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The most basic forms of adulteration in food typically exist; illegal chemicals are either
added or partially or completely substituted. Food contamination and adulteration are
typically done for financial gain, carelessness, or a lack of suitable hygienic processing,
storing, transporting, and marketing conditions. In the end, this causes the consumer to
either be defrauded or frequently become ill. Such forms of adulteration are particularly
prevalent in emerging or underdeveloped nations. The consumer's knowledge of common
adulterants and their impact on health is just as crucial.

Food adulteration is the practice of intentionally adding undesirable ingredients to it in

order to increase its profit potential while giving it a similar appearance or colour. This
results in a food product that does not adhere to the rules set forth by law. Adulterants are
subpar goods that are added to food for commercial and technological reasons, lowering
the nutritional content of the food. Milk, tea, sugar, turmeric, wheat, and other food grains,
honey, dal, spices, and butter are typical food items that are contaminated. Food
contamination or adulteration is typically done for financial benefit, carelessness, or a lack
of suitable hygienic processing, storing, transporting, and marketing conditions. In the end,
this leads to the. Consumers are frequently taken advantage of or fall ill. Such forms of
adulteration are particularly prevalent in emerging or underdeveloped nations. Knowing the
most frequent adulterants and how they affect health is equally important for the customer.

Objectives :

To study some of the common food adulterants in different food stuffs.

Food Marketing Technology. “Adulteration of Food: Types, Reasons, Tests and How to
Prevent ?” Food Marketing Technology, 28 Oct. 2022,

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