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@Anant Giri

Revision (EvS)

1. Answer the following questions:

a. What is a balanced diet?

b. What are internal organs?
c. Where are houseboats found?
d. What does a cobbler do?
e. Who worships fire? What is their holy book?

2. Fill in the blanks:

a. In our national flag, White colour stands for _____________

b. ___________ is the head of the country.
c. Chapchar Kut festival is celebrated in ____________ during the month of _________.
d. Floral designs are made during the festival of Onam are called ____________.
e. ___________ is the holy book of Buddhist.
f. A __________ grows vegetables and a ___________ sells them.
g. There are _______ bones and more than 600 muscles in an adult.

3. Define:

a. Posture d. Igloo
b. Meal e. Pookalams
c. Spinning f. Anthem

4. Write the differences between:

a. Uniform and Costume

b. Kutcha House and Pucca House

5. Write short notes on:

a. Republic Day d. Good Eating Habits

b. Tent e. Bones and Muscles
c. Clothes

6. Write the two main Eids.

7. List any 4 places of worship.

8. Name three main food groups.

9. Name three internal organs.

10. Name any two types of Temporary Shelter/House.

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