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1. Tell us what is Democratic & Education all about?

• A form of government in which people choose leaders by voting.

• An organization or situation in which everyone is treated equally and has equal
• While education is a process of transmission of knowledge from one generation
to another to bring positive behavioral change. Education is the process of social
adjustment and self –realization of the individual.
In summary, in Democracy and Education Dewey emphasizes the associational and
communal aspects of democracy, and finds that conscious, directed education is
necessary to establish these conditions and form democratic character in children.

2. Who is the main proponent of this philosophy?

John Dewey [1859-1952] an influential philosopher, psychologist and

educational thinker, published his book on Democracy and Education: An
Introduction to the Philosophy of Education in 1916.

3. What is the impactful contribution of the Democracy to education?

Effective democracies are dynamic, evolving forms of government that demand
independent thinking by the citizenry. The opportunity for positive social and political
change rests in citizens' hands.
 Democracy is widely regarded as superior to autocracy in terms of providing access to
education, and several studies find that democracy enhances educational enrollment
and years of schooling.
 Democracies encourage students to develop reasonable arguments based on careful
research and a clear understanding of history.

4. What is the role of the students and teachers in this philosophy?

Teachers/schools that best teach students the skills to participate actively
in democracy are themselves institutions that reflect democratic principles not
only in word, but also in deed.

Democratic education is where people listen to one another and where children /
student are the source of learning for teachers. There is a way to help children/ student
learn and at the same time listen to them. Teachers do not feel diminished, and they
construct with the children and respect them, which is something important to learn."

5. Democratic education is a type of formal education that is organized democratically, so that

students can manage their own learning and participate in the governance of their school.
Democratic education is often specifically emancipatory, with the students' voices being
equal to the teachers. How are we going to safeguard the teachers from abusive students?
I believe that with proper education, guidance, and coordination to parents and stakeholders,
we can protect teachers from abusive students, as well as effective communication and
implementation of the school's rules and regulations.

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