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American English in Action Name: Bao Nhi

Unit 4 writing feedback homework

A. Write correct or rewrite the entire sentence to correct it.

1. correct
2. . I love eating fruit. It is one of my favorite things.
3. correct
4. There are many reasons to visit Greece; the beaches are lovely and the people are friendly.
5. I'll never be able to buy a house because prices these days are just ridiculous.
6. correct
7. This is a lovely cake; you must give me the recipe one day.
8. correct
9. correct
10. Hungary is an interesting country. The churches contain some of the finest frescos found
anywhere in Europe.

B. Correct and rewrite the sentences.

1. By obeying the speed limit, we can save energy, lives and money.
2. My home offers me a feeling of security, warmth, and love.
3. The pioneers labored to clear away the forest and plant crops.
4. When I refused to help her, she became very angry and shouted at me.
6. In my spare time, I enjoy taking care of my aquarium and working on my stamp collection.
7. Computers are often used to control, adjust, and correct complex industrial operations.
8. Mathematics can be considered a language, an art, a science, a tool or a
8. Paper may contain vegetable, minerals, and man-made fibers.
9. Many people who live near the ocean depend on it as a source of food, recreation,
and economic opportunities.
10. This summer the Recreation Department will sponsor classes in swimming and lifting
11. A bulldozer is used for pushing earth and grading it.
12. In ancient Rome people used perfume for bathing, soaking their clothing, and even giving
their horses a more pleasant odor.
C. Write the verbs in the correct form.
1. has used
2. has increased
3. rose
4. has risen
5. was
6. have overtaken
7. has grown/ occurred

D. Write the introductions only to the questions. Do not forget to paraphrase.

1. It is believed that the more number of developing countries, the more tourist industry are
growing. From my perspective, I assume that it actually is a good influence.
2. Nowadays, junk food is said to have a negative impact on youngsters’ lifestyle. Personally
speaking, I do stand with this idea for several reasons.
3. It is said that all famous TV programs should focus on educating about crucial social issues
instead of entertaining watchers. From my opinion, I partly disagree with this belief.
4. People are arguing about whether or not modern technology has led to a big difference
between the poor and the rich. To my way of thinking, it is, to some extent, an impact of the
5. In many countries, special taxes has been given on foods and drinks which have too much
sugar. While there are people who disagree with this action, I believe it will help us in long

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