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Infrared Radiation (IR) is that portion of the electromagnetic spectrum where the term “infra” means

below; it has lower frequency than the red rays. In 1800, Sir Frederick William Herschel found that the Sun

radiates energy beyond the red end of the visible spectrum; it occupies a far larger section of the spectrum

than Herschel could have anticipated, bridging the gap between visible light and microwaves. These

wavelengths are longer than those of visible light but shorter than wavelengths commonly used in radio

communication. Using infrared is helpful in terms of medical purposes to treat various disorders.

Infrared is good, is because it helps improve blood circulation. Circulation will increase when

infrared heat warms your muscles and tissues. Your body stimulates to increase blood flow and it improves

blood vessel function. In addition, far infrared therapy is effective in increasing blood flow for up to 60 mins,

while skin temperature was held constant (Cohen, 2018). SelfHacked (2018) found that from 61 kidney

patients, far infrared radiation (FIR) also increased blood flow and oxygen levels in the body; this help

reduce fatigue. Most people encountered illnesses because of their circulation problems, now,

thermography shows areas of the body where the blood flow is not normal and are helpful in diagnosis.

Infrared improves exercise and recovery. Infrared can therefore penetrate to some depth, and

infrared lamps are used by physiotherapists in the heat of muscles and tissues (Infra-red Radiation Uses,

The Illustrated Science and Invention Encyclopedia, Vol. 12, 1983, p.1264). In fact, there was a time that

the performance of soccer players during normal training improved because of infrared emitting fabrics;

they wore the fabrics for 10 hours at night and saw a moderate decrease in muscle soreness for 24 to 72

hours after exercise. Infrared radiation can help reduce the inflammation and soreness associated with

post-exercise recovery and shorten recovery periods (Cohen, 2018).

Another health benefit would be the detection and treatment for inflammations. According to the

University of Eastern Finland (2015), based on a recent study, using infrared thermography can help detect

joint inflammation and help improve ergonomics. Infrared treatment fundamentally lessened fixed status

with falsely actuated joint inflammation by bringing down cytokines and diminishing vessel penetrability.

Furthermore, infrared is not just for joint inflammations, it can also heal wounds, and reduce pain to

improve mood.

These advantages of using infrared offer accessibility to everyone that will help heal and improve

different disorders as we move to 21 st century. Society is contradicting the use of infrared in our lives
because it damages our health especially our eyes and skin. On the other hand, through its discoveries,

analyzations and inventions we’re using right now, infrared radiation (IR) is extremely useful for further

probe and improvement of different health issues and it has successfully done and made a great impact on

our society. All in all, infrared is beneficial for medical purposes and other fields, and this helps save an

individual’s life.

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