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Imperfect eggs and oviform nymphs: a history of ideas about

the origins of insect metamorphosis
Deniz F. Erezyilmaz1
Department of Biology, University of Washington, Box 351800, Seattle, WA 98195-1800, USA

Synopsis The problem of insect metamorphosis has inspired naturalists for centuries. One question that often arises is why
some insects, such as butterflies and bees, undergo a fairly radical metamorphosis while others, such as crickets and lice, do
not. Even before the concept of homology emerged scientists speculated which stage found in more direct-developing insects
would correspond with the pupal stage of metamorphosing insects. William Harvey (1651) considered the pupal stage to be a
continuation of embryonic events, calling it a “second egg.” Since then variations of this idea have emerged over the centuries
of scientific research and have been supported by a wide variety of methods and rationales. This review will follow those ideas
and the ideas that emerged in opposition to them to the present state of the field.

Introduction reduced or absent larval legs. The fate of the larval

Insect metamorphosis is one of the most common yet tissues differs among the holometabolous orders.

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dramatic of biological phenomena, and problems asso- In some groups, larval tissues are degraded completely.
ciated with it have intrigued naturalists for centuries. In others, the same tissue contributes to the larval,
Specifically, many people have speculated about why pupal, and adult forms. The imaginal tissues destined
insects differ so extensively in the degree of change that to give rise to the pupal and adult structures may be set
occurs between hatching and sexual maturity. These aside as early as embryogenesis, or created de novo at
different life history strategies are grouped according to metamorphosis.
the extent of metatmorphosis into one of three classes: Complete metamorphosis in insects arose once
ametaboly, hemimetaboly, or holometaboly (Fig. 1). from hemimetabolous ancestors, during the Permian
During ametabolous development, a miniature version (Kukalova-Peck 1991; Labandeira and Phillips 1996).
of the wingless adult emerges from the egg and simply In the ensuing 285 million years, the Holometabola
increases in size throughout the succeeding immature have radiated so extensively that holometabolous insect
(nymphal) stages. These wingless, more basal insects species now account for 45–60% of all living organisms
often continue to molt after they reach sexual maturity. (Hammond 1992). This explosion can be attributed to
Hemimetabolous development is also largely direct, the innovation whereby one insect is able to produce
except that in these winged orders, external wing pri- more than one form. By decoupling larval and adult
mordia grow throughout the nymphal stages, and the development, larvae and adults were able to occupy
wings and genitalia emerge at the final adult molt. In separate ecological niches (Kukalova-Peck 1991). In
contrast, the immature stages of holometabolous addition, internalization of the developing wing
(completely metamorphosing) insects are often widely primordia allowed burrowing of the vermiform
divergent from the adult form. The immature stages, (worm-shaped) larvae, and these juveniles were then
here called larvae, of the Holometabola undergo a able to live inside ephemeral food sources, such as
radical metamorphosis by passing from the larval to fruits and detritus (Truman and Riddiford 1999).
the pupal stage (a process called pupal development), Modern explanations for the evolution of holo-
and then from the pupal to the adult stage (adult metabolous metamorophosis from hemimetabolous
development). Larvae of holometabolous insects are ancestors date back to the seventeenth century.
distinguished from the nymphs of hemimetabolous William Harvey (1651) considered the pupal stage to
insects by the presence of internally developing be a continuation of embryonic events. Variations of
wings, the presence of modified larval eyes, and this argument of metamorphosis as a heterochrony

From the symposium “Metamorphosis: A Multikingdom Approach” presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Integrative and
Comparative Biology, January 4–8, 2006, Orlando, Florida.
1 E-mail:

Integrative and Comparative Biology, volume 46, number 6, pp. 795–807

Advance Access publication August 24, 2006
Ó 2006 The Author(s).
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecom- which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original work is properly cited.
796 D. F. Erezyilmaz

N1 L1
N1 L2
N2 L3
N3 L4
N4 N3 L5

N5 L6

N6 L7
N7 L8

N8 P

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Ametaboly Hemimetaboly Hemimetaboly

(no metamorphosis) (partial metamorphosis) (complete metamorphosis)

Fig. 1 A figure adapted from a review by Sehnal and colleagues (1996). In ametabolous development, the immature stages
simply increase in size to produce the adult. Unlike other types of insect development, these insects, represented here
by a silverfish, continue to molt once they have become sexually mature (arrow). The immature stages (called nymphs)
of hemimetabolous insects resemble the ultimate adult, except that wings and genitalia are acquired at the final molt.
With holometaboly, or complete metamorphosis, the form of the larval stages often differs dramatically from that of the
adult. The group is represented here by a snake fly, with the pupal stage circled. E ¼ embryo; L ¼ larva; N ¼ nymph;
P ¼ pupa; and A ¼ adult. The numbers associated with these letters indicate the instar (duration between molts) (for
example, N1 is the first nymphal instar).

have arisen over the centuries of scientific research and animals produce another animal either actually or
have been justified by a wide variety of methods. In this potentially. Those animals which produce another in
essay, I will discuss the original ideas on the origins of actuality are called viviparous, those which produce in
complete metamorphosis of insects, with the hope that potentiality are oviparous.” To these 2 classes, however,
this will stimulate and focus future research. I will next Aristotle counted a third group, the vermiparous,
discuss current studies that use modern techniques to which arise as worms spontaneously from putrescence
address the origin of metamorphosis. Finally, I will briefly (Aristotle 322 BC; Harvey 1651). In defense of the
suggest some future directions for studies of this topic. oviparous origins of caterpillars and maggots,
Harvey (1651) described Aristotle’s “worms” as the
Imperfect eggs product of imperfect eggs: “Imperfect eggs we call
William Harvey is best known to modern science for those which are thrust out while they are immature
his 1628 work, An Anatomical Disquisition on the and have not yet reached their full size but continue to
Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals, which grow outside the womb after they have been laid . . . in
demonstrated, using observations and experiments, this class should be included the primordia of insects,
that blood flows and that its movement is driven by which Aristotle calls worms.” Imperfect eggs produced
the heart. Harvey also completed a second book, creatures that are intermediate between imperfect and
Disputations Touching the Generation of Animals, perfect creatures, Harvey (1651) argued:
which was published in 1651. The frontispiece of the
1651 edition depicts Zeus opening an egg to release a Because in comparison with its own egg or primor-
spectrum of creatures. Significantly, 2 insects are dium, it is an animal endowed with sense and motion
included, a grasshopper and a butterfly. In the 62nd that nourishes itself, but in comparison with the fly or
exercise, That an egg is the common original of all ani- butterfly whose primordium exists in potentia, it is to
mals, Harvey disagreed with Aristotle by stating: “all be accounted no more than a crawling egg, itself
Imperfect eggs and oviform nymphs 797

providing for its own growth. Such is a caterpillar “Nymph-Animals.” Insects that are born in the shape
which, having acquired its proper size, is changed of their parents, but are imperfect, or deficient in
into a chrysalis or a perfected egg, and ceasing to regard to their wings belong to the second order,
move is, like an egg, an animal in potentia. which includes such insects as mayflies and crickets.
Swammerdam (1669) labeled the postembryonic
This idea that the larval state is a “crawling egg,” and immature stages of this insect, “the Nymph-vermicle;
the pupal stage was a “second egg” was borrowed from for the little creature, whilst it is and remains a real
Aristotle (322 BC). In his argument, however, Harvey Vermicle or Worm, has notwithstanding some of its
articulated a new concept of insect life history and parts disposed and in an admirable manner beautifully
development; larvae of metamorphosing insects were composed, just as they are in the Nymph state.”
thrust out of the egg “imperfect,” and were forced to In contrast, in insects that undergo complete metamor-
continue ontogenesis in a second period of develop- phosis, such as butterflies and bees, the nymphal state is
ment that was separated from growth, the pupal stage. attained during pupal development, by the “Nymph-
This essay will follow the “second egg” idea through the Chrysalis” (Fig. 2). Finally, Swammerdam placed the
centuries of scientific discovery and examine the the- flies, which use their larval cuticle to form a pupal case,
ories that emerged in opposition to it. or puparium, in the 4th order, where, like the Chrysalis
of the third order, the nymph is not created until the

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Oviform nymphs pupal stage. Because pupation occurs within the worm-
“His dissertation contains almost as many errors as like larval case of the maggot, Swammerdam labeled
words,” wrote Jan Swammerdam (1669) of Harvey’s these immatures as “Vermiform Nymphs.”
“second egg” hypothesis, just 18 years after the Swammerdam’s equation of the pupal stage with the
publication of The Generation of Animals. What nymph was based on his own extensive descriptions of
Swammerdam objected to was the concept of the chry- the imaginal tissues of the moth, which showed that the
salis, or pupa, as an egg that would produce one animal primordia of the moth could be discerned as early as
from the matter of another. Instead, Swammerdam the larval stages beneath the skin of the caterpillar
considered the pupa to be a form of nymph. He wrote: (Fig. 2). Unlike Harvey, who considered the pupal
stage to be an egg state during which one shape was
Those eggs, wherein the animalcules lie still without transformed to another, Swammerdam (1669) consid-
food, in the figure of Nymphs, and which for that ered the production of the adult to be more continuous:
reason, often have the form of the animalcules that are
to proceed from them, ought not to be called eggs, but The wings, horns and other parts which worms with-
Nymphs in the form of eggs, or oviform Nymphs. out legs seem to acquire about their chests, at the time
of their mutation, are not truly produced, during the
In this section, Swammerdam directly assaulted period of mutation, or, to speak more agreeably to
Harvey’s conception of the pupa as an egg as super- truth during the time of limbs shooting or budding
ficial, relying on the shape of the pupal case instead of out; but that they have grown there by degrees under
its contents, which he considered to be nymphal. the skin, and as the worm itself has grown by a kind of
Swammerdam (1669) used the concept of the accretion of parts, and will make their appearance in it
nymph that was coined by Aristotle as the point upon breaking the skin on its head or its back and
when insects “have received the outlines of shape thereby give it the figure of a Nymph.
they are afterwards to wear.” That is, their adult dimen-
sions. Swammerdam furthermore considered the nym- In revealing that imaginal development is not con-
phal state to be the ground or foundation of insect fined to the immobile stage of the “second egg,”
life. Insects, he argued, simply differed in the point Swammerdam discounted the notion that events that
of development when the nymphal state was attained. occur in the pupal stage correspond to events that
With this, he arranged insect life histories into 4 orders occur in eggs.
that were based on the extent of metamorphosis,
roughly corresponding to ametaboly, hemimetaboly, Embryonic metamorphoses
holometaboly (Fig. 1), and in the most extreme “The metamorphoses of insects,” wrote the naturalist
order, a derived form of holometaboly found in Sir John Lubbock in 1883, “have always seemed to me
Dipterans. In the first order, exemplified by the one of the greatest difficulties of the Darwinian
louse, the nymph is born perfect, in its final form, theory.” The problem for Lubbock was that, according
and simply grows by “accretion” to produce the to accepted wisdom of the day, animals related by
adult. These nymphs that are born perfect, he called common descent should resemble each other more
798 D. F. Erezyilmaz

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Fig. 2 Drawings of bee pupae from Swammerdam’s 1669 publication (1978 reprint), The Book of Nature or, the History of
Insects. (A) An intact pupa. a ¼ the head; b ¼ eyes; c ¼ horns or antennae; d is “the lip;” e ¼ “teeth or jaw bones;” f ¼
first pair of joints on the proboscis; h ¼ proboscis; i ¼ the first pair of legs; k ¼ “transparent stiff little parts;” l ¼ the
second pair of legs; m ¼ the wings; n ¼ “blade bones;” o ¼ last pair of legs; p ¼ “abdominal rings;” q ¼ “the hinder parts
of the body;” r ¼ “2 little parts accompanying the sting;” s ¼ the anus. (B) A ventral view of a bee pupa with the
thoracic pupal cuticle removed and the imaginal tissues pulled away. The original figure legend reads, “The worm of the
Bee, on the point of changing to a Nymph, and stripped of its skin, the better to show the infant parts of the future
Bee, which are here represented as they appear through the microscope, after extending them a little. aa: the antennae
or horns. b: the proboscis, with its parts. cc: the second pair of joints belonging to, or forming, the proboscis. dd: the
first pair. ee: the first pair of legs, lying against the breast. ff: the second pair of legs. gg: the third pair. hh: the greater
wings. ii: the smaller wings. k: the abdominal wings.” Reprinted from F Sehnal, P Svacha, and J Zrzavy, Evolution of insect
metamorphosis, in LI Gilbert, JR Tata, BG Atkinson (eds.), Metamorphosis: Postembryonic Reprogramming of Gene
Expression in Amphibian and Insect Cells. San Diego: Academic Press, p. 3–58, with permission from Elsevier.

closely in their immature stages. Only with further increasing duration of developmental similarity
ontogeny, the peculiarities of the species would appear grouped together. Four years after Darwin published
[Darwin (1859), however, did address exceptions to the the Origin of Species, the German naturalist, Fritz Muller
rule of embryonic resemblance in On the Origin of (1869) published a small book, Facts and Arguments
Species. For instance: “The case, however, is different for Darwin. The premise of that book was to attempt
when an animal during any part of its embryonic career to apply Darwin’s theory to one particular group, the
is active, and has to provide for itself. The period of Crustacea, and to form a picture of their ancestry. On
activity may come on earlier or later in life; but when- the classification of Crustacea, Muller summarily
ever it comes on, the adaptation of the larva to its rejected the notion that development of an individual
conditions of life is just as perfect and as beautiful proceeds from the general type to the species-specific:
as in the adult animal. From such special adaptations,
the similarity of the larvae or active embryos of allied I cannot but think that we can scarcely speak of a
animals is sometimes much obscured.”]. Insects defy general plan, or typical mode of development of the
this, as Lubbock (1883) put it: “In most cases, the Crustacea, differentiated according to the separate
development of the individual reproduces to a certain Sections, Orders, and Families, when for example,
extent that of the race; but the motionless, imbecile among the Macrura, the River Crayfish leaves the
pupa cannot represent a mature form.” egg in its permanent form; the Lobster with
Exceptions to the doctrine of increasing disparity Schizopodal feet; Palemon, like the Crabs, as a Zoea;
accumulated. A corollary of this theory was that, and Peneus, like the Cirripedes, as a Nauplius,—and
since traits proceeded from the general to the species- when, still within this same sub-order Macrura,
specific, classification of organisms should agree in their Palinurus, Mysis and Euphausia again present
developmental history, with organisms that share an different young forms.
Imperfect eggs and oviform nymphs 799

sees a record of historical transformations. However, as

Muller (1869) stated:

The historical record preserved in developmental

history is gradually EFFACED as the development
strikes into a constantly straighter course from the
egg to the perfect animal, and it is frequently
SOPHISTICATED by the struggle for existence
which the free-living larvae have to undergo.

Therefore, the effects of selection upon immature

stages will affect embryonic development, and thereby
obscure the developmental relationship of members of
the same group that encounter different circumstances
upon hatching.
By 1869, the fossil record had shown that hemime-
tabolous insects arose before metamorphosing insects,

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demonstrating that metamorphosis was acquired, not
inherited in the class (Muller 1869). Instead of focusing
on the pupal stage, Lubbock (1883) considered the
origin of the holometabolous larva. For Lubbock, the
problem insect metamorphosis posed to Darwinism
was that the immature stages of Holometabola, like
many Crustacea, bore less resemblance to their hemi-
Fig. 3 Summary of various theories illustrating the metabolous ancestors than did the mature stages.
homology of hemimetabolous stages and
holometabolous stages. Adapted from Gillot (1995).
Lubbock’s resolution of this seeming paradox is derived
hemi ¼ hemimetabolous life history; holo ¼ from Fritz Muller’s conclusions from the Crustacea. The
holometabolous life history; E ¼ embryo; N ¼ nymph; L result was a rephrasing of William Harvey’s notion of
¼ larva; P ¼ pupa; A ¼ adult. (A–C) De-embryonization interrupted ontogeny couched in the terms of natural
theories. Harvey (1651) considered the pupal stage to selection. Lubbock (1883) stated: “there are, no doubt,
be a continuation of embryonic events. Berlese’s (1913)
cases in which the earlier states are rapidly passed
theory subdivided the embryonic stages into 3 periods
of increasing development; the abdomen-less protopod through, or but obscurely indicated . . . either before
(Eproto), the differentiating polypod (Epoly), and the or after birth, animals undergo metamorphosis.”
terminally differentiating oligopod (Eoligo). Truman and Lubbock considered hemimetabolous insects, like
Riddiford (1999) subdivided embryonic development crickets, to pass through this “metamorphosis” in the
according to embryonic molts. E1 ¼ the embryonic stage egg. Metamorphosing insects, however, would hatch
bearing the first embryonic cuticle. EPro-N ¼ pronymphal
stage, bearing the pronymphal cuticle EN ¼ first nymphal
prior to the “embryonic metamorphosis.” Since acquir-
stage, produced just before hatching. (D) Poyarkoff ing this mode of development, Lubbock reasoned, the
(1914a, b) suggested that the pupal stage arose through morphology of larvae have evolved so that “the larva
subdivision of the imaginal stage. (E) Despite evidence of an insect is by no means a mere stage in the devel-
that the Holometabola evolved from hemimetabolous opment of the perfect animal. On the contrary, it is
insects, Heslop-Harrison (1958) believed that both
groups evolved from an ancestor containing both larval
subject to the influence of natural selection and under-
and nymphal stages. (F) Hinton (1963) considered the goes changes which have reference entirely to its own
pupa to be homologous to the last stage nymph of requirements and condition” (Fig. 4). Therefore,
hemimetabolous insects. Lubbock considered the holometabolous larva to be a
less-developed version of its ancestor that, once it
The problem in grouping the Crustacea according to
became free-living, was subject to intense selection
the dogma of increasing diversity is that, like insects,
that would obscure its expected resemblance to the
the greatest diversity is often seen in the immature
hemimetabolous ancestor (Lubbock 1883).
stages (Fig. 3). The issue of developmental history
and shared ancestry for Muller was whether variation
occurs by deviating from the ancestral form sooner, or The morphologists
by passing through the ancestral forms and pass them In the twentieth century, aspects of Harvey’s second
to a new morphology. When the latter case occurs, one egg hypothesis were popularized by the work of
800 D. F. Erezyilmaz



4 5
4 6

7 9 9

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Fig. 4 The hemimetabolous and holometabolous adults (Plate 1) matched with their immature stages in Plate 2. This
figure is originally from J. O. Westwood’s Introduction to the Modern Classification of Insects, but Lubbock (1883) used
these plates in a series of articles in Nature entitled, On the Origin and Metamorphoses of Insects, in which he discussed the
suitability of larval forms to their habitat. Plate 1: 1 ¼ cricket; 2 ¼ earwig; 3 ¼ Aphis; 4 ¼ Scolytus; 5 ¼ Anthrax;
6 ¼ Balanius; 7 ¼ Cynips; 8 ¼ Ant; 9 ¼ Wasp. Plate 2: ? ¼ cricket nymph; 2 ¼ Aphis nymph; 3 ¼ earwig nymph;
4 ¼ Scotylus larva; 5 ¼ Anthrax larva; 6 ¼ Balanius larva; 7 ¼ larva of Cynips; 8 ¼ ant larva; 9 ¼ wasp larva.

Antonin Berlese (1913). Berlese was an insect morphol- Hemimetabolous insects pass through all 3 stages in
ogist, and his ideas on the origin of the pupal stage the embryo and hatch in the postoligopod stage. Most
from direct developing ancestors are expressed in holometabolous insects, however, hatch in the polypod
English by Imms (1931). Berlese’s theory inspired or oligopod stages, and therefore resume ontogenesis
many opposing theories that focused on the homology during the pupal stage. For instance, the caterpillars
of the pupal stage to a corresponding stage of the of Lepidoptera hatch in the polypod stage, Berlese’s
hemimetabolous ancestor (Fig. 3). These were often theory reasons, as the larvae possess a tracheal system,
derived from detailed studies of various tissues, as in but still retain abdominal appendages. The larvae of
the case of Poyarkoff (1914a, b), Henson (1946), and Coleoptera and Neuroptera are examples of insects
Hinton (1963). that emerge from the egg during the oligopod stage.
Berlese (1913) proposed that the larval stage arose Berlese (and Imms) considered dipteran larvae to be
after the developmental events of embryogenesis were derived oligopod larvae and so have secondarily lost
transposed to postembryonic life (Imms 1931). This their limbs. As an example of a protopod larva,
“de-embryonization” forced nymphal development to Imms pointed to the endoparasitic larvae of some
occur later in life, compressing it into the pupal stage. Hymenoptera. These, he suggested, are little more
According to him, embryonic development progresses than a head and thorax with rudimentary abdomen,
through 3 phases: the protopod, polypod, and oligopod forced to leave the egg before segmentation could be
stages. The protopod stage occurs prior to any differ- completed (Imms 1931).
entiation, when the head and thorax are segmented, but Harvey’s idea that the pupal stage is related to the
the abdomen is still unsegmented. During the polypod eggs of more “perfect” animals also appears in the
stage, the abdomen has completed segmentation, and repetition theory of Henson (1946). Unlike the
each “somite” bears a pair of rudimentary limbs. The Lubbock/Imms/Berlese concept, however, in which
tracheal, nervous, and circulatory systems have also the holometabolous pupal stage is considered to be a
completely formed. Further differentiation occurs continuation of interrupted embryonic events, Henson
during the oligopod phase, and the abdominal appen- considered pupal development to be a repetition of
dages undergo resorption (Imms 1931). In Berlese’s embryonic development. Like Berlese, Lubbock, and
view, the point in this ontogeny when embryos Imms, Henson was a morphologist, and his ideas on
hatch will determine their life history strategy. embryonic repetition were derived from his knowledge
Imperfect eggs and oviform nymphs 801

of insect gut development. During embryonic devel- written in opposition to 2 previous theories; first
opment, the gut arises after 2 invaginations, the future Berlese’s and then Poyarkoff’s. Initially, Hinton was
stomodeum and proctodeum move posteriorly and a proponent of the Poyarkoff theory, and he claimed
anteriorly, respectively, towards the center of the blas- responsibility for raising Poyarkoff’s 1914 papers on
tula. After invaginating partway across the blastula, the the subject from obscurity. Poyarkoff’s ideas are also
midgut is formed from mesenchymal cells that meet at in opposition to the “second egg” hypothesis, but in
the center of the embryo. At the junctures of the mature this case, Poyarkoff held that the pupal stage arose after
midgut with the foregut and with the hindgut respec- a division of the imaginal (adult) stage into two instars
tively, lie the anterior and posterior imaginal rings. At (Fig. 3D). As Hinton would later do, Poyarkoff came to
metamorphosis, the anterior and posterior imaginal his conclusions by following the fate of skeletal muscles
rings proliferate rapidly and grow around the larval through metamorphosis. In insects, the skeletal
midgut. In Henson’s (1946) view, activation of these muscles are attached to the cuticle by means of tonofi-
rings is a return to an embryonic condition, and the brillae. As Hinton wrote in his 1948 paper in support of
anterior rings are interpreted as, “the resuscitated Poyarkoff’s theory, these tonofibrillae appear as the
embryonic blastopore’’ (Henson 1946). Therefore, cuticle is being formed. Because many muscles in
Henson regarded the process of midgut formation dur- the adult are not present in the larval stages, Hinton
ing metamorphosis to be an embryonic process. In fact, reasoned, these muscles, necessary for locomotion,

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Henson considered each molt to be a continuation of must be formed de novo at the intervening molt. As
embryonic development in which morphogenesis was Hinton explained, however, the muscle growth must be
suppressed in differing degrees. The metamorphic molt guided so that the correct spatial relations are attained.
was suppressed the least, allowing a complete repetition Therefore, according to Hinton (1948) the Poyarkoff
of embryonic development. theory states: “A mould of the same spatial relations as
A central feature of the Lubbock/Berlese/Imms view of in the adult is therefore required. This mould is the
the evolution of the pupal stage is the idea that devel- pupa.” That is, the pupal cuticle is required to produce
opmental stages can be compressed, or collapsed into the approximate dimensions of the adult to guide
one stage, while others can be expanded or reiterated. muscle development. Once the muscle fibers reach
Another variation of this idea appeared in 1958. Heslop- their approximate dimensions, they are then able to
Harrison (1958), like Berlese, proposed that the pupal attach to the newly forming adult cuticle. As evidence
stage arose through compression of the equivalent nym- for this ‘‘mould’’ constraint, Poyarkoff pointed to the
phal stages of the ancestral insect (Fig. 3E). Like Berlese, situation in Ephemeroptera, basal winged insects with
Heslop-Harrison considered the holometabolous larval a subimaginal stage that is distinct in morphology
stage to be an earlier stage of ontogeny, rather than one from either larval or adult forms. Poyarkoff cited a
equivalent to the hemimetabolous nymph. His concept paper by Durken (1907) who showed that some of
of the holometabolous ancestor, however, differed from the muscles of the adult form are unstriated in the
other theories. Heslop-Harrison believed that both subimago, but are functional during the adult stage.
hemimetabolous and holometabolous strategies arose From this Poyarkoff (through Hinton 1948) concluded
by modification of a primitive insect life cycle that con- that the muscles become striated in the subimago, but
tained both polypodous and oligopodous postembryo- are not able to attach to the cuticle until the molt to the
nic stages. That is, the ancestral insect would hatch to imaginal stage.
Holometabolous-like larval stages (polypodous) and Having endorsed the skeletal-muscle based view of
then pass to hemimetabolous nymphal stages (oligopo- the Poyarkoff theory in which the pupal cuticle serves
dous). The hemimetabolous insects would arise by as a “mould” for skeletal muscle development, Hinton
embryonization of the larval stages, while the (1963) set out to demonstrate the “mould” constraint.
Holometabola arose by compression of the nymphal As he stated: “a study was made of the metamorphosis
stages into the prepupal and pupal stadium (Heslop- of the skeletal muscles of several species. The result of
Harrison 1958; Sehnal and colleagues 1996). this work was unexpected; it showed that the theory
In contrast to Berlese’s and Henson’s reinterpreta- was untenable.” Essentially, what Hinton had to find
tion of Harvey’s second egg idea, the theory that gained was that the imaginal skeletal muscles arise only during
the most credence and has remained unchallenged pupal development. To do this he focused on the indir-
until recently was conceived by H. E. Hinton (1959, ect flight muscles. In general, these do arise during the
1963). According to Hinton, the pupal stage is merely a pupal stage; in most Diptera they appear at pupation
derived final stage nymph that bridges a developmental from myoblasts that adhere to muscle fibers, whereas in
gap between an increasingly divergent larval stage and a Neuroptera and Coleoptera, larval muscle is directly
relatively conserved adult morphology. It is a theory transformed into adult muscle during the early pharate
802 D. F. Erezyilmaz

pupal stage. In the Simuliidae (Diptera), however, regulate complete metamorphosis as well (Piepho
Hinton discovered that the indirect flight muscles 1942, 1946; Williams 1956). These experiments chan-
arise very early in postembryonic development. ged the debate on the origins of insect metamorphosis
Instead of requiring a “mould” for development, the so that, instead of addressing the problem by compar-
muscles appear as thin strands that are attached to ing the development of a tissue or structure between
the epidermis, rather than to tonofibrillae, and grow hemimetabolous and holometabolous insects, the fac-
independently of the larval muscles. The strands grow tors that regulate the process were now compared.
with the larva, and appear to proliferate with the epi- There is no “Wigglesworth theory” on the origin of
dermis at molts. At the larval/pupal molt, the strands insect metamorphosis. Instead, Wigglesworth down-
proliferate rapidly and divide to produce the entire played the differences between hemimetabolous and
assemblage of flight muscles (Hinton 1959). By show- holometabolous insects. Because he saw unity in the
ing that the flight muscles may arise during larval life, mechanisms that regulate hemimetabolous and holo-
Hinton felt this demonstrated that the pupal stage did metabolous metamorphosis between the 2 strategies of
not arise out of an expansion of adult development, as insects, Wigglesworth considered nymphs and larvae to
Poyarkoff had proposed (Hinton 1963). be polymorphisms of the same ontogenic stage, which
Once he had shown that the skeletal muscles are able differed in appearance simply because they were
to arise without a mould to guide development, Hinton adapted to different environments. “The origin of

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turned to the development of wings to shed light upon metamorphosis is to be sought,” he stated “in the
the origin of the pupal stage. The internalization of divergent evolution of a polymorphic organism”
wings in the endopterygotes, argued Hinton (1963), (Wigglesworth 1954). The mechanisms that were in
which allowed burrowing larvae to arise, created new place in the hemimetabolous ancestors and regulated
constraints upon the thorax. “The growth of the wing their partial metamorphosis were simply exaggerated
anlage after the larval–pupal moult” he wrote, “is in the Holometabola. Moreover, he considered
enormous.” Moreover, after the larval–pupal molt, Lubbock’s conception of metamorphosis as a shift in
“the volume of both the wings and the imaginal tissues ontogeny to be an intellectual relic of the nineteenth
increases enormously. The indirect flight muscles are century, when the theory of recapitulation had great
destined to occupy almost the entire space in the influence. Instead, Wigglesworth believed, experiments
thorax, and there is simply no room in the thorax that showed that damage to holometabolous embryos
for both developing wings and adult muscles.” could affect either the larval or the imaginal stages,
Therefore, Hinton reasoned, two molts are required depending upon the embryonic stage that was damaged
to produce a winged adult from a crawling larval (Giegy 1931), demonstrated that both forms, larval and
stage; one to evaginate the wings from the larval thorax, imaginal, exist during embryogenesis. The role of JH
and a second to free the wings from the pupal cuticle, then was to suppress imaginal or adult differentiation
allowing further growth (Fig. 3F). As evidence for this, until metamorphosis (Wigglesworth 1954).
he cited the situation in some larviform beetles in Despite Wigglesworth’s criticisms of the Harvey/
which the female adults have become apterous. In Lubbock/Berlese concept of metamorphosis, new the-
these females, the pupal stage is lost (Hinton 1963). ories that incorporated JH into Berlese’s hypothesis
emerged. The Czech insect physiologist, Novak pro-
posed that earlier production of JH during embryonic
Endocrine-based theories development caused de-embryonization of the oligo-
In 1934, V. B. Wigglesworth showed, by parabiosing a pod or polypod (the differentiating stages of embryonic
5th stage nymph of the blood-sucking bug, Rhodnius to development) to create holometabolous larvae (Novak
a first-stage nymph, that a circulating factor regulated 1966). Novak distinguished 2 types of growth: gradient
the transition from nymph to the adult stage, as the 1st growth, which occurs during embryonic development
instar molted to a miniature adult (Wigglesworth and metamorphosis, and non-gradient or isometric
1934). Then, in 1936 he showed that the source of growth that occurs during the larval or nymphal stages.
this factor were the corpora allata, as an allatum JH, Novak argued, prevents gradient growth but pro-
taken from a 4th stage nymph could prevent meta- motes isometric growth. While JH is first produced
morphosis when implanted into the abdomen of a during embryonic development in all insects, the cor-
5th stage nymph, producing instead a supernumerary pora allata appear earlier in holometabolous embryos.
6th stage nymph (Wigglesworth 1936). Subsequently, Given the early appearance of the gland, JH production
the allatum factor, which was later named juvenile could appear as early as the protopod stage. Once JH
hormone, or JH, was isolated from both hemimetabo- levels had reached threshold levels, Novak proposed,
lous and holometabolous insects, and was found to isometric growth would cause the polypod or oligopod
Imperfect eggs and oviform nymphs 803

form to be reiterated through postembryonic life until cuticles. If ecdysteroid levels rise at formation of the
JH levels declined at metamorphosis, and gradient second layer, this would strengthen the argument that
growth could resume. The difference between the the layer is a remnant of the pronymphal cuticle.
two groups, therefore, would be the amount of gradient
growth accomplished by the time of JH appearance Larval patterning
(Novak 1966).
In contrast to Berlese and Lubbock who saw the time Instead of simply focusing on the development of spe-
of hatching to be the event that interrupted the pro- cific tissues during embryonic and metamorphic devel-
gression of embryonic development, Novak considered opment, two developmental studies have compared the
the onset of JH production to be the event that halted expression of genes that pattern the adult and larval
ontogenesis. This view was shared by Truman and organs to address the origin of metamorphic develop-
Riddiford (1999), and they expanded it into the pro- ment. To do this, both groups have focused on the
nymph hypothesis. This idea is centered on the pro- point in embryogenesis when hemimetabolous and
nymph (the first postembryonic stage of basal insects holometabolous development diverge. These authors
and some other arthropods), which differs in morphol- have analyzed the deployment of batteries of genes
ogy from subsequent immature stages (Truman and that are required for patterning the adult eye
Riddiford 1999). In hemimetabolous insects, from (Friedrich and Benzer 2000; Liu and Friedrich 2004)

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which the Holometabola are derived, the pronymphal or leg (Tanaka and Truman 2004). What both groups
stage has become embryonized. In the Holometabola, have found is that, although the ancestral patterning
however, it was proposed that the pronymph has programs are conserved during imaginal development,
become de-embryonized after JH production progression of these programs are interrupted to pro-
encroached into earlier stages of embryonic develop- duce the larval structure.
ment, creating the holometabolous larval stage
(Truman and Riddiford 1999, 2002; Erezyilmaz and Patterning of the larval leg in the
others 2004a, b). tobacco hornworm
Evidence for the homology of the larval and pro- The specification of the proximal–distal (P–D) axis in
nymphal stages comes from the degree of develop- the insect leg was first described in genetic studies of
ment shared by the 2 forms. Truman and Riddiford the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster (for review see
(1999, 2002) pointed to a set of early-born neurons in Kojima 2004). In this insect, the adult leg is formed
the pronymph of grasshoppers that are contained from imaginal cells that are set aside during embryo-
within each segment and appendage. A homologous genesis and develop as an imaginal disc, a collapsed
set is found in newly hatched larvae of the moth, epithelial sheet that develops inside the larva.
Manduca sexta, and the fly, Drosophila melanogaster. Patterning of the disc begins during the larval stages.
In addition, they pointed out, the cuticle of the pro- Briefly, the leg axis, which is composed of 5 segments,
nymph is soft and lacks sclerites, like the cuticle of most (from proximal to distal), the coxa, trochanter, femur,
holometabolous larvae. Lastly, for both the pronymph tibia, and tarsus, is determined by the activity of
and the holometabous larvae, these cuticles are the 2 morphogens, Wingless (Wg) and Decapentaplegic
second embryonic cuticle produced and they form (Dpp) (Lecuit and Cohen 1997; Wu and Cohen
just after dorsal closure, whereas the nymphal cuticle 1999). In the early leg disc, Wg is produced in the
is the third cuticle (Truman and Riddiford 1999). Data ventral portion of the disc, while Dpp is expressed
that contradict this hypothesis have recently emerged in a dorsal stripe. The high, combined activity of
from electron microscopy of embryonic cuticle forma- these two secreted factors activates expression of the
tion (Ziese and Dorn 2003; Konopova and Zrzavy transcription factor Distal-less (Dll) in the center of the
2005). Whereas light microscopy had indicated only disc (Cohen 1993; Diaz-Benjumea and others 1994).
2 embryonic “cuticles,” transmission electron micro- Somewhat lower levels of the combined Wg/Dpp mor-
graphs revealed a second layer that is produced at a phogens activate the expression of dacshund (dac) in a
time commensurate with pronymphal cuticle forma- ring proximal to the Dll domain (Lecuit and Cohen
tion in hemimetabolous insects. Ziese and Dorn (2003) 1997). Dll in turn activates expression of 2 subsequent
and Konopova and Zrzavy (2005) argued that the pro- transcription factors: Arista-less (Al) in the most distal
nymphal cuticle was reduced, not de-embryonized as domain, and Bric-a-brac (Bab) just proximal to the al
Truman and Riddiford proposed. One way to determine domain (Campbell and Tomlinson 1998). Correct
whether this layer is a vestigial cuticle or simply a bab expression is required to subdivide the tarsus
membrane would be to measure levels of the ecdyster- into 5 segments, as bab mutants are missing tarsal
oid hormones that trigger formation and lifting of segments (Godt and others 1993). Initially, the protein
804 D. F. Erezyilmaz

is found throughout the presumptive tarsus, but later into rings. From this, the authors concluded that the
resolves into domains of higher expression that corre- larval leg arose, at least in part, from a truncation of the
spond to tarsal segments (Godt and others 1993). ancestral program of patterning (Tanaka and Truman
The most proximal region of the disc is determined 2006).
by two transcription factors: Homothorax (HTH) and
Extradenticle (EXD). Although Exd is ubiquitously
expressed, the presence of its cofactor, HTH in the Formation of the larval eye in Tribolium
most proximal regions of the disc allows nuclear trans- Elements of truncation are also found by comparing
location and EXD function (Abu-Shaar and Mann the expression of genes that pattern the adult eye
1998). The P–D expression pattern of these genes is of holometabolous insects with their expression in
essentially conserved in the imaginal leg of the hawk- direct-developing embryos. In this instance, produc-
moth Manduca, a more basal holometabolous insect tion of the reduced larval eye, or stemmata of beetles,
that produces the adult leg from a subset of the larval occurs in part through a premature arrest of the ances-
leg epidermis (Tanaka and Truman 2004, 2006). tral eye-patterning program. During metamorphosis in
Studies of leg P–D axis specification in hemimeta- Drosophila, formation of ommatidial clusters occurs in
bolous embryos has revealed that, although the axis a posterior to anterior wave of cell division and sub-
may not be established through a Wg/Dpp gradient, sequent differentiation, called the morphogenetic fur-

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limb development also converges upon a ground plan row (Dickson and Hafen 1993). The extent of
whereby Exd, Dll, Dac, Bab, and Al are expressed and progression of the morphogenetic furrow is deter-
function as they do in the Drosophila leg disc. (Jockusch mined, in part, by Wg, which promotes head epider-
and others 2000; Inoue and others 2002; Niwa and mis, but inhibits photoreceptor differentiation (Ma
others 2000; Rogers and others 2002; Angelini and and Moses 1995; Treisman and Rubin 1995; Hazelett
Kaufman 2004; Erezyilmaz and others 2004a). For and others 1998). Such differentiation in Drosophila
instance, in the milkweed bug, loss of Wg signaling requires expression of the glass (gl) gene, which is acti-
through RNAi was unable to affect limb patterning, vated at the morphogenetic furrow and remains high in
but RNAi knockdown of Dll and Dac caused loss or the differentiating photoreceptors just posterior to the
truncation of the tarsus and tibia, respectively furrow (Moses and Rubin 1991; Ellis and others 1993;
(Angelini and Kaufman 2004, 2005). Treisman and Rubin 1996). The furrow, and therefore
Given that a basic ground plan, with the P/D axis gl expression, is initiated at the posterior edge of the
patterned by Exd/Hth, Dll, Dac, Bab, and Al is con- disc, opposing the wg expression domain (Ma and
served between imaginal legs of holometabolous insects Moses 1995; Triesman and Rubin 1996). This basic
and embryonic legs of hemimetabolous insects, Tanaka configuration, with Wg expressed at the anterior of
and Truman (2006) asked whether the genetic ground the presumptive eye field and gl, or photoreceptor dif-
plan was altered, thereby producing the morphologi- ferentiation initiating at the posterior margin, is con-
cally divergent larval leg of Manduca. As with other served in adult development of beetles and in
holometabolous insects, the larval leg of Manduca has embryonic development of grasshoppers (Friedrich
only 1 segment within the tarsus, the distal-most seg- and Benzer 2000; Liu and Friedrich 2004). However,
ment of the leg. The adult tarsus, however, is subdi- stemmatal development in the embryonic beetle
vided into 4 segments. Since most hemimetabolous diverges from the ancestral program of eye develop-
insects hatch with a full complement of tarsal segments, ment. Instead of progressing across the eye field in a
the ground plan of the ancestral leg must have been morphogenetic furrow, gl expression was only present
either (1) altered to produce novel patterning pro- in 2 clusters of cells, opposite the wg domain (Liu and
grams or (2) arrested to produce a truncated pattern. Friedrich 2004). Correspondingly, the patterning
Tanaka and Truman (2006) followed the expression of mechanism produces only 2 fused stemmata composed
Exd, Dac, Dll, Bab, and Al during larval leg develop- of 25 photoreceptors total, instead of producing rows
ment, and did not detect significant deviations from of rhabdomeres containing 8 photoreceptors each (Liu
the ground plan of the leg during the initial subdivision and Friedrich 2004). These findings suggest that for-
of the leg into segments. However, although the initial mation of the larval stemmata occurred through trun-
uniform domain of Bab appeared in the tarsus, this cation, and subsequent modification of the ancestral
domain did not subdivide into rings of elevated expres- mechanism of eye patterning. In this scenario, the
sion. Because these rings correlate with tarsal segments, first-born photoreceptors of the hemimetabolous eye
and Bab expression is required for tarsal segmentation would be homologous to those that contribute to the
in Drosophila, this suggests that the tarsal segments do larval stemmata in the beetle (Liu and Friedrich 2004).
not form because Bab expression does not resolve Therefore, for both the larval eye of Tribolium and the
Imperfect eggs and oviform nymphs 805

larval leg of Manduca, production of the larval form for nymphal changes, has been restricted to one post-
occurs through an interruption of embryonic develop- embryonic stage in the Holometabola suggests that
ment, consistent with the de-embryonization theories metamorphosis arose as late embryonic and nymphal
inspired by Harvey (Fig. 3A–C). Metamorphosis of expression of br became transposed to the penultimate
these organs, however, does not occur simply by postembryonic instar.
resumption of the ancestral pattern from the point
where it was interrupted during embryogenesis. The Future questions
developmental program of the ancestral eye, for The small body of current research supports the idea
instance, is re-deployed metamorphosis (Friedrich that pupal development is either a continuation or
and Benzer 2000). repetition of embryonic events. The mechanism attri-
buted to the displacement or repetition of these
events, however, has evolved with time, and has
The role of a pupal-specifier been influenced by available methods and innova-
in a hemimetabolous insect tions. Today, the most likely explanations involve two
Genetic support for the Lubbock/Berlese/Imms view of established regulators of insect life history, JH and its
the evolution of insect metamorphosis comes from effector br. What still remains to be learned, however,
comparative studies of the pupal determinant, broad is how these two stage-specifying factors interact with the

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(br). Epidermal expression of this transcription factor developmental genes that pattern either a worm-like
is restricted to the larval–pupal transition in holome- larva or an adult-like nymph. Most comparative gene-
tabolous insects and its expression there is required for expression studies have focused on the earliest embryo-
progression to metamorphosis (Kiss and others 1978; nic events of hemimtabolous and holometabolous
Karim and others 1993; Uhlirova and others 2003). For insects, and have compared these events to imaginal
instance, br null mutants fail to form a puparium but development of metamorphosing insects. However,
continue to live as “over-aged larvae” (Kiss and others the two types of developmental trajectories diverge
1978). Moreover, larvae that were mosaics of br and later in embryonic development, after formation of
brþ tissue formed mosaics of larval and pupal cuticle at the phylotypic germ band. In order to determine which
metamorphosis (Kiss 1976). Loss of br in the silkmoth, developmental event brought about the departure from
Bombyx, prevented growth and differentiation of the hemimetabolous development that led to the evolu-
adult eyes, legs, and wings, and prevented destruction tion of complete metamorphosis, more studies should
of the larval silk gland (Uhlirova and others 2003). The focus on how global endocrine signals are integrated
role of br in regulating the larval–pupal transition is with local patterning information during these later
probably conserved throughout the Holometabola, stages of embryogenesis.
since Konopova and Jindra (2006) have recently
reported that br is required for the pupal molt and ima-
ginal development in Chrysopa perla (Neuroptera), a I thank Drs. J. Hodin, J. Edwards, K. Tanaka, and
basal holometabolan. J.W. Truman for helpful comments on this manu-
To determine the role for this pupal-specifier in a script. This work was supported by National Science
direct-developing insect, Erezyilmaz and colleagues Foundation Grant IBN 9904959 to J.W.T. and L.M.R.,
(2006) isolated a br ortholog from the milkweed and National Institute of Health Grant GM60122
bug, Oncopeltus fasciatus. In contrast to its restricted to L.M.R.
expression in metamorphosing insects, br is found dur- Conflict of interest: None declared.
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nymphal molt, but is absent from the molt to the adult References
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