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Special edition by Emilio Gómez and Manuel Salgado


The technological progress that humanity has achieved in recent


centuries is really impressive, only 150 years ago the first light bulb
was turned on and today we find ourselves living with AI and robots.


What is artificial intelligence?

In simple terms, artificial intelligence (AI) refers to systems or

machines that mimic human intelligence to perform tasks and can

iteratively improve based on the information they collect. AI manifests
itself in various ways, some examples are:
• Chatbots use AI to understand customer issues faster and provide
more efficient responses
• Intelligent assistants use AI to analyze critical information from large
free-text data sets to improve programming

In particular, it is difficult to understand how this artificial intelligence

named Sophia is already conducting interviews for television media,
has her own citizenship and also manages to establish talks with a
somewhat false empathy that can fall into the creepy.

Because of this, we distinguish certain advantages such as:

- Her speed and lightness when answering the questions
- Avoid human errors in jobs that involve the lives of third parties
AI-powered systems (medicine)
help people regulate - Greater precision and efficiency
the amount of
energy they use However, not everything is perfect, there are also unfavorable issues
being these:
- His sarcastic jokes that are scary
- Their way of showing empathy can be exaggerated or misfocused
AI IS ALREADY IN - It can be misused
OUR DAILY LIVES - Because they perform a wide range of tasks, they can cause
unemployment in certain areas

A common problem that arises today is that people die due to medical
negligence. In total, around 134 million people each year suffer some
type of mishap as a result of unsafe hospital care in low- and middle-
income countries, resulting in 2.6 million deaths annually. As authors
we agree that AI is beneficial and important, it is the basis of all
machine learning and the future of all complex decision-making
processes and due to its accuracy it can prevent medical and
environmental errors, that's why we are in favor . However, it is not
known exactly what use this technological advance can be given in the
future, which will clearly be something that will mean a total change
in our world.

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