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Location Recce

Please produce a location recce for EVERY location used

Insert photo of location (do not draw) Type of room/area: Woods

Location Address:

Stoke Row, Henley-on-

Thames RG9 5PR

Nearest Train Station: Goring

Train Station

Nearest Bus stop: Woodcote

Bus Stop.

Site contact name and contact Availability

N/A Whenever needed it is public ground.



Suitability / shots for production (scene numbers)

Suitable for all scenes other than the first.

Lighting Information: Solutions:

Natural dark lighting. Screw on flash light.

Sound Information: Solutions:

Sounds of forest. I will use these sounds.

Power Information Solutions:

No source of power None needed

Hazards Solutions:

Tripping over twigs. Clearing path ways of logs and twigs before
filming in them.
Falling in mud. Make sure we don’t film by any puddles or run
through mud puddles

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