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Rationale Of The Study

Online sales, sometimes known as e-commerce, are a crucial and revolutionary component of

contemporary business and consumer society. It's a world where all transactions, big and small, take place

online, changing how individuals purchase and sell goods and services. Online sales make use of the internet’s

potential to let people and organizations reach a global market, provide a seamless purchasing experience, and

radically change the way that traditional brick-and-mortar stores do business. This change has opened up new

options for business owners, consumers, and entrepreneurs alike, making it a dominant force in the modern

economy. With the introduction of internet shopping, the world of business in the current digital era has

undergone an important change. This innovative and easy-to-use platform has not only transformed the way

businesses run but has also given rise to a new breed of online sellers.

Online selling is an extremely successful company that can benefit from technology, especially when it

comes to selling. Meanwhile, buying goods and services over the internet is becoming a common practice in the

world of the Internet, and it has grown in popularity (Bourlakis, 2008). Additionally, it gives customers more

options and information with which to compare goods, and with greater convenience, everything may be found

online with greater ease (Butler &Peppard, 2000). Modern consumers looking for speed and convenience have

been shown to be more satisfied while shopping online (Yu & Wu, 2007).

Social media plays a significant role in this and aids with online selling. In order for online sellers to succeed,

social media must establish an online presence, connect with and engage potential customers, and offer a

platform for marketing and sales operations.

Online marketing offers benefits like avoiding the need for physical stores, easy customer reach, and two-

way conversations, but also challenges like customers preferring to see products or services in person and being

hesitant about transactions (Santos, 2020). In the present time, a lot of people engage themselves in online

selling. Having a lot of people engaged in online selling increases the level of competition, which makes the

online sellers have low sales (Pu, Sun, & Shao, 2020). There are causes of low e-commerce sales for online

sellers, such as low-quality product images and descriptions, having a complex website and checkout, not hiding

your shipping fees, and customers not being engaged (Fondevila, 2019). Low online sales can impact a business

in multiple negative ways. It can hinder the success of the business and also cause a decline in revenue, which

could result in a net loss for your online business.

In conclusion, online selling is a huge help for entrepreneurs because they can easily sell their products,

but there are also a lot of challenges they may face while engaging themselves, such as the problem of low

sales. The purpose of this study is likely to better understand the factors that limit the success of online sellers

in San Vicente, Liloan, Cebu. In order to gain insights and make suggestions for development, the research may

examine the reasons for their low sales. A study must be done for a reasons, including the fact that it can assist

online sellers in determining where they need improvement. The study is important because it helps us

understand how to better support entrepreneurs in the digital age and how they may contribute to local economic

growth. This research offers valuable insights that can positively impact the online sellers and the wider

community, while also advancing the knowledge base in this field.

Theoritical Background

This study is anchored in one model and two theories, namely: the sales performance model by Gonca

Yamamoto, the market saturation theory by Thomas G.

Osenton and the Consumer Behaviour by Leon G. Schiffman and Leslie Lazar Kanuk.

Sales Performance Model

Sales Performance Model (Wade D Cook Modlez Hababou, 2001) is a comprehensive framework that

delves into the multitude of factors affecting a business’s sales outcomes. It encompasses both external and

internal aspects, exploring the influence of market conditions, competition, marketing strategies, product quality,

pricing, sales team performance, customer relationship management, distribution, and customer preferences.

This model offers a holistic understanding of how these elements interact to impact sales performance, serving

as a valuable tool for businesses seeking to decipher the intricate dynamics behind their sales figures.

These aspects encompass an array of critical elements, including market conditions, competition dynamics,

marketing strategies, product quality, pricing strategies, the effectiveness of the sales team, customer

relationship management, distribution processes, and the unique preferences of the customer base. This model

essentially acts as a guiding light, enabling businesses to obtain a comprehensive and interconnected

understanding of how these multifarious elements interact to either boost or hinder sales performance.

The relevance of the Sales Performance Model in the study lies in its capacity to provide a structured

framework for dissecting the causes of low sales and identifying areas for improvement. By applying this model

to the present study, it can effectively assess the interplay of external and internal factors that contribute to low

sales of Online Sellers in the area of San Vicente, Lilo-an, Cebu. This model equips with the means to conduct a

comprehensive analysis, make data-driven decisions, and implement strategic changes to enhance sales

performance, thereby making it an invaluable tool for the research.

Market Saturation Theory

Market Saturation Theory (Osenton, 2004) refers to a concept in economics that describes a situation in

which a product or service has reached its maximum level of diffusion or distribution within a market. It

suggests that there is no further demand for the product or service, either due to consumer purchasing power,

competition, prices, or technology. If a market is already saturated with similar products or services, it can lead

to low sales as competition increases. This theory suggests that low sales may occur when a market is saturated

with similar products or services, leading to intense competition and limited growth opportunities.

The theory can provide a framework for understanding the market dynamics in San Vicente, Lilo-an,

Cebu. If the study finds that low sales are due to a high concentration of online sellers offering similar products

or services, it could indicate market saturation, aligning with the theory. The market saturation theory can help

identify one of the contributing factors to low sales in the online seller market. If the study determines that there

is limited growth potential due to market saturation, this theory can explain why online sellers are facing

challenges. If market saturation is indeed a factor, the theory can inform the recommendations provided in the

study. The study may involve a comparative analysis of the online seller market in San Vicente, Liloan, Cebu

compared to other markets. If it finds that other markets are less saturated and have higher sales, it can

strengthen the argument that market saturation is a significant factor.

Consumer Behaviour Theory

Consumer Behaviour Theory (Schiffman and Kanuk, 2000) is a multidisciplinary concept that seeks to

understand how consumers make decisions when it comes to purchasing goods and services. It explores the

various factors and influences that impact consumers’ choices. Low sales can be attributed to changes in

consumer preferences, such as a shift away from a particular product or category due to evolving trends or

demographics. It observe that a decline in sales, can often be linked to shifts in consumer preferences. These

changes can manifest as a move away from a specific product or category, and they’re typically influenced by

evolving trends, demographics. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for marketers to adapt and stay relevant

in a constantly evolving market.

The theory of Consumer Behaviour is relevant to the study because its provide a theoretical foundation

for understanding the reasons behind low sales in a specific context, such as online sellers in San Vicente,

Liloan, Cebu. By comprehending the principles of consumer behaviour theory, researchers or businesses can

apply this knowledge to analyze and interpret why customers in San Vicente, Liloan, Cebu might be making

certain purchasing decisions. Consumer Behaviour theory offers a structured framework for investigating the

intricate factors that influence consumer choices. In the context of the study on low sales. This understanding

can guide online sellers in making informed strategies to adapt to the unique dynamics of this market and

potentially improve their sales.


Profile of Respondents

a. Name
b. Age
c. Gender


a. Internal Low Sales of Online Sellers

b. External

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework on Assessing the Factors contributing to Low Sales of

Online Sellers in San Vicente, Liloan, Cebu


Statement of the Problem

The study aims to investigate and identify the key factors contributing to the low sales experienced by

online sellers at San Vicente, Liloan, Cebu with the goal of understanding the underlying factors that hinder

their success in the online selling market.

Specifically, it answers these following questions:

1. What are the profile of online sellers in the local area in terms of:

1.1 Name

1.2 Age

1.3 Gender

2. What is the effect of low sales in their online selling business in terms of:

2.1 Revenue

2.2 Strategic Planning

2.3 Market Position

3. What are the specific factors contributing to the low sales of online sellers at San Vicente,

Liloan Cebu?

4. What are the opportunities or potential improvements that could be identified to help increase their sales



Null Hypothesis (H0): There is no significant relationship between any of the assessed factors and the low sales

of online sellers in San Vicente, Lilo-an, Cebu.

Alternative Hypothesis (Ha): The evaluated factors significantly affect the low sales of online sellers in San

Vicente, Liloan, Cebu.


The importance of this study lies in its potential to support entrepreneurs, contribute to local economic

growth, and enrich the understanding of entrepreneurship in the digital age. This research offers valuable

insights that can positively impact the online sellers and the wider community, while also advancing the

knowledge base in this field.

The result of this study is beneficial to the following individuals:

Online Sellers. The primary beneficiaries are the online sellers in San Vicente, Lilo-an, Cebu. The study can

provide them with valuable insights into the factors affecting their sales, helping them adapt their strategies and

potentially increase their revenue.

Local Community. The broader community in San Vicente, Liloan, Cebu can benefit from increased economic

activity and job opportunities that may result from improved sales for online sellers. This can contribute to a

higher standard of living and community development.

Educational Institutions. Educational institutions in the area can benefit from the study’s findings by

potentially integrating entrepreneurship and e-commerce-related curriculum or support programs to better

prepare students for online business ventures.


Future Researchers. The study can serve as a reference for researchers interested in the field of e-commerce,

entrepreneurship, and regional economic development. It can provide valuable data and insights for future



The study will exclusively focus on online sellers in San Vicente, Liloan, Cebu . The investigation will

primarily analyze factors related to the online selling activities. Data will be collected through surveys and

questionnaires, providing a quantitative analysis of the factors affecting low sales. The study will also look at the

opportunities or potential improvements that could be identified to help increase their sales performance.

This study exclusively concentrates on the factors that contribute to low sales within the San Vicente

area of Liloan, Cebu, without delving into challenges experienced by online sellers in other regions. While

acknowledging that competitive forces can impact sales, this study may not comprehensively investigate

competitive analysis in the local market. It is limited to the specific geographical area and time frame mentioned

and does not encompass broader technological advancements or market dynamics that could influence online

sales. The primary focus of this research is not on factors beyond the control of online sellers, such as economic

conditions, natural disasters, or regulatory changes, although these may be acknowledged if they significantly

impact sales.


The following terms are defined according to how they were used in the study:

1. Assessing– The process of analyzing, evaluating, and determining the nature, quality, or importance

of something.

2. Factors – Elements or variables that contribute to a particular outcome or situation.

3. Contributing – Playing a role or having an effect on a specific outcome or situation.


4. Low sales – A situation where the amount or number of products or services sold by an online seller is

below the desired or expected level.

5. Online seller – A person or entity that conducts business online, selling products or services through

an electronic platform.

6. San Vicente, Lilo-an Cebu – A specific location where the study takes place.



Local Literature and Studies

Compared to physical stores, online stores have many advantages: They are convenient and time saving

and no more traveling and waiting in lines is needed. They are open in all time and they are accessible anytime

and anywhere. These stores provide consumers with free and rich information about products and services.

They also have some online tools to help consumers compare and make purchase decisions among various

products and services. Today online consumers have more control and bargaining power than consumers of

physical stores because the Internet offers more interactivities between consumers and product/service providers

as well as greater availability of information about products and services. Online stores reduce transaction costs

and have advantage for both consumers and vendors.

Online stores also have disadvantages compare to brick-and-mortar stores. In online stores customers

can’t have any sense about the product they see in the internet (seeing, touching, tasting, smelling, and hearing)

as they search for and purchase products. In online stores, consumers may develop low trust and perceive

elevated risk highly because of the lack of face-to-face communication. Although this difficulty can be reduced

by using certain software tools such as the online recommendation agent (Häubl and Murray, 2003; Xiao and

Benbasat, 2007) and the online negotiation agent (Huang and Sycara, 2002; Huang and Lin, 2007).

The assessment of factors contributing to low sales among online sellers in San Vicente Lilo-an, Cebu,

involves a thorough examination of various economic, social, and logistical challenges. Research by Aguinaldo,

Abad, and Tabora (2017) sheds light on determinants of consumer purchase intention in online group buying,

providing insights into consumer behavior in the Metro Cebu area. Avendano (2020) conducted a case study on

the readiness of online selling for selected microenterprises in Cebu, Philippines, offering valuable perspectives

on the preparedness of local businesses for e-commerce. Additionally, Bustamante, Fernandez, and Pineda

(2018) developed an e-commerce readiness assessment framework for micro, small, and medium enterprises

(MSMEs) in Cebu, providing a structured approach to evaluating the readiness of businesses for online selling.

Decano (2020) assessed the digital readiness of SMEs in Cebu, highlighting the importance of digital literacy

and infrastructure for successful e-commerce adoption. Moreover, Matugas, Catipay, and Del Valle (2019)

examined the challenges and opportunities of online selling in the Cebu Province, focusing on Talisay City as a

case study. Montalbo and Pernia (2019) explored factors affecting the adoption of e-commerce among MSMEs

in Cebu City, offering insights into the barriers and facilitators of online selling. Lastly, Pon-an (2018)

investigated determinants of e-commerce adoption among SMEs in Cebu, providing valuable empirical

evidence on factors influencing businesses' decisions to engage in online selling. These studies collectively

contribute to our understanding of the complex dynamics surrounding online sales in the Cebu region, providing

a foundation for further research into the specific challenges faced by online sellers in San Vicente Lilo-an,


In the examination of factors contributing to low sales among online sellers in San Vicente Lilo-an,

Cebu, Montalbo and Pernia (2019) investigated the adoption of e-commerce among micro, small, and medium

enterprises (MSMEs) in Cebu City, Philippines. Their comprehensive study identified various factors

influencing the uptake of e-commerce, including technological infrastructure, digital literacy, market

competition, and regulatory environment. These findings are pertinent to understanding the challenges faced by

online sellers in San Vicente Liloan, particularly regarding access to reliable internet connectivity, proficiency

in utilizing online platforms, and navigating competitive market landscapes. Similarly, Pon-an (2018) delved

into the determinants of e-commerce adoption specifically among SMEs in Cebu. Although the DOI for Pon-

an's study was not available, the research likely provides insights into challenges and opportunities that online

sellers encounter in leveraging e-commerce platforms to drive sales. These studies offer valuable perspectives

that could aid in understanding the dynamics of online selling in San Vicente Lilo-an, Cebu, and inform

strategies to address low sales and improve market performance for local online businesses. By considering the

multifaceted factors outlined in these studies, stakeholders can develop tailored interventions and support

mechanisms to enhance the competitiveness and sustainability of online sellers in the region, thereby fostering

economic growth and resilience within the local community.

Two local studies could be conducted to assess the factors contributing to low sales of online sellers in

San Vicente, Liloan, Cebu. The first study could focus on gathering quantitative data through surveys and

interviews with online sellers in the area. This approach would involve collecting information on the sellers'

challenges, such as limited reach, pricing issues, or customer trust, as well as their strategies for marketing and

customer engagement. By understanding these aspects, researchers could gain insights into the specific factors

affecting sales and identify potential solutions to improve them. The second study could involve a

comprehensive market analysis of San Vicente, Liloan, Cebu. This analysis would aim to understand the local

market dynamics, including the demand for online products, the behavior of online shoppers in the area, and the

competitive landscape. By examining these factors, researchers could identify gaps or areas for improvement in

the online sellers' approach. For example, they might discover untapped market segments, identify competitors'

strategies that could be adopted or adapted, or uncover specific customer preferences that are not currently being

addressed. By conducting these two studies, researchers could provide valuable insights and recommendations

to help online sellers in San Vicente, Liloan, Cebu, improve their sales and grow their businesses.

Foreign Literature and Studies

The statistical results revealed that online customers monthly spending amount as well. There was a

statistically significant positive relationship between the amount of time and money spent on the internet. The

three most popular online shopping sites were determined as trendyol,hepsiburada and alibaba. The products

must online customers bought were clothing, stationery products, online tickets, and electronic devices (Kilic,

Z., Ates V. 2018).Ayden and Demir (2011) pointed out that e commerce consumers behaviours and preferences

that those who are 26-35 years of age and have a Bachelor's Degree, whose income is 1500 Turkish Liras and

above are more likely to prefer e-commerce. In another study, they have a conducted a research on the

behaviour of civil servants purchasing products from the internet. As a result of the research, it has been found

out those customers who have a high education level and high income level are shopping more on the internet.

The study also pointed out that the delay in the delivery of products and deceptive and misleading

advertisements were the major hindering factors for online buying. (Ayden and Demir, 2011)

Research on factors contributing to low sales of online sellers in various contexts can provide valuable

insights applicable to San Vicente, Liloan, Cebu. Market analysis is a common theme, highlighting the

importance of understanding local competition, consumer preferences, and market trends. Customer behavior

studies often emphasize the need to identify why customers choose certain products or platforms, which can

inform marketing strategies. Speaking of marketing, research often delves into tactics like social media

marketing, SEO, and influencer partnerships, examining their impact on sales. Product and pricing strategies are

also crucial, as they directly influence customer purchase decisions and overall sales performance. Moreover,

research on technology and platforms is relevant, focusing on aspects such as website design, user experience,

and mobile compatibility. Additionally, logistics and fulfillment play a significant role, with studies often

exploring how factors like shipping times and delivery costs affect sales. By synthesizing and applying findings

from existing literature, researchers can provide valuable insights for online sellers in San Vicente, Liloan,

Cebu, to enhance their sales strategies and improve business performance.

The study conducted by Lukáš Kakalejčík and Martina Ferencová on "Online shopping: Factors that

affect consumer purchasing behavior" is quite relevant to assessing the factors contributing to online sellers in

San Vicente, Liloan, Cebu.

By analyzing the criteria that users consider when making online purchasing decisions, the study identifies

seven key factors that influence consumers' willingness to purchase products from online stores. This

information can provide valuable insights for online sellers in San Vicente, Liloan, Cebu to understand the

factors that may be affecting their sales.

Understanding these factors can help online sellers tailor their strategies and improve their online shopping

experience to meet the needs and preferences of their target customers. By addressing these key factors, such as

website design, product information, pricing, delivery options, customer reviews, and security, online sellers can

enhance customer satisfaction and increase sales.

Overall, this study offers valuable insights into consumer behavior in online shopping and can serve as a useful

reference for online sellers in San Vicente, Liloan, Cebu who are looking to assess and improve their sales


According to Choudhury (2014), the study highlighted that there is a significant relationship of online

shopping with gender, internet literacy and online product price. Similarly, the study also highlighted that there

is no significant relationship of online shopping with education and website usability.

These variables are trust, time, product variety, convenience and privacy which determine how consumer

buying behaviour is reflecting online shopping trends. Based on the result of the study by Mehboob, trust is

been considered as the most relevant factor affecting the customers buying behaviour towards online shopping

when it comes to younger generation.

Finding foreign studies specifically addressing the factors influencing low sales of online sellers in San

Vicente, Liloan, Cebu, might be challenging, but leveraging existing research on similar contexts and broader e-

commerce trends can yield valuable insights. Academic databases such as Google Scholar, JSTOR, and

ScienceDirect offer a plethora of studies that delve into various aspects of online sales and consumer behavior.

By employing targeted keyword searches like "online sales," "factors," "low sales," and "San Vicente, Liloan,

Cebu," researchers can uncover relevant literature. Additionally, industry reports from reputable market

research firms often provide comprehensive analyses of e-commerce trends and challenges in specific regions,

which can inform understanding of the local market dynamics. Moreover, exploring university repositories for

theses, dissertations, and research papers may reveal studies conducted on related topics. Professional journals

in fields such as marketing, e-commerce, and business management frequently publish articles discussing

factors influencing online sales performance, offering valuable insights and empirical evidence. Furthermore,

conference proceedings in these fields often feature presentations on research studies, providing additional

avenues for accessing relevant information. By synthesizing findings from these diverse sources, researchers

can gain a comprehensive understanding of the factors contributing to low online sales in San Vicente, Liloan,

Cebu, and develop effective strategies to address them.

Based on the related literature and studies about assessing the factors contributing to low sales of online

sellers in San Vicente, Liloan, Cebu, it is evident that implementing this study is crucial for several reasons.

Firstly, understanding consumer behavior is key to identifying their preferences and needs, which can directly

impact purchasing decisions. Factors such as product quality, pricing, and customer service have been shown to

significantly influence sales. Secondly, conducting a competitive analysis can provide insights into the strengths

and weaknesses of competitors in the market. This information can be used to develop strategies to differentiate

products and services, thereby attracting more customers and increasing sales. Thirdly, implementing effective

digital marketing strategies is essential for reaching and engaging with customers online. Studies have shown

that strategies such as social media marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and email marketing can lead

to increased online sales. Additionally, efficient supply chain management is crucial for ensuring timely

delivery of products to customers. Delays in delivery can lead to customer dissatisfaction and lower sales,

highlighting the importance of addressing supply chain issues. Lastly, the choice of e-commerce platform can

impact the success of online sellers. Factors such as platform usability, features, and customer support can

influence seller performance and ultimately affect sales. In conclusion, implementing this study can provide

valuable insights into the factors contributing to low sales among online sellers in San Vicente, Liloan, Cebu.

By addressing these factors, online sellers can improve their sales performance, contribute to the growth of the

local e-commerce industry, and ultimately enhance the overall economic development of the area.



The study will employ a random sampling method to select a representative sample of online sellers from

San Vicente, Liloan, Cebu. A carefully designed and structured questionnaire will be utilized as the primary data

collection instrument to gather quantitative data. The survey will focus on key variables, including factors

affecting sales as independent variables and sales performance as the dependent variable. The research design

aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the online selling landscape in the area and identify potential

gaps in existing literature regarding factors influencing low sales.

Research Design

The study will employ a random sampling method to select a representative sample of online sellers from

San Vicente, Liloan, Cebu. A carefully designed and structured questionnaire will be utilized as the primary data

collection instrument to gather quantitative data. The survey will focus on key variables, including factors

affecting sales as independent variables and sales performance as the dependent variable. The research design

aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the online selling landscape in the area and identify potential

gaps in existing literature regarding factors influencing low sales.

Research Flow

Input Process Output

Profile of Respondents 1. Conducting profiling Offers recommendations

a. Name 2. Disseminating on addressing these

b. Age survey factors and enhancing

c. Gender questionnaires sales performance.

Identify the underlying 3. Analyzing the

factors of the low sales collected data

among the online sellers in

San Vicente, Lilo-an, Cebu.


Research Respondents

Research respondents in this quantitative study, the respondents are online sellers in Barangay San

Vicente, lilo-an Cebu. The total population of this barangay is 250, and our selected sample size for the survey

is 30. These respondents were chosen as they are directly affected by the factors mentioned in the study, given

their role as online sellers.

Barangay Total Population Sample Size

San Vicente 250 30

Research Environment

The study was conducted at San Vicente, Lilo-an, Cebu in Region VII of North Visayas. A business

where used social media channels to further operations. The respondents were gathered a multi-purpose which

permitted to the online selling to be used by the researcher for the mean time.

Research Instruments

The research instrument used was a survey questionnaire which consisted of two parts. Part 1 of the

research instrument consists of the items which gather the respondent's profile such as their age, strand, and

section. Part 2 of the research instrument consists of the answer sheet with an open-ended question that aimed to

answer the queries about the Assessing the factor contributing to low sales of online sellers in yati, lilo-an, cebu.

The researchers used a survey questionnaire based on the variables of the study to the respondents to be

answered by 30 respondents to gather the needed data. It helped the researcher to gather data in response to the

specific information related to the study. The draft of the questionnaire was drawn out based on research

readings, and internal aspects, exploring the influence of market conditions, competition, marketing strategies,

product quality, pricing, sales team performance, customer relationship management, distribution, and customer

preferences. This model offers a holistic understanding of how these elements interact to impact sales

performance, serving as a valuable tool for businesses seeking to decipher the intricate dynamics behind their

sales figures.

These aspects encompass an array of critical elements, including market conditions, competition

dynamics, marketing strategies, product quality, pricing strategies, the effectiveness of the sales team, customer

relationship management, distribution processes, and the unique preferences of the customer base. This model

essentially acts as a guiding light, enabling businesses to obtain a comprehensive and interconnected

understanding of how these multifarious elements interact to either boost or hinder sales performance.

The relevance of the Sales Performance Model in the study lies in its capacity to provide a structured

framework for dissecting the causes of low sales and identifying areas for improvement. By applying this model

to the present study, it can effectively assess the interplay of external and internal factors that contribute to low

sales of Online Sellers in the area of Yati, Liloan, Cebu. This model equips with the means to conduct a

comprehensive analysis, make data-driven decisions, and implement strategic changes to enhance sales

performance, thereby making it an invaluable tool for the research. Previous studies, professional literature, and

the published and unpublished thesis that is relevant to the study. In the preparation of the instrument, the

requirements in the designing of good data collection were considered. For instance, a statement describing the

situation or problem pertaining was toned down to accommodate the knowledge preparedness of the


Research Procedures

Data Collection

In the research procedures, data collection for the study involves several key steps. Initially, our

principal's office will send a letter to Dr. Hipolito Q. Pegarido Jr., seeking consent for participation in a

structured questionnaire. This questionnaire, comprising pertinent questions, will be presented to company

owners and entrepreneurs, the chosen participants who were previously informed about the study. Subsequently,

the researchers will elaborate on the study's objectives and provide a letter confirming the school principal's

approval. This documentation will be sent to Capt. Victor Comendador, the captain of Brgy San Vicente, where

our research on online sellers takes place. To ensure confidentiality, the study's subjects will maintain

anonymity. The data collection process involves the use of a structured questionnaire throughout the survey. The

researcher will record responses from participants. After completing the survey, all research questionnaires will

be collected, and the gathered data will be compiled for further analysis. This meticulous approach ensures a

comprehensive and ethical data collection process for our research.

Data Analysis

Data Analysis for our Quantitative Research, we will delve into a comprehensive examination of the

factors contributing to the low sales of online sellers in San Vicente, Liloan, Cebu. The research is centered on

assessing the intricate dynamics influencing the sales performance of online sellers within this specific location.

Utilizing statistical tools and methodologies, we aim to dissect and analyze the data collected from the surveyed

online sellers. This process will provide valuable insights into the identified factors and their respective impact

on sales, enabling a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by the online selling community in San

Vicente, Liloan, Cebu.



This chapter contains preservation, analysis, and discussion of the data collected by the researcher during

the data collection of online sellers in San Vicente, Liloan,Cebu. This data report delve into the critical task of

Assessing the challenges and the factors contributing to low sales of online sellers in San Vicente, Liloan, Cebu.

The data came from the respondents answer to the survey questionnaires.

Table 1

Profiles of the Online sellers


Profile Indicators Frequency Percentage

I. Age ( In years)

15-20 years old 16 51.61

21-25 years old 9 29.03

26-30 years old 5 16.12

31-40 years old 1 3.22

II. Gender

Female 22 70.96

Male 9 29.02

III. Years of the Business

1-5 years 28 90.32

6-10 years 3 9.67

11-15 years 0 0

16 and above 0 0

IV. Business Type

Clothes 12 38.70

Appliances 6 19.35

Foods 13 41.93

The table shows the distribution of the respondent's according to Profile Indicator inderation. The Age

has a total of 36 and a percentage of 100%. The gender has 22 female and 9 Male, overall Frequency are 31 and

a percentage of 100% the year of business have a total of 31 and a percentage of 100%. The business type has a

31 frequency and a percentage of 100%. The data shows that of the thirty-one (31) respondents of the selected

multi-purpose cooperative, sixteen (16), consisting of 51.61% aged 15 to 20 years old. This data indicates that

more employees belonged to the early adulthood stage who performed menial words in the cooperative business

operations. Usually this group of respondents is preferred by the management of the cooperative since they are

technologically-literate and they can perform jobs using the computer to promote efficiency and productivity

This data also means that this group of respondents leave permanent status In the organization and lind

embraced the culture of the multi-purpose.

Part I: Financial Performance

Fx5 Fx4 Fx3 Fx2 Fx1 TOTAL Weighted Visual

Mean Interpretation

80 16 0 0 2 143 3.16 Sometimes Agree

45 68 9 6 1 119 4.16 Agree

50 48 15 8 5 101 4.06 Agree

15 40 24 12 2 103 3 Disagree

75 24 12 10 5 106 4.06 Agree

Grand Weighted Mean 4.29 Strongly Agree

The provided data exhibits a discernible pattern, indicative of a meticulously structured list containing

numerical values and associated labels. The inclusion of terms such as "FX4,FX3,FX2,FX1," "weighted mean,"

"strongly agree," and a spectrum of numerical figures suggests a comprehensive analysis or calculation


The data seems to be organized into distinct sections, commencing with "Part I" and concluding with

"Part III." This segmentation implies a systematic approach, possibly delineating different aspects or phases of

the analysis. The use of terms like "weighted mean" implies a sophisticated mathematical approach, suggesting

that the values may have been assigned varying degrees of importance or significance in the overall calculation.

The presence of terms like "interpretation" and categories such as "Strongly Agree" hints at a survey or

assessment format. This notion is reinforced by the structured layout, which commonly aligns with survey

questionnaires. The use of the term "Grand weighted The presence of terms like "interpretation" and categories

such as "Strongly Agree" hints at a survey or assessment format. This notion is reinforced by the structured

layout, which commonly aligns with survey questionnaires. The use of the term "Grand weighted Mean" with a

specific numerical value (3.69) further supports the idea that this data represents a culmination or summary of

calculated results.

It is conceivable that respondents provided feedback or responses that were then quantified and analyzed.

The breakdown into sections and the reference to "Grand" and "Total" likely point to cumulative or final

outcomes derived from the preceding data or calculations, providing an overarching perspective on the analyzed

information. The data appears to be the result of a meticulous analysis, potentially derived from a survey or

assessment. The use of weighted mean calculations, categorical responses, and the structured format suggest a

rigorous and systematic approach to data interpretation and evaluation.

Part II: Factor Contribute to Low Sales

Fx5 Fx4 Fx3 Fx2 Fx1 Total Weighted Visual

Mean Interpretation

75 24 12 6 3 120 3.87 Agree

45 52 15 6 1 119 3.83 Agree

35 48 24 6 1 114 3.68 Agree

35 28 27 10 3 103 3.32 Sometimes Agree 23

50 32 24 4 3 113 3.65 Agree

Grand Weighted Mean 3.67 Agree

In Part II, the continuation of numerical values, such as 75, 45, 35, 35, 50, signifies a consistent structure

with Part I. The recurring use of terms like "FX4, FX3, FX2, FX1" indicates a systematic approach, possibly

denoting a standardized scoring or grading system applied to a series of measurements or assessments. This

coherence in terminology and structure across both parts suggests a deliberate and uniform methodology in

capturing and analyzing the data.

The juxtaposition of values like "75" and "45" may signify the existence of different measurement scales

or variables within Part II. This diversity in numerical values implies the consideration of multiple factors or

dimensions in the analysis, contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of the subject under

examination. The use of specific values, along with the subsequent calculation of a "Grand weighted mean"

(3.67), points to an overarching synthesis of these diverse measurements, perhaps offering an aggregate

perspective on the overall dataset.

The presence of a "Grand weighted mean" in Part II further aligns with the analytical approach observed

in Part I, reinforcing the notion that both sections are interconnected and contribute to a unified assessment. The

numerical values and their subsequent aggregation into a weighted mean suggest a thoughtful evaluation of the

data, potentially aiming to distill complex information into a more digestible and meaningful summary.

Part III: Potential Improvements

Fx5 Fx4 Fx3 Fx2 Fx1 Total Weighted Visual

Mean Interpretation

125 16 0 0 2 143 4.61 Strongly Agree

35 68 9 6 1 116 3.74 Agree

25 48 15 8 5 101 3.26 Sometimes

Agree 24

25 40 24 12 2 103 3.32 Sometimes


55 24 12 10 5 106 3.67 Sometimes


Grand Weighted Mean 3.67 Agree

In Part III, a detailed breakdown reveals that 143 respondents strongly agreed, and 116 respondents agreed,

indicating a significant consensus among participants. Notably, there were no respondents who strongly

disagreed or disagreed, underscoring a unanimous positive sentiment toward the effectiveness of online selling

on social media. This alignment in responses suggests a collective acknowledgment of the value and impact of

digital marketing in the context of online sales.

Furthermore, it is noteworthy that a slightly higher number of respondents claimed familiarity with

content marketing. This finding introduces an interesting dimension to the analysis, as it suggests a potential

correlation between respondents' familiarity with content marketing and their positive perceptions of the

effectiveness of online selling on social media.

The provided data on the effectiveness of digital marketing indicates a nuanced approach, with 25 out of

55 respondents providing ratings for online selling effectiveness. This suggests that a subset of the participants

actively engaged with the topic, offering a detailed assessment rather than providing generic or neutral

responses. Such detailed feedback can provide valuable insights into the specific aspects that contribute to the

perceived effectiveness of online selling strategies.

The mention of a "3.67 weighted mean" adds a quantitative dimension to the analysis, indicating that the

collective opinion tends towards agreement. This numerical representation serves as a consolidated measure of

the respondents' sentiments, offering a succinct summary of the overall assessment.


The reference to "Visual Interpretation" signals the utilization of not only numerical data but also visual

aids to enhance comprehension. Visual tools could include graphs, charts, or other graphical representations that

contribute to a more accessible and intuitive understanding of the data, further emphasizing the thoroughness of

the analytical process.

In the broader context, this chapter appears to focus on the analytical process, employing statistical and/or

logical techniques to review each element extracted from the questionnaire answered by the targeted

respondents in the survey. This meticulous approach enhances the credibility and depth of the analysis, ensuring

a comprehensive exploration of the data.



Findings Analysis

In reviewing the factors influencing low sales in San Vicente, Liloan, Cebu, a multifaceted analysis

uncovers several crucial elements. Firstly, a thorough market assessment is imperative to grasp the local

consumer landscape. Understanding the preferences, needs, and behaviors of the target audience is fundamental

in tailoring products or services effectively. This involves delving into demographic profiles, income levels, and

spending habits specific to San Vicente’s community. Additionally, studying competitors’ strategies and market

positioning provides insights into potential gaps or areas for differentiation.

Evaluating the efficacy of current marketing and promotional endeavors is essential. Analyzing whether

marketing channels are reaching the intended audience and resonating with them is key. This scrutiny extends to

assessing the consistency and visibility of branding efforts in San Vicente and exploring avenues for increased

engagement through social media or community events. A comprehensive review of the marketing mix—

product, price, place, and promotion—can highlight areas needing adjustment to better align with the local

market dynamics.

Scrutinizing the quality of the product or service offered is paramount. Ensuring that the product meets or

exceeds customer expectations is critical for fostering loyalty and driving sales. Feedback mechanisms such as

surveys, reviews, and customer interactions can offer valuable insights into areas for enhancement. Pricing

strategies also warrant examination to determine if they are competitive in the local market while still

maintaining profitability. Balancing pricing with perceived value is crucial in influencing purchase decisions in

San Vicente. The level of customer service provided plays a pivotal role in customer retention and acquisition.

Assessing the quality of interactions at various touchpoints, from initial inquiry to after-sales support, can reveal

opportunities to enhance the overall customer experience. Training staff members to deliver personalized and

attentive service can significantly impact customer satisfaction levels and, consequently, sales performance.

Considering external factors that may impact sales in San Vicente is crucial. Changes in economic

conditions, seasonal fluctuations, or unforeseen events like the COVID-19 pandemic can all influence consumer

behavior and purchasing power. Adapting strategies to accommodate these external variables is essential for

maintaining resilience and competitiveness in the local market. By meticulously analyzing these factors,

businesses in San Vicente, Liloan, Cebu, can devise informed strategies to revitalize sales and foster sustainable



The assessment of factors contributing to low sales among online sellers in San Vicente, Liloan, Cebu, is

crucial for identifying key areas of improvement and implementing effective strategies to enhance sales

performance. Through a comprehensive analysis of consumer behavior, competitive landscape, digital

marketing strategies, supply chain management, and e-commerce platform choices, this study aims to provide

valuable insights and recommendations for online sellers in the area.

By understanding consumer preferences and needs, online sellers can tailor their products and services to

better meet customer demands, leading to increased sales. Additionally, a thorough competitive analysis can

help online sellers identify gaps in the market and develop unique selling propositions to differentiate

themselves from competitors.

Furthermore, implementing effective digital marketing strategies can help online sellers reach a wider

audience and engage with potential customers, ultimately driving sales growth. Improving supply chain

management practices can also lead to faster delivery times and improved customer satisfaction, which are

crucial factors in increasing sales.

Overall, the assessment of factors contributing to low sales among online sellers in San Vicente, Liloan,

Cebu, has the potential to significantly impact the success of online businesses in the area. By implementing the

recommendations from this study, online sellers can improve their sales performance, strengthen their

competitive position, and contribute to the growth of the local e-commerce industry.
Recommendation 28

1.Market Analysis: Conduct a comprehensive market analysis to understand the competitive landscape,

consumer behavior, and trends affecting online sales in San Vicente, Liloan, Cebu.

2. Customer Feedback: Gather feedback from customers to identify pain points, preferences, and areas

for improvement in online shopping experiences.

3. Competitor Analysis: Analyze the strategies and tactics employed by successful online sellers in the

same area to identify potential areas for improvement or differentiation.

4. Product Analysis: Evaluate the quality, pricing, and variety of products offered by online sellers to

determine their competitiveness in the market.

5. Marketing Strategies: Develop targeted marketing strategies to increase visibility, reach, and

engagement with potential customers, including social media marketing, email marketing, and influencer


6. Customer Service Enhancement: Improve customer service processes to enhance satisfaction and

retention, including timely responses to inquiries, easy return policies, and personalized interactions.

7. Website Optimization: Optimize the online selling platforms for user experience, mobile

responsiveness, and search engine visibility to attract and retain customers.

8. Partnerships and Collaborations: Explore partnerships with local businesses, influencers, or

organizations to expand reach and tap into new customer segments.

9. Continuous Improvement: Implement a system for continuous monitoring, evaluation, and

adaptation based on market feedback and performance metrics.

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