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Materi Tambahan

T - 9 Pintarr MNR Sem

mester Ganjiil
muan 2

1. Show
w that triang
gle ABD is congruent
c t triangle CBE
to C given that
AD = CE and ∠BAC
∠ = ∠BC CA.

2. In the diagram, AB = 13,5 cm, AE = 22,5 cm and FE = 9 cm.

a. Write
W hat is congrruent to triangle
down a triangle th
ABE, giving reasons fo
or your answwer.
b. Find
F the len
ngth of BC.

3. In the diagram, APQR is a rectangle and a ABCD is a square..

BPQ Q and QDR are straightt lines.
a. Show
S that trriangle ABP P is congrue
ent to triang
gle ADR.
b. Show
S that APQR
A is a square.

4. In the diagram, APB, AQC, BQD and BRC are sttraight lines. PQ
arallel to BC
is pa C and AB is parallel tp QR
Q and DC
C. PQ = 5 cm
BC = 8 cm and BP = 6 cm..
a. Show
S that UPBQ
U ongruent to URQB.
is co
b. Calculate
C he length of AP and CD
th D.

5. In the diagram, UABE ≡ UCDE.

U ∠BAAE = 90°, ∠A
AED = 60°,
BC = 2 cm and DE = 15 cm
m. Find :
a. The
T length ofo AE,
b. ∠CDE

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                     KLINIK PE

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