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‘Año del fortalecimiento de la soberanía nacional’ the healthy alimentation

A good lifestyle Presentation

Hello! Made this triptych with the it can be said that the food
Goal to make known how to have a healthy is one that provides the
good lifestyle. nutrients the body needs to
enter information about a good maintain the proper
diet, physical activity i hope this functioning of the body,
information will be of great pleasure preserve health, minimizing the
to you. risk of diseases.
thank you
Nombres: Sheyla Alexandra

Last name: Zapata Juarez

Grade section: 4° ‘A’
teacher: flor Pizarro

Physical activity is and bodily movement. An recommendations
activity has many concepts: swimming, running, * sleep the hours
playing, jumping and cycling, among others.
reduces the risk of suffering from: diseases * hydrate
cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure,
colon cancer and diabetes.
helps control overweight, obesity and fat * maintain a balanced diet
percentage bodily. An activity has many concept:
swimming, running, playing, jumping and riding * stay active.
a bicycle, among others.

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