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The 5 P’s for Interview Success

You have probably read one of the many articles on how to have a good job interview

What should you do, and what should you NOT do?

If you are on the candidate side of this interaction try following the 5 P’s for interview

(1) Preparation

Be prepared! Easy enough, right?

Get to know the company and the role; spend some time on the company website.
Research your route and account for the time of day with traffic.

If possible, do a practice run.

Set your outfit the night before and have plenty of freshly printed resumes (and

(2) Punctuality

This should be fairly simple if you researched your route and possibly did a practice

Plan to be at least 15 minutes early to avoid unnecessary stress and nerves.

(3) Politeness

Yes, this is a reminder to be polite!

Someone is taking the time to meet with you so be sure to thank them for their time.

Maintain good posture and eye contact. Mind your language.

And for Pete’s sake (I don’t know who Pete is)….NO cell phone! You shouldn’t need
to bring it in the interview, but if you have separation anxiety from your phone, put it
on silent in your pocket and don’t touch it.

(4) Proposal

Not a good idea for a first date – great idea for an interview.

You should propose why you are a strong technical fit for the role, or even a good
cultural fit to the company.

Think about this during your preparation stage.

(5) Pursue

At the end of your interview tell your interviewer how interested you are and let them
know you want the job.

Make sure you follow up with a “Thank You”.

If business cards were given during the interview, email your interviewer[s] directly.

If they were not, draft yours thank you note[s] and email the contact who coordinator
the interview process.

A handwritten note goes a long way as well.

Follow these tips and let me know how your next interview goes!

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