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Nama:uci jailani wally


Exercise 1.

1. David Robert Joseph Bechkam.

2. Was born on 2 may 1975 in london.
3. In 1991.
4. Ryan giggs, Gari Nevile and Paul Scholes.
5. In 1995.
6. David Bechkam scored from the halfway line.
7. Zinedine zidane, Luis figo, Ronaldo lima and Roberto charlos
8. He retired in 2013
9. Bechkam retired with paris saint Germani in france
10. He also appeared in lost of other films, and television shows

Exercise 2. Take at least 20 words in the Reading Passage entitle David Backham and make
your own sentences. So you have 20 sentences. Don’t forget to underline your key word in
each sentence. Note: You do not allow to take sentence from reading passage. (ambil
sedikitnya 20 kata dari bacaan tentang David Backham dan buatlah kalimat anda dengan
menggunakan kata-kata tersebut. Jadi anda harus membuat 20 kalimat dengan menggunakan
kata-kata baru tersebut. Jangan lupa untuk menggaris bawahi kata baru tersebut di setiap
kalimat anda.catatan: Dilarang mengambil atau mengutip kalimat dari dalam bacaan.

Vocabulary words

No words sentences

1 Together I will make the breakfast together with the lunch for today
2 Retired He retired from public life in 1840
3 Moved What you did just then,moved my heart
4 Saint He was later declared to be a saint
5 Sold I have sold clothes for four months in this store
6 Married So i am married to the most wonderful woman in the word
7 Wanted Vina wanted a new dress
8 Love I love my mom and my daddy so much
9 Footballer My favorite footballer is neymar
10 Greatest I hope you can achieve a greatest success
Nama:uci jailani wally


11 Game I have some online games in my cellphone

12 Played I have only played this record once
13 Also I also speak in the same language
14 Crossers Maria visit crossers her cousin every month
15 Style I like your style
16 Team We have a solid team
17 Retirement He retirement there to emeritus status in 1965
18 Stay You two can go together i prefer stay home
19 Couple I see a couple of people sit over there
20 Films I like films upin ipin

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