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Escabel, King Cyruz C.

August 22, 2022

Grade 9 – St. Matthew Review Quiz

I. Identify the following.

Egg Piercer 1. It pierces the air pocket of an eggshell with a small needle to
keep the shell from cracking during hard-boiling.

Egg Poacher 2. It holds a raw egg, and is placed inside a pot of boiling water to
poach an egg.

Egg Separator 3. It is a slotted spoon-like utensil used to separate the yolk of an

egg from the egg white.

Food Mill 4. It consists of a bowl, a plate with holes like a colander, and a
crank with a bent metal blade which crushes the food and forces it through the holes.

Funnel 5. It is a pipe with a wide, conical mouth and a narrow stem.

Garlic Press 6. It is a kitchen tool which is specifically designed for the purpose
of pulping garlic for cooking.

Lemon Reamer 7. It is a juicer with a fluted peak at the end of a short handle, where
a half lemon is pressed to release the juice.

Apple Corer 8. It is used to remove the core and pips from apples and similar

Apple Cutter 9. It is used to cut apple and similar fruits easily while
simultaneously removing the core and pips.

Baster 10. It is used during cooking to cover meat.

Biscuit Cutter 11. It is made of metal or plastic, with fairly sharp edges to cut
through dough.

Biscuit Presser 12. It consists of a cylinder with a plunger on one end which is used
to extrude cookie dough through a small hole at the other hand.

Blow Torch 13. It is used to create a hard layer of caramelized sugar in a

crème brulee.

Boil over Preventer 14. It is a disc with a raised rim, designed to ensure an even
distribution of temperature
Browning Tray 15. It is made of glass or porcelain to absorb heat, which helps
color the layer of food in contact with its surface.

Cake and Pie Server 16. It is used to cut slices in pies or cakes, and then transfer to a
plate or container.

Lemon Squeezer 17. It is a juicer, similar in function to a lemon reamer, with an

attached bowl.

Lobster Pick 18. It is a long-handled, narrow pick, used to pull meat out of
narrow legs and other parts of a lobster or crab.

Rolling Pin 19. It is a long, rounded wooden, or marble tool rolled across the
dough to flatten it.

Sieve 20. It is an instrument with a meshed or perforated bottom, used for

separating coarse from fine parts of loose matter and for straining liquids.

II. Write the uses of the following tools/equipment.

21. Trussing Needles – a cooking tool that resembles a large, sturdy stainless-steel
needle that is used to truss loose pieces of meat or poultry together.

22. Whisk – In the cooking technique of whisking or whipping, a whisk is a tool that may
be used to combine ingredients smoothly or to add air to a concoction.

23. Zester – used to remove zest or citrus peels in thin strips.

24. Mortar and Pestle – In cooking, they are typically used to crush spices.

25. Melon Baller – A plastic or stainless-steel kitchen utensil that has various sized
scoops that are inserted into the flesh of a melon and twisted to form the shape of a

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