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telecommunication systems, by means of enhancement the

performance of the protocols they rely on. The proposed
engineering of communication systems is based on a formal
SYSTEMS AND method and it provides an early-phase performance
evaluation of the underlying communication protocols. The
ENGINEERING methodology is illustrated through a hands-on case study
conducted on an existing wireless communication system.

The development and standardization of new

1.Author :Rehana M Taseeladar telecommunication and information technologies is a rather
complex process which requires a comprehensive framework
The result of such a process is a new agreement that should satisfy all of the involved parties, such as: vendors, providers,
and most importantly service users. To create a
Electronics And communication department
comprehensive communication standard and consequently a
Rural engineering college hulkoti gadag reliable communication system, many strategic and tactical
issues need to be considered. The missing question is how to
produce a standard that specifies a protocol or a system with
high performance. The lack of performance issue might be a
2.Author:Sahil S Morab major cause for pitfall of entire communication systems. Most
of the problems result from poor protocol specifications or
Email from its enormous complexity. Furthermore, the design errors
caused by the short and intensive creation period usually
Electronics And communication department remain hidden until the testing and implementation phases of
Rural engineering college hulkoti gadag the communication product development. Fixing the problems
after product’s delivery for communication software and
hardware increases the cost of the product by factor of 100 to
1000 compared to the fixing of the problem in the analysis
Abstract: In some distributed and mobile communication phase.
models, a message disappears in one place and miraculously High performance communication protocols which are
appears in another. In reality, of course, there are no miracles. untainted of functional errors are crucial in the
A message goes from one network to another; it can be lost or telecommunications sector where product expectation cycle is
corrupted in the process. Here, we present a realistic but high- denominated in decades instead of years. In order to develop
level communication model where abstract communicators such a protocol, two aspects should be fulfilled: introduction
represent various nets and subnets. The model was originally of formal methods during the specification process and
developed in the process of specifying a particular network integration of the performance-related activities in the early
architecture, namely, the Universal Plug and Play architecture. phases of the communication system specification and
But, it is general. Our contention is that every message-based development. The former one is already taking place as a
distributed system, properly abstracted, gives rise to a result of the need for clarity and accuracy in the
specialization of our abstract communication model. The telecommunication standards, but the last aspect is commonly
purpose of the abstract communication model is not to design avoided or even neglected.
a new kind of network; rather, it is to discover the common
part of all message-based communication networks. The
generality of the model has been confirmed by its successful
reuse for very different distributed architectures. The model is
based on distributed abstract state machines. It is implemented
in the specification language AsmL(Abstract State Machine
Language ) and is used for testing distributed systems.

Keywords : communication, noise, modulation,

demodulation, importance of communication, noise
remove process, signals,

The complexity of the communication systems and protocols

is increasing constantly, while the communication products’
time-to-market is becoming shorter. Afterthoughts
communication system redesign due to lack of performance
is financially and time expensive, and it is unacceptable. This
book chapter proposes a method for improving the
2.what is communication: The communication system is  Signals:
a system which describes the information exchange The signal is an electromagnetic wave that carries information
between two points. The process of transmission and from one point to another. It can travel through different
reception of information is called communication. The mediums, such as air, vacuum, water, and solid. In
major elements of communication are electronics, the signal is defined as a current,
the Transmitter of information, Channel or medium of voltage, or wave carrying information and traveling long
communication and the Receiver of information distances. The speed of a signal wave is equal to the speed of

2 Analog Communication

Information: The idea or message that is to be conveyed Analog communication is made from two words analog and
is information. The message may be single or a set of communication. Analog refers to the continuous time-varying
signal. Communication refers to exchanging information
messages. The message can be a symbol, code, group of
between two or more than two sources. Analog
words, or any pre-decided unit.
communication means communication with the help of analog
Transmitter: The transmitter consists of a transducer, signals.
modulator, amplifier, and transmitting antenna in radio
transmission The analog communication is communication from the sender
to the receiver in the form of an analog signal. The analog
communication channel: The duty of the communication signal is a continuous time varying signal. The example of
channel is to carry the modulated signal from transmitter analog signal is sound waves. The signals that continuously
to receiver. The communication channel is also called a vary with time are the examples of an analog signal, such
transmission link or medium. as audio and video signals.

Table: Different channels In this tutorial, we will discuss analog communication,

modulation, types of modulation, demodulators, noise,
transmitters, receivers, and other components of the
communication system.

Receiver: The receiver consists of:

Pickup antenna: To pick the signal
Demodulator: To separate the audio signal from the
modulated signal
Amplifier: To boost up the weak audio signal
Transducer: converts back audio signal in the form of
electrical pulses into sound waves. An Analog signal is a signal whose characteristics, such as
voltage, amplitude, or frequency, vary with time. The common
shape of an analog signal is the sinusoidal wave. It is shown
1.1.1 Types of Communication System above:
(i) Analogue communication
(ii) Digital communication
2.1 Analog Communication System further sent to the transmitter. It improves the characteristics
of the received signal by modulation and converts it to the
suitable form for the channel. The information now travels on
The analog communication system refers to a model that helps
the channel through different wired or wireless media. After
the data to transmit from one end to the other. It combines travelling the desired distance, the signal reaches the receiver.
elements that work together to establish a network between
It demodulated the signal to recover the original message
the sender and receiver. It consists of transducers, signal, which is last send to the output transducer. The output
transmitter, channel, and receiver. The function of
transducer converts the electrical signal back to the speech
transducers is to convert one form of energy to the other. The signal.
channel acts as a medium to transmit electrical information
from the transmitter to the receiver.
Speech plays a major role in human voice, communication
through mobile phones, video, etc. But, the back noise in a
The block diagram of an analog communication system is
system is considered as inference and needs to be eliminated
shown below: from the system. For this, effective filters or amplifiers are

3 Digital Communication

Digital communication is made from two

words digital and communication. Digital refers to the
discrete time-varying signal. Communication refers to the
exchange of information between two or more sources. Digital
refers to the discrete time-varying signal. Communication
refers to the exchange of information between two or more
sources. Digital communication refers to the exchange of
digital information between the sender and receiver using
different devices and methods.

The data transmission using analog methods for long-distance

communication suffers from distortion, delays, interferences,
and other losses. To overcome these problems, the digitization
and sampling of signals using different techniques help in
making the transmission process more efficient,
clear, and accurate.
2.1.1 Input transducer
Digital communication is a popular technology used today in
The input transducer converts the information in the message electronics. It allows us to access video conferencing, digital
signal into the electrical energy suitable for transmission. The meetings, online education, etc. The data can travel upto
sources of information are audio, television, computers, etc. long distances within a second with the help of the internet
The frequency range of television is 0 Hz to 6000K Hz. The and other modes of digital communication. It not only saves
frequency range of speech signal is from 300Hz to 3000Hz. money but also saves time and effort. It has also raised the
standard of an individual's social, political, and economic life.
2.1.2 Transmitter

The transmitter converts the electrical signal into a form

suitable for transmission for the channel. It performs
modulation by superimposing the message signal on the high-
frequency carrier signal. Thus, different channels have
different types of the transmitter. If the channel's characteristic
varies, the transmitter must adjust itself to maintain the desired
range for effective communication.

2.2 Function of the analog communication system

We have already discussed about each component in detail.

Let's discuss how the data from one end through the
transducer is transmitted to the receiving end. It makes the
data available to the receiver without any noise or distortion.
Here, we will discuss an example of the speech signal.

The information first reaches the input transducer. It

converts the speech signal to the electrical signal. It is because
the communication system can only allow the electrical
energy to pass through the system. The electrical signal is
3.1.4 Function of the digital communication system

We have already discussed about each component in detail.

Let's discuss how the data from one end through the
transducer is transmitted to the receiving end. It makes the
data available to the receiver without any noise or distortion.
Here, we will discuss an example of the video signal.

The videos signal is first applied to the input transducer that

converts the signal into the electrical form. The
source encoder compresses the data to the reduced number of
bits and the channel encoder removes the error by adding the
redundant bits to the input digital data. It helps in encoding the
signal into binary digit or seven digits PCM (Pulse Code
Modulation). These are also used to represent the original
video signal. The modulator modulates the signal by varying
the amplitude, frequency, or phase of the transmitted signal.
The transmitted signal passes through the communication
channel to reach the receiver. At the receiving end,
the demodulator helps in recovering the message signal from
the carrier. The channel decoder, source decoder, and
the output transducer convert the digital signal into its
original form of transmission. The output signal is a digital
signal with no interference, noise, and error and is suitable for
the user to capture.
It consists of an input transducer, source encoder, channel
encoder, digital modulator, communication channel, 4 Modulation
digital demodulator, channel decoder, source decoder,
Digital and analogue signals are of low frequency and
and output transducer connected in series. Let's discuss the
hence cannot be transmitted to long distances. These
function of each component in the digital communication
signals require some carrier. These carriers are known as
system. carrier waves or high-frequency signals. The placement of
a low frequency (LF) signal over the high frequency (HF)
3.1.1 Source signal signal is known as modulation.

The source signal refers to the input signal applied to the Need for modulation: The sound wave
digital communication system. It is also known as the input (20Hz20Hz to 20kHz20kHz) cannot be transmitted directly
signal. Digital communication is generally used as a from one place to another because
conversion system from analog to digital. Thus, the input
signal is generally an analog signal. It can be analog or 4.1.1 Amplitude Modulation (AM)
digital. In case of the analog signal as the input source signal,
the digital communication system also works as an analog to 4.1.2 Frequency Modulation (FM)
digital converter by converting the analog input to the digital
4.1.3 Pulse Modulation

3.1.2 Input Transducer

The transducer is a device used to convert one form of energy

to another. In a communication system, it converts the non-
electrical energy to electrical energy to make it suitable for
transmission within the system. In the case of the analog
input, the block also contains an ADC (Analog to digital
converter) to convert analog to the digital signal for further

3.1.3 Noise removal components

Noise in the system can cause information loss and distortion.

Hence, it is essential to use the noise removal components in
the communication system. The noise removal components
are used at both the transmitting and receiving ends to filter
out the noise components from the signal. The noise
components include anti-aliasing filters, shielded cables, and
grounding concepts. The grounding acts as a reference voltage
for the circuit and helps in preventing coupling.
where ec=ec= Instantaneous voltage of carrier
4.1.4 Amplitude Modulation (AM) wave, Ec=Ec= Amplitude of carrier
Amplitude modulation (AM) is the process in which the wave, ωC=2πfc=ωC=2πfc= Angular velocity at the carrier
amplitude of the modulated wave is varied in accordance frequency fc,em=fc,em= Instantaneous voltage of
with the amplitude of modulating wave. In AM, the modulating, Em=Em= Amplitude of modulating
frequency of the carrier wave is unchanged. wave, ωm=2πfm=ωm=2πfm= Angular velocity of
modulating frequency fmfm

4.2 Types of Amplitude Modulation The voltage equation for AM wave is

The types of modulation are designated by e=Esinωct=(Ec+em)sinωct=(Ec+emsinωmt)sinωcte=Esin⁡ω

the ITU (International Telecommunication Union). There are ct=(Ec+em)sin⁡ωct=(Ec+emsin⁡ω mt)sin⁡ω ct
three types of Amplitude Modulation, which are as follows: =Ecsinωct+maEc2cos(ωc–ωm)t–
o Single Sideband Modulation The above AM wave indicates that the AM wave is
equivalent to the summation of three sinusoidal waves, one
o Double Sideband Modulation having amplitude EcEc and the other two having
amplitude maEc2maEc2.
o Vestigial Sideband Modulation
4.2.1 Sideband Frequencies and Bandwidth in AM Wave
Side-band frequencies: The AM wave contains three
frequencies fc,(fc+fm)fc,(fc+fm) and (fc–fm)(fc–fm).
Here fcfc  is called carrier frequency, (fc+fm)
(fc+fm) and (fc–fm)(fc–fm) are called sideband
 (fc+fm)(fc+fm): Upper sideband (USB) frequency
 (fc–fm)(fc–fm): Lower sideband (LSB) frequency
Side-band frequencies are generally close to the carrier

Bandwidth: The two sidebands lie on either side of the

carrier frequency at equal frequency intervals fmfm.
So, bandwidth =(fc+fm)–(fc–fm)=2fm

Modulation index: It isthe ratio of change of amplitude of

carrier wave to the amplitude of original carrier wave. It is
also called the modulation factor or degree of
Where k=k= is a factor determining the maximum change Power in AM waves: Power dissipated in any
in the amplitude for a given amplitude EmEm of the circuit P=V2rmsRP=Vrms2R. Hence
modulating signal. If k=1k=1 then ma=EmEc=Emax– (i) Carrier
EminEmax+Eminma=EmEc=Emax–EminEmax+Emin power Pc=(Ec2√)2R=E2c2RPc=(Ec2)2R=Ec22R
If several sine waves modulate a carrier wave, the total (ii) Total power of sidebands Psb=(maEc22√)2R+
modulated index mtmt is given by mt=m21+m22+m23+ (maEc22√)R=m2aE2c4RPsb=(maEc22)2R+
……−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−√mt=m12+m22+m32+…… (maEc22)R=ma2Ec24R
(iii) Total power of AM
Voltage equation for AM wave: Let us consider the wave PTotal=PC+Psb=E2c2R(1+m2a2)PTotal=PC+Psb=E
voltage equations for carrier wave and modulating wave c22R(1+ma22)
is-  (iv) PtPc=(1+m2a2)PtPc=(1+ma22) and PsbPt=m2a/
ec=Eccosωctec=Eccos⁡ω ct and em=Emsinωmt=mEcsinωmt 2(1+m2a2)PsbPt=ma2/2(1+ma22)
em=Emsin⁡ωmt=mEcsin⁡ω mt
(v) Maximum power in the AM (without distortion) will
occur when ma=1ma=1 i.e. Pt=1.5P=3PsbPt=1.5P=3Psb
(vi) If Ic=Ic= Unmodulated current and It=It= total or
modulated current ⇒PtPc=I2tI2c⇒ItIc=(1+m2a2)−−−−−−

4.2.2 Frequency Modulation (FM)

It is the process of changing the frequency of a carrier
wave in accordance with the audio frequency signal. It is
known as frequency modulation.

The audio quality of AM transmission is poor. Amplitude-

sensitive noise has to be eliminated by removing amplitude
variation. (I.e. a need to keep the amplitude of the carrier
constant).  In FM, the overall amplitude of the FM wave
remains constant at all times. In FM, the total transmitted
power remains constant.

In the FM signal, the information (audio signal) is

contained in the sidebands. Since the sidebands are
separated from each other by the frequency of modulating
signal fmfm so
Bandwidth =2n×fm=2n×fm; where n=n= number of
significant sideband pairs
Deviation ratio: The ratio of the maximum permitted
frequency deviation to the maximum permitted audio
frequency is the deviation ratio. Thus, the deviation
ratio =(Δf)max(fm)max=(Δf)max(fm)max.
Percentage modulation: It is the ratio of actual frequency
deviation to the maximum allowed frequency deviation.
Thus, percent
modulation, m=(Δf)actual(Δf)maxm=(Δf)actual(Δf)max
Table: Range of frequency allotted for FM radio/TV

Frequency deviation: Frequency deviation isthe 4.2.3 Pulse Modulation

maximum change in frequency from the mean value fcfc. Pulse Modulation(PM) is a process in which the carrier
It is also the change or shift either above or below the wave is in the form of pulses.
frequency fcfc and called frequency deviation.
∴δ=(fmax–fc)=fc–fmin=kf⋅Em2π∴δ=(fmax–fc)=fc– (1) Pulse amplitude modulation (PAM): The pulse
fmin=kf⋅Em2π amplitude varies in accordance to the modulating
kf=kf= Constant of proportionality. It determines the signal(message signal).
maximum variation in the frequency of the modulated (2) Pulse width modulation (PWM): The pulse duration
wave for a given modulating signal. varies in accordance with the modulating signal.
(3) Pulse position modulation (PPM): In PPM, the
Carrier swing (CS): Carrier swing is the total variation in position of the pulses of the carrier wave train varies
frequency from the lowest to the highest. i.e. according to the instantaneous value of the modulating
CS=2×ΔfCS=2×Δf signal.
Frequency modulation index (mf)(mf): The ratio of
maximum frequency deviation to the modulating
frequency is called modulation index.

Frequency spectrum: FM sideband modulated signal

consist of an infinite number of sidebands whose
frequencies are
The number of sidebands depends on the modulation
index mfmf.

4.2.4 Demodulation
Demodulation is the process of extracting the audio
signal(message signal) from the modulated
wave(modulated signal). 5. CONCLUSION: Communication for technology provides
those who have communication challenges a way of
The wireless signals consist of radiofrequency (high
expressing their wants and needs.  People of all ages and
frequency) carrier waves modulated by audio baseband
abilities can use and benefit from using communication
frequency(low frequency). The diaphragm membrane of a
telephone receiver or a loudspeaker cannot vibrate with technology.  There are four categories of technology for
high frequency. Therefore, it is necessary to separate the communication.  They include voice output technology,
audio frequencies from the radio frequency carrier wave. symbol communication technology, auditory technology and
Eye Gaze communication technology.  Voice output
Simple demodulator circuit: A diode can detect or technology are devices that allow a person to select a picture,
demodulate an amplitude modulated (AM) wave. A diode word, phrase or sentence, which is read aloud by the device.
acts as a rectifier, i.e. it reduces the modulated carrier Symbol communication includes pictures that are used to
wave into a positive envelope only. communicate with others by having the pictures represent
The AM wave input is shown in the figure. It appears at items, actions and thoughts of the person communicating. 
the output of the diode across PQ as a rectified wave Auditory technology is used with people who have
(since a diode conducts only in the positive half cycle). hearing impairments where the impairment inhibits the
After passing through the RC network, this rectified wave person's ability to communicate effectively with others. 
does not contain the radio frequency carrier component. The person with the hearing impairment usually wears a
Instead, it has only the envelope of the modulated wave. receiver and the person who is communicating with them
wears a microphone.  Lastly, Eyegaze technology is used with
In the actual circuit, the value of RCRC is chosen such individuals with limited speech and motor skills to allow them
that 1fc<RC1fc<RC; where fc=fc= carrier signal to use eye movement to communicate.

Results:In this paper we all get to know how the system of

communication works and transfer of the data from source to
destination was made and briefly explained the basic
components and foundation of communication system and
Communication System : Simon Haykins

Digital and Analog Communications : K. Sam Shanmugam

History of Wireless Communication Modern Digital and Analog Communications: B.P. Lathi

Yea Description

1880 Hertz-Radio Communication

1897 Marconi- Radio Transmission

1933 FCC (Federal Communication Commission)

1938 FCC rules for regular services

1946 Bell telephone laboratories 52 MHz

1956 FCC - 450MHz (Simplex)

1964 Bell telephone active research 800 MHz

1964 FCC - 450 MHz (Full Duplex)

1969 FCC - 40 MHz bandwidth

1981 FCC ? release of cellular land phone in the 40


1982 At & T divested and Server RBOC (Regional

Bell Operation Companies) formed to manage
the cellular operation.

1984 Most RBOC market in operations

1986 FCC allocates 5MHz extended band.

1988 TDMA voted as digital cellular standard in

North America.

1992 GSM (Group Special Mobile) operable

Germany D2 system.

1993 CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access)

1994 PDCC (Personal Digital Cellular Operable) in

Tokyo, Japan

1995 CDMA operable in Hong Kong

1996 Six Broad Band PCS (Personal Communication

Services) licensed bands (120 MHz) almost
reader 20 billion US dollar

1997 Broad band CDMA constructed and of the 3rd

generation mobile.

1999 Powerful WLAN systems were evolved, such as

Bluetooth. This uses 2.4 MHz spectrum.


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