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It must be emphasized that a certain amount of speed comes quite naturally with time and practice, nut

the best shortcut to speed in typewriting is by means or repetitions and practice.

Students who may be inclined to grow weary or bored with repetition should take into consideration
that this method of practice develops skills and speed in much less time.

The typist whose job is to make a hundred of more copies of a single letter attains a higher degree of
speed than one who is required to type the same number of different letters.

To obtain Typewriting speed, a definite amount of time should be set aside for practice each day.

The paragraphs in this lesson should be practiced in order to develop typing skills and speed.

Words are counted in groups of ten and the total number of words appear at the end of each paragraph
so that you may come back to this exercise for the time test later on.

This exercise can be typed in single or in double space. But to separate paragraphs from the other, there
should be a gap between them.

There are several things to bear in mind when striving to increase speed.

1. Accuracy. Every conscious error made slows the mental process and cuts down on speed.
2. Keep your eyes on the copy. Every time you attempt to check the errors made, you lose
valuable seconds examining the exercise you have been working on.
3. Don’t look up at the end of each first line to see if you have reach the right margin. this Word
processor automatically place, word that goes beyond the right margin to the next line. So just
keep on typing.Accuracy. Every conscious error made slow the mental process and cuts down on
4. Keep your eyes on the copy. Every time you attempt to check the errors made. You lose
valuable seconds examining the exercise you have been working on.
5. Don’t look up at the end of each first line to see if you have reached the right margins. This
Word processor automatically place, word that goes beyond the right margin to the next line. So
just keep on typing.


CTRL+Z Undo last action
CTRL+Y Redo last action
CTRL+N Create a new document
CTRL+O Open a new document
CTRL+W Close a document
CTRL+S Save a document
F12 Save as
CTRL+P Print
CTRL+SHIFT+P Font size select
CTRL+F2 Print preview
ALT+ CTRL+M Insert a comment
ALT+F5 Application restore
ALT+F10 Application maximize
ALT+F4 Close or Exit
CTLR+SHIFT+L Apply list bullet

CTRL+C Copy selected text
CTRL+X Cut selected text
CTRL+V Paste text

CTRL+HOME To beginning of doc
CTRL+END To end of doc
CTRL+ENTER Page breaker
SHIFT+LFT/RHT AR Select/unselect word
PRT SCR Copy a pic of screen to clip
CTRL+F Find text, formatting
CTRL+H Replace text, formatting
CTRL+G Go to page, bookmarks, etc.
CTRL+B Make letters bold
CTRL+I Make letters italic
CTRL+U Make letters underline
CTRL+E Center paragraph
CTRL+L Left paragraph
CTRL+R Right paragraph
CTRL+J Justify
CTRL+SPACEBAR Remove all formatting
CTRL+SHIFT+D Double underline
CTRL+ SHIFT+K Small caps
CTRL+ SHIFT+A All caps
CTRL+[/] Increase/Decrease font size
SHIFT+F2 Change the case of letters
CTRL+HOME Start of Document
CTRL+= Subscript
CTRL+SHIFT+ + Superscript
CTRL+SHIFT+Q Symbol font
SHIFT+F7 Thesaurus


TAB Next cell in a row
SHIFT+TAB Previous cell in a row
ALT+PAGE UP First cell in a column
ALT+PAGE DOWN Last cell in a column

ALT+CTRL+L Insert a LSITNUM field
ALT+SHIFT+P Insert a PAGE field
ALT+SHIFT+T Insert a TIME field
Creating a New Document

1. Click in File
2. Select New

Setting a Line Space

1. Click Home at the top of the screen

2. Click Line Spacing from the Ribbon (Paragraph).
3. Select the preferred line spacing or (Remove space after Paragraph).

Margin Setting (Paper Size/Orientation)

1. Click Page Layout at the top of the screen.

2. Click Margin from Ribbon.
3. Select Custom Margin.
4. Set the Top, Bottom, Left and Right Margin.

Copying/Moving Text

1. Highlight the Text.

2. Press Ctrl + C or Ctrl + X.
3. Pos. the cursor in the desired location.
4. Press Ctrl + V

Formatting Text

1. Highlight the text that you want to format by dragging your mouse over while holding down the
left mouse button.
2. Change the font size, color, alignment to your desire.

Inserting a Picture or Clip art

1. Click where you want your picture to go.

2. Click Insert at top of screen.
3. Select Picture or Clip Art.
4. Select picture and click insert.

Setting Column

1. Click Page Layout at the top of the screen.

2. Click Column.
3. Select Number of Columns.

Inserting text Box

1. Click Insert at top of screen.

2. Click Text box.
3. Click Draw Text box.
Inserting WordArt

1. Click Insert at top of screen.

2. Click WordArt.
3. Click WordArt Style.

Bullets and Numbering

1. Highlight the Words.

2. Click Home tab top of screen, Click Bullets and Numbering form the button.
3. Choose the Numbered Tab.
4. Several styles are available to you. Click the style you want to use.

Creating a Drop Cap

1. Click Insert at top of screen.

2. Click Drop Cap.
3. Select position, option and Click.

Inserting a Table

1. Click where you want your table to go.

2. Click Insert at top of screen.
3. Click Table.
4. Select Number of Table.

Converting Table to Text

1. Select the Table.

2. Click Layout at top of screen.
3. Click Convert to Text.

Setting a Table

1. Select the text you want to sort.

2. Click Layout at top of screen.
3. Click Sort (Ascending) and Click ok.

Sum Function

1. Position cursor to cell you wish to place the sum.

2. Click Layout at top of screen.
3. Click Formula.
4. The Formula appear in the Formula Bar *sum(left), means values from the left of the cursor is
totaled. Select #,##0 in the Number Format Field. This selection causes Microsoft Word to
separate thousands with comma.

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