mm 2.24 g/cm³ 10.22 MPa 1.21 MPa
Building and Management International Conference
International Congress of Management in Building
Authors: Author's initial. First letter of name . SURNAME, SURNAME ; Author's
initial. First letter of name . SURNAME, SURNAME.

Paper No.:

3. Results and discussions

Research carried out on the mechanical properties of concrete using recycled aggregates shows that there
is a need for a treatment of the recycled aggregate before concreting [5], in some cases the w/c ratio is
altered, and the strength class of these concretes is also alters, making it difficult to compare conventional
and recycled concrete, in the case of shellfish waste, there was this need only for family 01, which was
made with 100% aggregates derived from shellfish.
It can be seen that the value for unit mass calculated in the loose state of the coarse aggregate coming from
the shell represents half of the unit mass value of the common aggregate, leading to a lower specific mass
value for the made concrete. As for the fine aggregates, they present values of fineness modulus, maximum
characteristic dimension and unit mass very close as expected.
Table 5 shows the results obtained for non-structural concrete from the slump test performed according to
ABNT NM 67/1998 [8]. As it was produced with recycled materials, a decrease in consistency was expected
due to the irregular shape and the high absorption rate presented by the aggregates used, since according to
HELENE; TERZIAN [13] the workability of concrete is influenced by factors such as water/dry materials
ratio, type, size, texture and shape of the grains used.

Table 5 - Results of tests on fresh concrete.

Nomenclature rebate Pasta specific
Family 1 – 1:1:1 80 mm 2.13 g/cm³
Family two - 1:2:3 50 mm 2.21 g/cm³

With regard to the specific mass of concrete in the fresh state, there was a decrease in this parameter with
the increase in the replacement content of the recycled aggregates, given the difference in unit mass
presented by the natural and recycled aggregates. The results obtained for consistency in the fresh state
related to families 1 and 2, 80 and 50mm respectively, when evaluated according to NBR 8953/2015 [14]
these fit in the S50 class that recommends that they be applied in some types of pavements and in elements
of foundation.
From the axial compressive strength test performed according to NBR 5739/2007 [9] as shown in Figure
6. In this work, 6 specimens were evaluated for each family where each specimen was 28 days old, obtaining
the results according to to Table 6.
Table 6 - Axial Compression Resistance
Standard deviation coefficient of
(MPa) (MPa) Variation (%)
Family 1 24.91 1.206 4.8
Family two 20.41 0.963 4.7
Building and Management International Conference
International Congress of Management in Building
Authors: Author's initial. First letter of name . SURNAME, SURNAME ; Author's
initial. First letter of name . SURNAME, SURNAME.

Paper No.:

Figure 6 - Resistance to axial compression

Despite the average value of compressive strength having presented values greater than or equal to 20MPa,
we must observe through NBR 7211/2005 [2] that only aggregates of natural origin can be applied in
structural concretes, therefore, aggregates obtained in this way are not applied. industrial or aggregates of
recycled materials.
Thus, the results analyzed according to the NBR 8953/2015 standard, which classifies concretes with
strength below 20 MPa as non-structural and recommends that if these concretes are used, they must have
their performance met according to ABNT NBR 6118/2014 [15 ] (Design of concrete structures –
Procedure) and ABNT NBR 12655 [16] (Portland cement concrete – Preparation, control, receipt and
acceptance – Procedure) making this concrete suitable for use as non-structural.

Three samples aged 28 days per family were analyzed according to NBR 7222/2011 [10] and the tensile
strength by diametral compression was verified.
Therefore, it is known through NBR 6118/2014 [15] that the relationship that compares values of average
tensile strength with the average compressive strength of a concrete is about 10%, and may vary according
to the characteristics of the trace and materials used in the manufacture of concrete. Thus, the values
obtained for the two families studied correspond to 11.10% and 12.06% are within the expected limits.
After the diametrical rupture of the specimens, it was noticed, in all cases, the low adhesion between the
cement paste and the recycled coarse aggregate (shell), and also the rupture in the coarse aggregate derived
from the shell, proving the lower resistance of these in comparison with the paste as seen in Figure 7. This
result was expected, as the shell surface is not very rough, quite regular and less resistant when compared
to the natural coarse aggregate (crushed).

Figure 7 - Diametrically Broken Specimen.

Building and Management International Conference
International Congress of Management in Building
Authors: Author's initial. First letter of name . SURNAME, SURNAME ; Author's
initial. First letter of name . SURNAME, SURNAME.

Paper No.:

Table 8 shows the average of the results of the immersion absorption test and void index performed
according to NBR 9778/2005 [11] in the concrete at the age of 45 days.
Table 8 - Average absorption and void index values
Nomenclature Absorption by Immersion (%) Index of voids (%)
Family 1 – 1:1:1 6.33 11.63
Family 2 - 1:2:3 4.77 9.07

It can be observed that the concrete composed only of aggregates derived from the shell has higher porosity
even having been made with a lower w/c ratio, demonstrating that the recycled aggregates had a negative
influence on the porosity of the composite. This fact becomes significant since porosity is closely related
to the durability of concrete.

4. Conclusions
The analysis of the results allowed the following conclusions:
According to the characterization, the recycled aggregates, despite having similar granulometry, have a
lower unit mass, which reflected in a lower value for specific mass and an increase in the porosity of the
concrete made with them.
In the axial compressive strength test, in the family 2 samples, the average value of 20.41MPa was close to
the average value obtained in the reference samples with 19.11 MPa gravel, and above the values with shell
replacing only the aggregate graúdo, 11.22 MPa, made by [12].
In the comparison between families 1 and 2, despite being different traits, both had average results of
compressive strength above 20 MPa, a value close to the limit for non-structural concrete, since it fits the
average values of strength used in the works, making it interesting to be used in services of single-family
homes, that is, moderate requests.
The tensile strength test by diametral compression was close to the average obtained for the 02 family, 2.26
MPa, comparing them with the average value obtained in the reference samples with gravel 2.39 MPa, and
above the values with shell replacing only the coarse aggregate, 1.21 MPa, made by [12].
The use of coarse and fine aggregates less dense than the natural ones, caused lower results for tensile
strengths by diametrical compression since the aggregate becomes the weakest component, limiting the
strength of the concrete.
The tests carried out in the fresh state for families 2 revealed the low cohesion and the tendency to
segregation presented by the concretes made from aggregates derived from shellfish shells, in relation to
the reference concretes made by [12]. As for family 1, the replacement of the natural fine aggregate by the
recycled one contributed to a lower slump of the concrete, this result is also related to the decrease in the
w/c ratio.
The research revealed that it is possible to replace the coarse aggregate (gravel) and also the fine aggregate
(natural sand) by shellfish in natura and by crushed shell, respectively, in the production of non-structural
concrete, which can be used in the composition of protective layers, layer fillers, base blocks, ballasts,
counter-floors and low-demand precast parts.
The study proposal was met by family 1 and 2, which presented acceptable results within the functionality
of non-structural concrete. In this way, fishing communities that have access to large amounts of this residue
can apply it in their homes, which demonstrates great importance not only from an environmental point of
view, but also contributes to the reduction of costs of materials used in civil construction.
Despite this, it is suggested to carry out research within this theme, which will certify and complement this
study, expanding the analysis of aggregates, as well as of the concrete made. Studies are also suggested to
evaluate the costs of using this residue in comparison with conventional concrete, thus verifying the
Building and Management International Conference
International Congress of Management in Building
Authors: Author's initial. First letter of name . SURNAME, SURNAME ; Author's
initial. First letter of name . SURNAME, SURNAME.

Paper No.:

economic viability of this substitution.

5. References

[1] SILVA, Marcelo Teixeira da. Use of shellfish in the mortar industry. 2013. Dissertation (Professional
Master's in Environmental Technology) – ITEP, 2013. 101p. Master's Dissertation in Environmental
[2] Brazilian Association of Technical Standards. NBR 7211 - Aggregates for concrete. Rio de Janeiro,
[3] LEITE, MB Evaluation of mechanical properties of concrete produced with aggregates from
construction and demolition waste. Doctoral thesis. UFRGS. Graduate Program in Civil Engineering. Porto
Alegre, 2001.
[4] Brazilian Association of Portland Cement – ABCP. Sao Paulo, 2015.
[5] CARRIJO, Priscila Meireles. Analysis of the influence of the specific mass of coarse aggregates from
construction and demolition waste on the mechanical performance of concrete. São Paulo: USP, 2005.
Dissertation (Master's in Civil Engineering), USP Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo, 2005.
[6] Brazilian Association of Technical Standards. NBR 5738. Concrete - Procedure for molding and
curing specimens. Rio de Janeiro, 2015.
[7] Brazilian Association of Technical Standards - NBR 9833. Aggregates - Determination of
granulometric composition. Rio de Janeiro, 2009.
[8] Brazilian Association of Technical Standards - ABNT. NBR NM 67/1998. Concrete - Determination
of consistency by lowering the truncated cone. Rio de Janeiro, 1998.
[9] Brazilian Association of Technical Standards - ABNT. NBR 5739. Concrete - Compression tests of
cylindrical specimens. Rio de Janeiro, 2007.
[10] Brazilian Association of Technical Standards - ABNT. NBR 7222. Concrete and mortar -
Determination of tensile strength by diametrical compression of cylindrical specimens. Rio de Janeiro,
[11] Brazilian Association of Technical Standards. NBR 7222. Concrete and mortar - Determination of
tensile strength by diametrical compression of cylindrical specimens. Rio de Janeiro, 2011.
[12] SILVA, Ana Izabella Melo da. Evaluation of the reuse of shellfish as a coarse aggregate in the
production of non-structural concrete. TCC (Graduate Course in Civil Engineering) – Federal Institute of
Pernambuco, Recife, 2015.
[13] HELENE, Paulo; TERZIAN, Paul. Concrete dosage and control manual. Sao Paulo: Pini; Brasília:
SENAI, 1993. 349p.
[14] Brazilian Association of Technical Standards. NBR 8953 Concrete for structural purposes -
Classification by specific mass, by strength and consistency groups. Rio de Janeiro, 2015.
[15] Brazilian Association of Technical Standards. NBR 6118. Design of concrete structures - Procedure.
Rio de Janeiro, 2014.
[16] NBR 12655 Portland cement concrete - Preparation, control, receipt and acceptance - Procedure. Rio
de Janeiro, 2015.

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