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International Construction and Management

International Construction Management Conference
Authors: author's initial . First letter of name . SURNAME, SURNAME ; author's
initial. First letter of name . LAST NAME LAST NAME.

Paper No.:


Thays VITÓRIA a , Ronaldo FAUSTINO b , Yuri MORAES c , João MANOEL d
Student, Federal Institute of Science and Technology of Pernambuco - IFPE, DACS, Av. Prof. Luís
Freire, 500 , 50740-545, Recife-Brasil, .
Prof. PhD, Federal Institute of Science and Technology of Pernambuco - IFPE, DACS, Av. Prof. Luís
Freire, 500 , 50740-545, Recife-Brasil, .
Prof. Master, Federal Institute of Science and Technology of Pernambuco - IFPE, DACS, Av. Prof. Luís
Freire, 500 , 50740-545, Recife-Brasil, .
Prof. PhD, Federal Institute of Science and Technology of Pernambuco - IFPE, DACS, Av. Prof. Luís
Freire, 500 , 50740-545, Recife-Brasil, .
E-mail: (corresponding author)

The present work has as objective the analysis of the Communication with the Consumer Customer of
Real Estate under Construction. Therefore, the importance of communication with the client is a great
managerial and commercial tool in the area of works under construction. The communication techniques
used by civil construction in the sale and purchase of real estate are still very selective and distant from
the final buyer, so when an effective and new communication channel is opened, making the buyer the
best analyzer of the quality of each stage of the work, the dialogue becomes richer and more reliable.
"Network is the key to business today", and in civil construction, development is possible with the aim of
forming a new, more human concept about the interaction of projects under construction to guarantee a
successful final work. in a methodology capable of assuring the reach of the objectives outlined and
previously defined in order to: Analyse, Identify and Understand it is possible, when end of the
investigation, to verify and to conclude that the communication with the client can represent an excellent
managerial and commercial tool, and, act continuous, represents a powerful strategy to conquer and retain
the customer in the real estate market, since this instrument has the potential to generate security, as it
allows the client to information updated gives evolution physical and financial of enterprise, credibility,
confidence, in additionin a permanent channel for exchange of information, clarifications and suggestions

KEYWORDS _ : Communication, Customer, Management gives construction Civil, Development.

International Construction and Management
International Construction Management Conference
Authors: author's initial . First letter of name . SURNAME, SURNAME ; author's
initial. First letter of name . LAST NAME LAST NAME.

Paper No.:

Since you years old 90 there has been observed a growing aggravation of organizations in
every branch of business; not only for products, but also for services Since you years old 90 there has
been observed a growing aggravation of organizations in every branch of business; not only for
products, but also for services [1]. On this premise, the communication as customer comes to leverage
actions what seek to acquire the potential consumer, make him a customer and make him loyal [2].
In the construction market, more specifically for properties under construction, there is a high level of
insecurity among customers, probably associated with the uncertainty of receipt and quality of the
specified product. the base of the pyramid this insecurity is fed back by the constant violation of
contractual clauses and for the historical bankruptcy of several large construction companies in Brazil.
O program in quality illustrates The importance growing gives Communication at the context gives
economy contemporary. Increasingly, companies, governments and class entities include communication
between their priorities, starting to see it as an essential management tool and strategic area for the
obtaining From results [3].
It so happens that, according to [4], nothing is definitive, everything can change. The author also
highlights the importance of aspects such as weighting the processes, the focus systemic concerning The
management, The constant recycling and O training From collaborators involved in the process to The
effectiveness in a project.
One form in face The insecurity From customers consumers It is invest at tool in Communication,
looking for convey them all O process in industrialization, with The larger clarity possible. THE
certification us standards ISO 9001:2000 is a tool for this purpose, since it adds security, competitiveness
and O aspect psychological in prevention in flaws towards you consumers [5] .
It is observed that one of the important instruments used today by companies are strategic alliances lined
up with customers, by which companies seek a relationship focused on loyalty, reliability and customer
satisfaction [6]. There is still a difficulty very large in the calculations involved in the value chain, but the
management of the entire chain is important in measure in what allows identify actions needed for one
best management of process productive, which translates into competitive advantage, in addition to
indicating what is really important and what adds value to product or service offered to the target
customer, [7, 8] .


THE "tool communication” that can be used by construction companies, is based in to introduce
to the customers all exposure in Details constructive From properties in construction, through website and
personalized email.
The purpose of accessing the site is to enable users to view photos of the construction stages of the
projects, in addition to presenting a brief report development of the work, providing the client with a
weekly monitoring of the your enterprise, in addition to guaranteeing you the possibility of verifying that
what is being being portrayed in the Photos, befits with the evolution physical Preview in contract.
The personalized e-mails tool makes it possible to present to the customer the entire universe concerning
the acquired property. The company uses two types of emails for dealing with its customers, the first being
called floating and the second called constant. In both cases these emails are sent to customers monthly.
You emails of type floating treat gives part documentary related to enterprise. They are generated at the
necessary time, according to the materialization of ongoing actions. Table 1 provides a relationship with
the description of the elements used in this kind of email.
International Construction and Management
International Construction Management Conference
Authors: author's initial . First letter of name . SURNAME, SURNAME ; author's
initial. First letter of name . LAST NAME LAST NAME.

Paper No.:

Type Elements gives Information

Contract in purchase and sale.
writing of the Terrain.
projects executives.
approvals and licenses From organs competent.
Specifications techniques From materials and services.
projects memorials in incorporation, of calculation, of facilities and others When
and needed.
memorials Project quoted vertically and horizontally with O imprint in guide you customers The
execute holes us floors, walls or ceilings, without risk in damage
any type in installation or similar.
as-built in all you projects executives.
ART's in all you projects executives.
Timeline in implantation.
layout from the bed of constructions.
Number of employees in each stage of constructions.
List with The relationship of Providers in materials and services outsourced.
Side dish in manuals and guarantees in all you equipment used at execution From
Constructions services.
manuals From equipment what will be provided.
ART's in execution of services.
Technological control reports of some materials or services, such as: resistance The
compression of concrete and blocks in seal or structural, watertightness From services in
waterproofing, grip of mortars,
test in pressure of pipes hydraulics among others in relevance technique.
reports technical several, when needed.
settle in issued for the City hall place.
delivery of Convention in condominium if for the case.
Edification Term in delivery gives building with at information needed.
Report in maintenance of enterprise, after delivery gives constructions.
CD-ROM, containing collection of Photos in each stage in constructions, with comments.
Table 1 - Description From main elements informed through From emails floating
Constant type emails refer to technical-documentary issues of the building and are issued periodically;
Furthermore, for each message forwarded, you are asked to from the customer a return on the content sent,
in order to resolve possible doubts, in addition to guaranteeing a channel for signaling criticisms and/or
suggestions. Differently of floating emails, these only concern information extracted in the course of of the
execution of the work. Table 2 presents the list of information processed by this tool.

Type Elements gives Information

Report detailed informing The evolution physical and financial gives constructions.
Presentation in facts technical relevant occurred during The execution From
services, or facts what no They were foreseen initially.
Side dishin Side dish of timeline in constructions, comparing O foreseen with Oexecuted.
s Photos in each stage in execution From services, highlighting no only The
global of enterprise, but also O development gives execution (internal) of the
unit acquired by the client.
Table 2 - Description From main elements informed through From emails constants
International Construction and Management
International Construction Management Conference
Authors: author's initial . First letter of name . SURNAME, SURNAME ; author's
initial. First letter of name . LAST NAME LAST NAME.

Paper No.:

Therefore, the benefits of using this tool are easily defensible, due to the opening of a wide interaction
channel – company/client. In addition, all job in documentation gives memory, as a field hybrid, Where
miscegenations occur in between knowledge and practice communicative; take The strengthen at
organizations, tending like this The satisfy its customers [9, 10, 11].


THE methodology here applied consisted in choose one company construction company of real estate
market in the Recife Metropolitan Region, certified by the Quality Standard, active in the incorporation of
housing properties, whose board of directors adopts the “sine qua non” condition of channel of
communication, evaluating The satisfaction of your customers.
Within the last 2 (two) years, we sought to analyze the tools used by the company analyzed in
communication with customers, taking as a starting point the instruments (questionnaires) applied by the
After the adoption of these tools, namely, the implementation of the management system and extensive
communication with its external customers, the construction company carried out a customer satisfaction
survey, in the time of the last two, with the application questionnaire to obtain the degree of satisfaction
or dissatisfaction. This questionnaire it is reasoned in five items. Are they: attendance, service,
competence, resources used and image. However; In this study, only the items that has identification with
O contents approached, or be, you items Image and Attendance.
O item "Attendance" subdivide in five sub-items: courtesy – demonstrating aspects related The education
and cordiality; promptness – aiming to evaluate The availability gives company in be gift for help O
client; efficiency – looking for to evaluate the company's ability to solve or to clarify O problem pointed
out by the customer, in the first contact; receptivity – assessing the capacity of the company to respond to
all requests, complaints and suggestions arising from customers and, finally, personalization –
establishing aspects related to reception and Communication with differentiated treatment.
The item “Image” is here subdivided into four sub-items: disclosure – aiming to evaluate if O Name gives
company and their services are well acquaintances and respected by customers; deployment instructions –
seeking to assess clarity, accuracy and ease of consultation of its communication, reports and manuals;
prestige – evaluating the company's concept and respect within the scope of the local market where it is
inserted; credibility – demonstrating The capacity gives company in to fulfill O promised and assessing if
Is it over there it has policies reliable and per The end, safety – assessing The capacity in to transmit
information reliable and save aspects confidential of the company relationship x client.

In this way, customers could, in the questionnaires, assign scores from 1 to 5, according to with your
grade in satisfaction or dissatisfaction. O painting 3 it presents you criteria in evaluation assigned to each

Note gives Evaluation for

each Item evaluated Grade in Satisfaction of Client
5 Much satisfied
4 Satisfied
3 Indifferent
two Dissatisfied
1 Much dissatisfied
Table 3 - Parameters used by the analyzed company toapplication of customer satisfaction questionnaire customers
International Construction and Management
International Construction Management Conference
Authors: author's initial . First letter of name . SURNAME, SURNAME ; author's
initial. First letter of name . LAST NAME LAST NAME.

Paper No.:

For the research, data referring to enterprises with the following characteristic: percentage of responses
obtained from the questionnaires equal to or greater than 80% of the acquirers; and properties sold in the
last 24 months. This sample was distributed in 5 (five) different projects, one of which is located in
Olinda - PE and others in Porto de Galinhas - FOOT.

Table 4 presents the characterization of the types of properties evaluated in this research, while tables 5
and 6 present the socio-economic and nationality profile of the customers.

Type of Area (m 2 ) Pattern in Finishing Location of enterprise

A 55 Medium Olinda – Pernambuco
B 85 Medium Harbor in chickens – Pernambuco
C 120 High Harbor in chickens – Pernambuco
Painting 4 – Description From properties evaluated (*In this analysis 1 enterprise is of the type THE, 3 of type B
and 1 of type C)

type of Level in education Income familiar Average

Immobi (predominance) 7 at 10 SM* 10 to 15 SM* Above in 15 SM*
A 2nd Grade 70% 30% -
B 3rd Grade - 50% 50%
C 3rd Grade / postgraduate - - 100%
Table 5 – Profile Socioeconomic From customers (*SM – Salary minimum)

type of Brazil North

Immobi Pernambuco Others States American
A 100% - - -
B 84% 10% 2% 4%
C 85% - - 15%
Painting 6 - Profile in nationality From customers
International Construction and Management
International Construction Management Conference
Authors: author's initial . First letter of name . SURNAME, SURNAME ; author's
initial. First letter of name . LAST NAME LAST NAME.

Paper No.:


Figures 1 and 2 present the results for the analysis of the service and Image, according to the results of its

Figure 1: Level in Satisfaction of Client with Relationship to Attendance

THE = courtesy, B = promptness, Ç = efficiency, D = receptivity, AND =


Source: Construction company

Figure two: Level in Satisfaction of Client with Relationship The Image

THE = disclosure, B = instructions in implantation, Ç = prestige, D = credibility, AND = safety.
International Construction and Management
International Construction Management Conference
Authors: author's initial . First letter of name . SURNAME, SURNAME ; author's
initial. First letter of name . LAST NAME LAST NAME.

Paper No.:

Source: Construction company

At the compilation From Dice, check you indexes pertinent The satisfaction Fromcustomers related to
information fetched in this work are they:

- Importance in a broad channel in Communication (courtesy; personalization; disclosure) – 53.33% very

satisfied, 26.67% satisfied, 20.00% indifferent and 0% dissatisfied and Very unsatisfied.

- Security – 80.00% very satisfied, 20.00% satisfied, 0% indifferent and 0% dissatisfied and Very

- Credibility and Trust – 40.00% very satisfied, 40.00% satisfied, 20.00% indifferent and 0% dissatisfied
and Very unsatisfied.

- As for the presentation of details (implementation instructions), facilitating the overall product review –
40.00% very satisfied, 40.0% satisfied, 20.0% indifferent and 0% dissatisfied and Very unsatisfied.

These results assume one relevance still larger When if observe at information contained in table 6, since
there is a significant portion of this company's customers are made up of people who do not have their
origin in state where the company is headquartered; some of them have their origin in other countries. In
these cases, O channel open and transparent in Communication provides to the customers one vision
clear and objective of progress of wake up commercial signed, fact what he can be translated on an
elevated index in reliability for with The company.

In wake up with the results of this study, arrived at following conclusions:

- In a positive and true way, influencing the customer represents a sign of power to one organization
that Act in the segment of incorporation;

- The production of housing units with good constructive practices and a satisfactory quality
standard, allied to a satisfactory communication channel with its customers enhance the company's
marketing power in the consumer market, one turn what show that the organization It is holder of
perceived quality for the range in customers who Is it over there if proposes reach;

- The added value of the intensive practice of communication with the customer, promotes
credibility and safety required at parts interested in this Marketplace;

- It is known that the period of this study was two years, so it is recommended that these checks can
take place on a continuous basis, since the fluctuation of the market indicates the need for constant
monitoring of questions about needs of customers.

- It is also observed the need to continue to measure, seeking, from other approaches, detect possible
problems and respective ways of improving communication with clients of real estate development
companies, with a view to other routines that provide greater credibility and minimize the insecurity of
customers and investors in the commercial process related to the sale / acquisition in real estate in
International Construction and Management
International Construction Management Conference
Authors: author's initial . First letter of name . SURNAME, SURNAME ; author's
initial. First letter of name . LAST NAME LAST NAME.

Paper No.:


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