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Unit 1 - Task 2 - Composition An environmental fable


Group Collaborative 90121A_1143



Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Vicerrectoría Académica y de Investigación
Course: English II
Santa Marta – 2022

Activity Guide and Evaluation Rubric – Task 2 Writing task

1. Activity Description

The activity consists of:

⮚ After reading the text, summarize the main points of the fable in the forum as follow:
1. How the town was at the beginning

2. How it is now

It was a harmonious town, located in the middle of prosperous farms, surrounded by grain fields, orchard
slopes and roads filled with wild flowers, with big ferns where, in the winter, countless birds would come
to feed from berries and seed heads from the weeds that would come out from the snow.

3. How it is predicted to be in the future

Farms were brooding hens, but no chickens were born. Farmers also stopped raising pigs because herds
were very little and survived just a few days. Trees were blooming but the bees weren't buzzing between
the flowers, so there was no fruit because of that. The edges of the roads were filled with brown and dead
vegetation; the streams were lifeless, so the fishermen didn´t visit them. No enemy action silenced the
rebirth of new life in this afflicted world; the people did it themselves.

4. A fable is a story with a lesson; so, in your opinion What is the lesson that this fable teaches?

We need to take care of what we have and what surrounds us, and not wait until we lose it to appreciate

⮚ Brainstorm: “A Fable for tomorrow” shows how people intervention or settlements have caused
irremediable consequences in a town; nowadays, overpopulation and consumerism has accelerated the
development of factories that pollute and overexploit non-renewable natural resources, causing
irreparable damage to our environment. To reflect about that issue, you are going to complete the
following chart, that will guide you in your own composition. share it in the forum.

Title A fable for the future
Characters 461

Setting awareness of the use of natural resources

Conflict care of natural resources

The way your It was a city with a lot of vegetation, with crystal clear rivers and its beaches
region, town or with a great variety of aquatic species.
city was before.

The way it is now Some of its beaches and rivers have been polluted, there is less vegetation and
more infrastructure
Predictions how it We must create projects to recover rivers, plant trees and take care of our
will be in the natural reserves, otherwise we will be a city with more and more polluted rivers
future. and beaches and more global warming

⮚ Composition: According to the information above, write a three-paragraph fable where

you explain how overharvesting and/or industrialization have affected the region where you
live, use pictures to illustrate your fable (you can take as example the text “a fable for

The enchanted mountain

there was a beautiful city with great cultural diversity, with a very diverse fauna and flora,
in the heart of that city there was a wonderful mountain range which was surrounded by
rivers, seas, where all kinds of animals and wild birds were found.

In the center of this mountain range lived a herd of bears from which they ate all kinds of
fruits that the trees produced and close to them crossed a river with which they fished and
taught their young to fish; but suddenly everything the older bear had done to keep his pack
calm was about to end. Since the rivers began to dry up and the fruits began to be scarce,
thus proving the migration of the species.

the nearby inhabitants who for many years were misusing the rivers, cutting down trees for
the construction of houses and roads, causing global warming, the destruction of the fauna
and flora of that mountain range.

Moral: everything we do directly and indirectly affects everything around us.


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