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COMSATS University Islamabad, Wah

Theory Assignment 2

Department of: SCIENCE

Class/Program: BS(7-A,C,D) Date: 9 Nov 2022 11:59 AM
Subject: Compiler Construction Instructor: Muhammad Nadeem
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Q1. you are required to convert following regular expression to equivalent

CFG. [CLO-2 PLO-37]
 00 *11*
 (a+b)*abb
 (0+1)*0(0+1)*0(0+1)*
 (b + c)* a (b + c)*
 (a-z)+(cui)(w|a|h)

Q2. Explain what is the purpose of a CFG, what are the basic ingredients of
a CFG, explain each. [CLO-2 PLO-37]

Q3. Consider the following CFG. [CLO-2 PLO-37]

S→ aSa
S→ bSb
S→ c
create parse trees for following input and show that either they are accepted
or rejected.
abbcba, abbcbba, abaccbba, abbbcbbba, abbcbbba, abbbba, abcba, abab
Q4. Consider the following grammar. (S, NP,VP,DET,N,PP,IV,TV,PREP
are all single Non Terminal) [CLO-2 PLO-37]

You are required to create parse trees for following sentences.

 fruit flies like an apple
 the apple eats the giraffe
 the giraffe eats the fruit
 apple fruit like an fruit
 a fruit like flies fruit
 apple flies like a fruit
 apple flies flies like apple

Q5. Consider the following grammar. (S,NP,VP,PP,V,P are non terminal

symbols). [CLO-2 PLO-37]

Create parse trees for following sentences.

 they fish
 they can fish
 pakistan can in december
 they can fish in pakistan
 they can fish in pakistan in december
 they can fish in december in pakistan
 in pakistan fish can in pools
 they fish in rivers in pakistan
 they fish in december
 they fish in pakistan
 they fish in pakistan in december

Q6.Consider the following grammar. (S,NP,VP,Det,Noun,Verb are non

terminal) [CLO-2 PLO-37]

draw parse tree for following sentences.

 These students eats a cake
 the cake eat these students
 a student eats these cakes
 the cake eats a student

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