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Task 2 Writing task


No. 90121- 102


After reading the text, in the forum, you must answer the following questions related

1. What was the town like at the beginning?

It was a very prosperous town, with a great environmental beauty, which reflected its
diversity and natural wealth, where apparently the fauna and flora lived in harmony with

2. How is it now?
In the town there are no more birds, the fish died, there are no bees to pollinate, so there are
no fruits and the environmental beauty is gone.

3. How is it predicted to be in the future?

There will be a lot of hunger as there is no biodiversity and little or no production of natural
foods that supply the needs of the population and animals. What will generate the later
probably the town will be abandoned due to the lack of resources necessary to survive

4. A fable is a story with a lesson; So, in your opinion, what is the lesson that
this fable teaches? (one or two lines)

We must take care of the environment, so as not to alter the environmental balance since
this would generate a great negative impact on the life of the fauna, flora and humanity.
Step 4-Brainstorm: “A Fable for tomorrow” shows how people intervention or settlements
have caused irremediable consequences in a town; nowadays, overpopulation and consu
merism has accelerated development of factories that pollute and overexploit non-
renewable natural resources, causing irreparable damage to our environment.

Title The Exhausted Paradise

Characters Ecosystems, estuaries, lagoons, pipes, fauna, flora, forest, peasants

Setting The ecosystems were rich in biodiverse fauna and flora, the vegetation
was lush with many fruits, a very colorful and pleasant natural

Conflict The oil industry reaches the ecosystemic paradises entering them with
large noisy machinery making roads, drying up the lagoons and pipes,
dividing the ecosystems, contaminating the environment with oil. the
rice farmers joined in, degrading the soils, channeling the waters with
heavy agricultural machinery, contaminating them with toxic
agrochemicals; these situations have extinguished much fauna and flora.

The way your The region was a paradise with aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, very
region, town or rich in fauna and flora, embellished by the songs of the birds and the
city was before. color of the flowers containing butterflies and bees that pollinated the
flowers for the fruits and food of tomorrow.

The way it is The ecosystems have been degraded, today they are desolate, dusty
now areas, the fauna and flora have been decimated, the protagonists of the
short songs have mostly disappeared; Due to contamination from oil
residues and the indiscriminate use of toxic agrochemicals, food has
become scarce and it is common to see animals covered in
contaminants; which many of them die

Predictions how The ecosystems will be desolate, the protagonists of the fauna and flora
it will be in the will be decimated, the trees that offered fruits will be scarce; the songs
future. of the birds will be few listening to a song of few protagonists.

Step 5-Composition: According to the information above, you must write a fable with
the following conditions

There was a municipality in the plains of the beautiful Arauca River with a lot of natural
wealth such as fauna and flora in different ecosystems such as estuaries, lagoons, pipes,
forests and rivers; each of these ecosystems was a different stage with its own beautiful
songs that sang and fluttered with great color the biodiversity of mammals, birds, fish,
insects and plants, everything was fertile. The colorful leafy plants with their flowers, fruits
offering beauty and food for the birds and animals, the animals accompanied by their
young, chicks interacted very happily delighting their forage, fruits and fish as food, a great
variety of insects such as butterflies, bees and hummingbirds could be seen from flower to
flower taking their food and pollinating the flowers for the fruits of tomorrow; everything
was a paradise of different natural settings.

In the decade of the eighties, oil exploitation companies arrived in this beautiful
municipality; intervening and altering with large, very noisy machinery, polluting this
paradise of ecosystems, making roads, dividing the ecosystems, channeling the estuaries
and lagoons, running over the protagonists of this paradise such as the flora and fauna,
extracting hydrocarbons from the heart of our mother land that being outside offers a
thousand problems to the fauna and flora. Adding to this situation, the peasants invaded
estuaries and lagoons, channeling them to dry the waters and cutting down their vegetation
to make pastures to feed their cattle and rice crops; to rice crops in estuaries intervened with
heavy machinery to interrupt the natural behavior of the water resource, destroying the
vegetation, degrading the soil with the massive use of plows and transit of heavy
agricultural machinery; Many toxic agrochemicals are applied to rice crops that kill the
natural fauna and flora, transferring this problem through the flow of contaminated water to
pipes, rivers and the sea.
Much of the areas where before were beautiful aquatic ecosystems today are desolate,
dusty, degraded land, permanent water disappears in summer; in winter time they are poor
floodplains for birds, mammals, butterflies, bees; the songs of the fauna and flora are very
short with decimated protagonists; Sick and dying animals are observed, covered in
pollutants and dead from the effects of oil and toxic agrochemicals that kill; There is hardly
any food anymore, the fish have also been decimated and disappeared, the trees that offered
habitat, fruits and oxygen are almost gone; terrestrial ecosystems have also suffered; its
native vegetation was cut down; replaced by induced agroforestry systems: cocoa, banana,
timber-legume-fruit trees; agroforestry systems with cocoa is the most similar to a forest
but still nothing will be equal to the beautiful and valuable natural ecosystems of yesterday
Moral: We must respect our natural resources and biodiversity because they offer us many
vital service.

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