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most important points of GIT along with bcqs & past

Special pathology
written by
Don’t talk, just act. Don’t say, just show. Don’t promise, just prove.
1.most common type of benign tumor occurs in esophagus

2.most common type of malignant tumor occurs in esophagus

=====squamous cell carcinoma

3.candida albicans ====forms patchy gray White pseudomembrane

4.cytomegalovirus produce ulcers in infectious esophagitis ====linear

ulcer  &superficial

5.Herpes simplex virus produce ulcers in infectious esophagitis

====Punched out & Deep

6.Barret esophagus  characterized by=====replacement of normal

squamous epithelium by more resistant columnar epithelium

7.Complication of Mallory weis syndrome ====Boerhaave syndrome

8.location of traction diverticulium ===midpoint of esophagus

9.zenker diverticulium also known as =====pharyngoesophageal


10.outpouching through the cricophayrangeus muscles above the upper

esophageal sphincter is called =====zenker diverticulim of the following diverticulium caused by scarring resulting from

mediastinal lymphadentitis as from TB
=======traction diverticulium

12.most common cause of Mallory weiss syndrome ====alcoholism

13.predisposing factor of mallory weiss syndrome =====hiatal hernia

14.most common cause of esophageal varices ====cirrhosis

15.complication of esophageal varices ====fatal haemorrhage

16.GERD also known as=====reflux esophagitis

17.rolling hernia is also known as ====Paraesophageal hernia /Non axial


18.herniation of proximal stomach through a widened diaphragmatic

hiatus ====sliding /axial hernia

19.hematemesis with pain is presentation of====mallory weiss


20.which of the following is presents with odynophagia(painful

swallowing) =====infection esophagitis valvety mucosa occurs in ====Barret esophagus

22.histological findings of barret esophagus ===intestinal metaplasia

(with goblet cell)

23.most common type of esophageal carcinoma ====sqaumous cell


24.most common pattern of tracheoesophageal fistula =====type C coiled in the esophagus with no air in stomach ===isolated

esophageal atresia coiled in the esophagus with air in stomach

=====tracheoesophageal fistula.. of the following is presents with dysphagia and are most common
in upper esophagus ====esophageal webs

28. Diagnosis of achalasia ==Bird's beak appearances i.e esophageal

dilation with uniform tapering of distal esophagus

29.most serious complication of achalasia ==squamous cell carcinoma

30. Dysphagia caused by scleroderma which one is monometric feature

====prestalsis decrease & Resting LES pressure decrease

32.dysphagia caused by achalasia which one of the following is

monometric features====  peristalsis decrease & resting LES pressure
increase which site of esophagus 20% squamous cell carcinoma occurs

=====upper third which site of esophagus 50% squamous cell carcinoma occurs

====middles Third which site of esophagus 30% squamous cell carcinoma occurs

=====Lower Third

36.A 50 year old male patients with cancer of upper end of esophagous
operated for the removal of upper end of esophagous,stomach,spleen,
and upper part of the duedenum in which of the following lymph nodes
does the lymph from upper end of esophagous drain =======Deep
cervical lymph node
37.A 50 year old male patients with cancer of  middle third of esophagous
operated for the removal of Middle Third of esophagous,stomach,spleen,
and upper part of the duedenum in which of the following lymph nodes
does the lymph from Middle third of esophagous
drain==Bronchiomediastineal lymph node

38.which of the following esophageal carcinoma effects the lower third

of esophagus =====adenocarcinoma

39.adeno carcinoma is associated with =====barret esophagus

40.most common type of esophageal carcinoma in US, Europe, Australia


41.which of the following esophageal carcinoma effects the upper third

of esophagus =====squamous carcinoma

42.squamous carcinoma is associated with====smoking & alcohol

43. Most common type World wide esophageal carcinoma ====squamous


44.most common risk factor of adenocarcinoma====barret esophagus

45. Most common histologic type of adenocarcinoma=====mucin

producing glandular tumor

46.Boerhaave syndrome is the rupture of =====esophagus

47.most common form of esophagitis ====reflux esophagitis

48.Part of esophagus involve in squamous cell carcinoma ===upper third

49. Adenocarcinoma of esophagus ===decreased by H. Pylori

Stomach hypertrophy of circular muscle in the pyloric sphincter is

known as =====congenital pyloric stenosis

2.congenital pyloric stenosis is not present at birth, but appear in-----

weaks of life ======2-3weak

3. non bilious projectile vomiting 2-3 weaks after birth is a clinical

feature of======congenital pyloric stenosis

4.congenital pyloric stenosis is more common in =====first born males

5. Hypochloremic means ====low level of chloride ion

6.acquired pyloric stenosis occurs in adults, it may be caused by

=====short formula (3PAL) 
P-peptic ulcer
P-pyloric carcinoma
P-pancreatic carcinoma
A-antral gastritis

7.Acute gastritis is caused by ====short formula(NAB-BUSS)

B-brain injury (cushing ulcer)
B-burn injury (curling ulcer)

8.autoimmune gastritis that involves body & fundus ===type A chronic

9. gastritis that involve pylorus & antrum ==== type B chronic gastritis

10.type a chronic gastritis is due to formation of autoantibodies against

perietal cells and effects =====Hcl production & intrinsic factor of the following type of chronic gastritis is less common ===type a

chronic gastritis

12.most common type of chronic gastritis ====type B chronic gastritis

13.type B chronic gastritis is caused by ====H. Pylori immune gastritis ==Antibody to parietal cells

15.suitable part of stomach for biopsy ====gastric antrum

16.antral type gastritis characterized by =====high acid production

17.antral type gastritis produces ====duodenal ulcer

18.antral type gastritis occurs with ====low intrerluekin Beta1

19. Pan gastritis is characterized by ====low acid production

20.pan gastritis associated with higher risk for===adenocarcinoma

21. Pan gastritis occurs with ====high interleukin 1Beta

22.PUD is characterized by ==formation of ulcers that occur in any

portion of GIT

23. Most common location of PUD is ======first part of duodenum

24.causes of PUD =====chronic use of NSAIDs & aspirn ,steroid, smoking,

H. Pylori
25.PUD is caused by the action of ====gastric secretions & impaired
mucosal defenses

26.H.pylori infection is cause of PUD produce ===pro inflammatory

cytokines (IL1 & TNF) PUD disease the ratio of duodenal ulcer to gastric ulcer is ====4:1

28.burning epigastric pain is clinical feature of ====PUD (peptic ulcer


29.pain is worst at night nd occurs 1-3 hours after meal is clinical finding
of =====PUD

30.pain  due to gastric ulcer is aggaravated with food is clinical finding

of =====PUD

31.pain due to duodenal ulcer is relieved with food is clinical picture of


32.pain may be referred to back, left upper quadrant or chest along with
weight loss is a clinical feature of ===PUD

33.most common complication of PUD ====bleeding

34.menetrier disease is also known as ===hypertrophic gastropathy

35.hyperplasia of surface mucous cells with glandular atrophy is called

====menetrier disease

36. Gastric secretions contains excessive mucus is a clinical feature of

====meneterier disease

37.gastric secretions lack HCL due to glandular atrophy is a clinical

feature of ====menetrier disease

38.hypoalbuminemia a form of protein loosing enteropathy is clinical

finding of ====menetrier disease

39.peripheral edema is clinical finding of ===menetrier disease

40.polyp are the most common benign tumor of =====stomach

41.any lesion that projects above the level of surrounding mucosa is

called ====polyp

42.most common type of polyp(benign tumor of stomach) is

====hyperplastic polyp

43.non neoplastic polyp in antrum ===hyperplastic polyp

44.most common malignant tumor of stomach is====gastric carcinoma

45.circinoid (Neuroendocrine cell) tumor originate from

===enterochromaffin cell (ECL) in the oxynatic mucosa

46.most commom site of gastric carcinoma (malignant tumor) is

====lesser curvature of antrum pyloric region

47.most common risk factor of gastric carcinoma====H. pylori

48.gastric carcinoma confined to mucosa and submucosa regardless of

the presence or absence of perigastric lymph node metastasis is
====early gastric carcinoma

49.gastric carcinoma that has extended below the submucosa into the
muscular wall and has perhaps spread more widely is ====advanced
gastric carcinoma
50.chronic gastritis, menetrier disease ,gastric adenomas & barret
esophagus is a host factor of====gastric carcinoma

51.Barrett's Esophagus is====intestinal metaplasia of squamous


52.autoimmune gastritis ===shows antibodies to the perietal cell

53.peteuz -jughars syndrome ==== causes formation of intestinal polyp

and mucocutanous pigmentation

54.most common cause of esophagitis ===GERD

55. Barret's esophagus ====metaplastic change

56.pernicious anemia mostly occurs in ====autoimmune gastritis

57.most common location of peptic ulcer in stomach is=======antero

pyloric region

58.linitis plastic in gastric carcinoma mostly occurs in === infiltrative


59. Singnet ring carcinoma is defined ===when greater than 50% of

tumor is formed by signet ring cell..

60.regarding juvenile polyp=======most common occure in children

61.Atrophic gastritis produces a====megaloblastic anemia

62.most common complication of peptic ulcer ===bleeding

63.mackel diverticulium lies on ====antimesentric side of bowl

64.congenital anomaly due to failure of involution of the vitelline duct

which connects the developing gut to the yolk sac =======mackel
diverticulium (ileal diverticulium)

65.painless severe hemorrhage is clinical feature of ====ileal


66.diverticulitis is clinical finding of ====ileal diverticulium

67.chronic peptic ulceration & intestinal obstruction is clinical finding

of =====ileal diverticulium

68.hirschpuring disease is also known as ====congenital aganglionic

megacolon of the following disease is characterized by congenital absence of

ganglion cells and ganglion in the muscle wall nd submucosa of the
affected segment ====Hirschpuring disease

70.hirschpuring disease is due to lack of both ======meissener's &

auerbach's myenteric plexus

71.A 40 year old male patients comes to dr he complains a delayed

passage of meconium along with constipation, abdominal distention nd
vomiting , all features are related to which disease???
======hirschpuring disease

72.increase in stool mass, frequency and fluidity is called ====Diarrhea

73.low volume ,painful bloody diarrhea is known as =====dysentery

74.High volume diarrhea >500 ml of fluid stool per day ===secretory

diarrhea secretory diarrhea the feacal smear for leukocytes is =====negative

76. The cause of secretory diarrhea is ====viral damage to mucosal
epithelium & bacterial enterotoxin mediated osmotic diarrhoea the fecal smear for leukocytes is ====negative

78. causes of osmotic diarrhea ===disachridase deficiency, lectulose

therapy, antacids, primary bile acid malabsorpation invasive diarrhea  the fecal smear for leukocytes is ===positive

80.causes of invasive diarrhea ====exudative disases

81.Rotavirus is the most common cause of diarrhea is =====infants &

young children (6-24)month

82.mechanism of Rotavirus ===viral damage to mucosal epithelium

without infecting the crypt of cell

83.Type of diarrhea occurs due to Rotavirus ====secretory & Osmotic


84.Norwalk virus is most common cause of ===gasteroenteritis in adults

85. Transmission of Norwalk virus thoru ===feacal -oral

86.Norwalk virus causes diarrhea that resolves within ====12-24 hrs

87. Clostridium difficile is the most common cause of ==nosocomial

diarrhea & secretory type of diarrhea of the following oppartunastic organism is most common cause

of nosocomial diarrhea & secretory diarrhea? ====clostridium difficile pesudomembrane collitus, pseudomembrane are formed

by============ inflammatory exudates, fibrin, mucin pseudomembrans collitus, lamina proparia contains

91.amebic dysentery(Bloody diarrhea) is caused by ===Entamoeba


92.mode of transmission of entamoeba histolytica thru ====ingestion of

cysts of stool

93.most common site of entamoeba histolytica is====ascending colon &


94 flasic shaped ulcers ====Entaemoba histolytica

95.diagnosis of entamoeba histolytica == trophozoite /cysts in stool.

96. Watery diarrhea caused by which parasite======giardia lamblia

97.most common parasitic infection in humens ====giardia lamblia

98.mode of transmission of giardia lamblia thru ===ingestion of cysts in


99.most common site of giardia lamblia is ====duodenum

100. Giardia lamblia causes watey diarrhea, in watery diarrhea

trophozoites are === pear shaped & bi-nucleate

101. Necrotizing Enterocollitis is associated with severe cosequence of

=== transmural necrosis of intestinal segment

112.risk factor of necrotizing enterocollitis ===premature infants & low

birth weight infants of the following is the most common acquired gastrointestinal
emergency of neonates???? ======Necrotizing enterocollitis

114.A 8 year old infant he comes to dr nd complains the, peak incidence 

is when i started on oral foods (2-4days) along with Bloody diarrhea,
abdominal distention, circulatory collapse & abdominal X-ray shows
pneumatosis intestinalis (gas within intestinal wall) which one of the
following disease has related diagnostic feature ????=======Necrotizing

115.diarrhea with patches of bandlike collagen deposits under the

surface epithelium is known as =====collagenous colitis

116.diarrhea with prominent intra -epithelial infiltrate of lymphocytes

is known as ===lymphocytic collitus

117.collagenous collitis is more common in ====females

118.lymphocytic collitis is more common in ===both sexes equally

119.Most common clinical presentation of malabsorpation syndrome is

=== =chronic diarrhea

120.Hall mark of malabsorpation is====steatorrhea

121.celeic disease is also known as====gluten -sensitive -enteropathy

122. Celiec disease is an autoimmune disorder characterized by

hypersensitivity to ======gluten &gliadin

123. It is alcohol soluble, water insoluble protein component of wheat,

oat , barley,  rye ====gluten

124.celeic disease is characterized by ------mediated response against

gluten in genetically susceptible individuals ======T-cell & IgA
125.celeic disease is associated with ====HLA-DQ2 & HLA DQ8

126. High incidence in infancy pathogenesis of ====celeic disease

127. A 35 year women comes to dr & she complains diarrhea ,loss of

weight, flatulance along with malnutrition & osteoporosis & Blood
picture show anemic ,from this symptoms which of the following disease
is diagnosed?? =======celeic disease

128. One of the following is characterized by intensely pruritic,

papulovasicular lesions on extensor surfaces of elbows, knees & buttocks
======dermatitis herpetiformis

129. Celeic disease is associated with ====insulin dependent DM type 1,

hashmito's thyroiditis, primmary billiary cirrhosis, IgA deficiency,
mysthenia grevi's

130.most common site of celeic disease ====duodenum & proximal


131.. Villous atrophy & blunting occurs in which disease ====celeic


132. Vacoular degeneration of surface epithelium occurs in which

disease ===celeic disease

133.sensitivity & specificity is 100% in which screening test of celeic

disease ===Anti-endomysial igA antibodies

134.which screening Test of celeic disease is more accurate in patients

with igA deficiency ====anti tissue transglutaminase (tTG) igA

135. Sensitivity 80% & specificity 85% moderately good screening test of
celeic disease ====Anti -gliadin igA antibodies

136. Non hodgkin lymphoma is most common malignant complication of

=====Celeic disease

137.systematic infectious disease that may involve any organ, but

principally affects intestine CNS & joints is =======whipple disease

138. The nature of whipple disease ===bacterial infection

139.whipple disease is caused by ===tropheryma whipelli

140.hall mark feature of whipple disease====distended macrophages in

lamina proparia of small intestinal mucosa whipple disease foamy macrophages containing====PAS -positive

granules in lamina proparia

142. In Whipple disease PAS - granules contains ====Rod shaped bacilli

143. In Whipple disease lymphatic obstruction (mesentric lymph nodes) 

& reabsorpation of ====chylomicron

144. Protein losing enteropathy & hepatosplenomegly both are GIT

problem is clinical finding of =====Whipple disease

145. Seizures, dementia & cranial nerve palsies are the problem of
neurologic, clincal presentation of =====Whipple disease

146.oculomasticatory myorhythmia is a clinic presentation of

=====Whipple disease

147. lactose intolerance is occur due to deficiency of ===lactase

148. Chronic diarrhea with increased osmotic gap is clinical feature of

===lactose intolerance

149.diarrhea is explosive, watery with bloating & abdominal distention

is clinical finding of ==== lactose intolerance

150. Negative fecal fat (i.e no steatorrhea)  is clinical finding

of=====lactose intolerance

151.what is difference between celeic disease & chronic pancreatitis

celeic disease associated with iron & folate deficiency
Chronic pancreatitis not associated with iron &folate deficiency
D-xylose test : decrease reabsorpation seen in celeic disease
D-xylose test : normal reabsorpation seen in chronic pancreatitis

152. Set of chronic inflammatory conditions resulting from

inappropriate & persistent activation of the mucosal immune system

153.chronic relapsing ulcero-inflammatory disease is known as

====ulcerative colitis

154.crohn's disease is chronic granulomatous ===ulcero constrictive


155. Ulcerative colitis is chronic ===ulcero-inflammatory disease

156. Most common  idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) ===

ulcerative colitis

157.Epidemiology of crohn's disease is strongly associated with

=====smoking ulcerative colitis the percentage of perinuclear anti-neutrophillic

cytoplasmic antibody is ====75%
159.NOD2 mutations not seen in =====ulcerative collitis ulcerative colitis, excessive activation of -------subset of helper T-

cells =====CD4 /TH2

161.In crohn's disease , excessive activation of -------subset of helper T-

cells =====CD8/TH1

162 NOD2 (non obese diabetic) mutation is seen in =====crohn's disease

163.anti -saccharomyces cervisiae antibody absent in =====ulcerative


164.anti -saccharomyces cervisiae antibody present in ===crohn's disease

165. Most  common site of ulcerative colitis ====Rectum

166. Pseudopolyp is gross Feature of which disease ====ulcerative colitis

167.extensive broad -based ulceration is gross feature of =====ulcerative


168. Crypt abcess containing nuetrophils is feature of ==== ulcerative


169. common site  of crohn's disease is ===terminal ilium (small


170. Aphthous ulcer means blistr like ulcers gross feature of

======crohn's disease

171.surpentine linear ulceration gross feature of ==== crohn's disease

172.Backwash ileitis i. e it may spread backward to involve the ilium due

to incompetence of illeocaecal valve is gross feature of ====ulcerative

173. Creeping fat i.e the bowl surface  is wrapped by mesentric fat is
gross feature of ===crohn's disease

174. Skip lesion are formed due to discontinues spread is gross feature of
====crohn's disease

175. Transmural inflammation (affects all the layers) microscopic

feature of =====crohn's disease

176.Non caseating granulomas microscope feature of =====crohn's


177.non caseating granulomas seen in ====crohn's disease

178.dysplesia or cancer less likely seen in =====crohn's disease

179.""lead pipe "" appearance from loss of haustration radigraphically

seen in ====ulcerative colitis

180 ."string"" sign in terminal ileum from luminal narrowing

radiographically seen in ====crohn's disease

181.recurrent left-sided abdominal cramping with bloody diarrhea is

clinical finding of ======ulcerative colitis

182. Recurrent right lower quadrant colicky pain with diarrhea is

clinical finding of =====
Crohn's disease

183.Bleeding occurs only with colon or anal involvement clinical finding

of ====crohn's disease

184.toxic megacolon (hypotonic & distended bowl)  complications of

=====ulcerative colitis

185.most feared complication of ulcerative colitis


186.fibrosing strictures is complications of ====crohn's disease

187.Primary sclerosing cholangitis complication of =====ulcerative


188.calcium oxalate renal calculi is complication of crohn's disease

189. Ischemic bowl disease refers to the decreased blood flow & ischemia
of bowel due to occlusion of ===== celeic artery, SMA, IMA

190.arterial thrombosis, arterial embolism, venous thrombosis, non

occlusive ischemia all are risk factor of =====ischemic bowl disease

191. In Transmural infarction==== involves all visceral layers

192. Transmural infarction is mostly due to mechanical compromise of

====major mesentric vessels

193. Most common site of Transmural infarction =====splenic flexure

194. Clear cut demarcation b/w viable & non viable bowel ====arterial
occulsion clear cut demarcation b/w viable & non viable bowel===venous

196. In mucosal infarction ===involves the layers no deeper than

muscularis mucosa

197. A patient comes to doctor & he complains diffuse abdominal

pain ,Bloody diarrhea along with absent bowl sounds & no rebound
tenderness, all clinical features are related to which disease???
========ischemic bowl disease

198.X-ray show Thumbprint sign due to edema in bowel wall is a lab

finding of which disease?? ======ischemic bowl disease

199.origin of internal haemorrhoids is above ====dentate line /anorectal


200. Dilated superior hemorrhoidal complex ===internal haemorrhoids

201.Classification of internal haemorrhoids:

1st degree :    Remain in the rectum
2nd degree:    prolapse through the anus on defecation but
spontaneously reduce
3rd degree:     as for 2nd degree but require digital reduction
4th degree:      remain persistently prolapsed

202. Acquired malformation of mucosal & submucosal capillary bed is

known as ====angiodysplasia

203.  In angiodysplasia Most common age group is ====60 years

204.most common site of angiodysplasia ===cecum & right (ascending)


205.fresh per rectal bleeding is known as ===hematochezia

206.hematochezia is clinical presentation of =====angiodysplasia

207. Angiodysplasia associated with ====crest syndrome, von willebrand

disease,Heyde's syndrome & osler weber rendu syndrome

208. Adhesion is the most common cause of ==small intestine


209.most common risk factor of adhesion is ====previous surgery

210. In intussusception most common age group ====infants & children

211. Most common cause of intussusception is ===idiopathic

212. A 3 years old child is brought to triage & is noted to draw its knees
to its abdomen screaming with pain. As a part of assessment the triage
nurse palpates the abdomen & notes to tender " sausage shape mass" on
the left side. This should be raise the index of suspicion of which of the
following diagnosis??? ========intussusception

213. ""Current jelly "" stool i.e stool mixed with blood and mucus is
clincal presentation of ======intussusception

214.complete twisting of a loop of bowl on its mesentry is known as


215.most common site of volvulus in small bowl is ====terminal ileum

216.most common benign tumor of small intestine is ====Adenoma small intestine most common site for adenoma is ====ampula of


218.most common malignant tumor of small intestine


219.most common site for adenocarcinoma is =====duodenum

220. Tumerous mass that protrudes into the lumen of the gut is known
as ====non neoplastic polyp
221.most common type of polyp (90%)======hyperplastic polyp

222.most common site of hyperplastic polyp is ====recto sigmoid colon

223.hyperplastic polyps have ===no malignant potential

224.malformations of the gland & mucosa is known as =====

hamartomatous polyps

225.most common polyp in children===== juvenile polyps

226.most common site of juvenile polyps ====Rectum

227.most common site of retention polyps ===Rectum

228. SMAD4 mutation is seen in ====juvenile polyposis syndrome

229.juvenile polyposis syndrome is ====autosomal dominant disorder

230.juvenile polyposis syndrome====malignant potential

231.peutz jeghers syndrome ====autosomal dominant disorder

232.mutation of STK11 on chromosomes 19 is seen in ======peutz jeghers


233.most common site of peutz -jeghers syndrome ====small bowl

234. Pigmentation of buccal mucosa & lips, increased risk for

intussusception is a finding of =====peutz jeghers syndrome

235.peutz jeghers syndrome associated with increased risk of =====

colorectal,breast & gynecologic cancers

236.most common site of tubular adenoma is ===colon.

237.most common site of villous adenoma===Rectum & rectosigmoid

238.villous adenoma secrete ===protein & k-rich mucus (resulting in

hypoproteinemia & hypokalemia)

239. Colon cancer is greatest risk factor of ==villous adenoma

240.FAP plus osteomas, epidermal cysts, fibromatosis ===gardner


241.FAP plus CNS tumour == Turcot syndrome

242.Hereditary non polyposis colorectal cancer also known as ====lynch


243. Most common site of colon adenocarcinoma is ======rectosigmoid


244.carcinoid tumors are neuroendocrine tumors often producing


245.most common site of carcinoid tumors ===appendix

246.metastasis ia absent in cases of appendiceal & rectal carcinoids is

clinical feature of===== carcinoid syndrome

247.right sided cardiad lesions (pulmonary & tricuspid valve stenosis is

clinical feature of ====carcinoid syndrome

248.neutrophilic infiltration of muscularis proparia histologic criteria

for diagnosis of ====acute appendicitis

249. Pain, at first periumblical but then in the lower quadrant clinical
finding of ====!acute appendicitis

250.IPSID is B-CELL lymphoma also referred to as =====Mediterranean


Bcqs of GIT
1. The distance from the incisor teeth to the gastro-oesophageal
junction is:
A. 25 cm B. 30 cm
C. 35 cm D. 40 cm

2. Oesophageal webs have the following features except:

A. They are located at lower oesophagus
B. They are associated with dysphagia
C. They are associated with chronic atrophic glossitis
D. They are associated with iron deficiency anaemia

3. Some of the common causes of haematemesis of oesophageal

origin are as follows except:
A. Oesophageal varices B. Mallory-Weiss syndrome
C. Reflux oesophagitis D. Oesophageal rupture

4. Some common conditions predisposing to reflux oesophagitisare as

follows except:
A. Hiatus hernia B. Mallory-Weiss syndrome
C. Peptic ulcers D. Persistent vomiting

5. The nature of lesion in Barrett’s oesophagus is:

A. Congenital anomaly B. Inflammatory disease
C. Metaplastic process D. Neoplastic lesion

6. Barrett’s oesophagus predisposes to development of:

A. Reflux oesophagitis B. Oesophageal varices
C. Squamous cell carcinoma D. Adenocarcinoma
7. The most frequent anatomic site for squamous cell carcinoma of the
oesophagus is:
A. Upper third
B. Middle third
C. Lower third
D. Gastro-oesophageal junction

8. H. pylori gastritis has the following features except:

A. H. pylori is seen on the epithelial layer of the luminal surface
B. H. pylori is seen on areas with intestinal metaplasia
C. H. pylori does not invade the mucosa
D. H. pylori gastritis may lead to malignant transformation

9. Patients of benign gastric ulcer generally have:

A. High gastric acid
B. Normal-to-high gastric acid
C. Normal-to-low gastric acid
D. Absence of gastric acid

10. Duodenal ulcers are found most commonly at:

A. First part, anterior surface
B. First part, posterior surface
C. Second part, anterior surface
D. Second part, posterior surface

11. The most common location for gastric colloid carcinoma is:
A. Cardia B. Fundus
C. Body D. Pylorus

12. The most common gross growth pattern of gastric carcinoma is:
A. Scirrhous B. Fungating
C. Ulcerative D. Colloid

13. Meckel’s diverticulum is commonly located at:

A. Mesenteric border of small intestine one meter above ileocaecal valve
B. Mesenteric border of small intestine two meter above ileocaecal valve
C. Antimesenteric border of small intestine one meter above ileo-caecal
D. Antimesenteric border of small intestine two meter above ileocae-cal

14. The remnants of vitellointestinal duct are in the form of following

lesions except:
A. Vitelline sinus B. Vitelline cyst
C. Omphalocele D. Meckel’s diverticulum

15. Following humoral factors are implicated in the etiology of

inflammatory bowel disease except:
A. Anti-colon antibodies to E. coli
B. Decreased synthesis of IgG
C. IgE-mediated hypersensitivity
D. Circulating immune complexes

16. Crohn’s disease is characterised by the following histo-pathologic

features except:
A. Non-caseating sarcoid like granulomas
B. Superficial mucosal ulceration
C. Stricture formation in chronic cases
D. Widening of submucosa due to oedema

17. The following features characterise ulcerative colitis except:

A. Formation of crypt abscess and cryptitis
B. Superficial mucosal ulceration
C. Depletion of goblet cells and mucus
D. Stricture formation in chronic cases

18. Long-standing cases of Crohn’s disease may develop the following

complications except:
A. Malabsorption B. Toxic megacolon
C. Fistula formation D. Stricture formation

19. Tuberculous ulcers in bowel have the following features except:

A. They begin in the Peyer’s patches
B. They are transverse to the long axis
C. Advanced cases may cause intestinal obstruction
D. Tuberculous ulcers often cause intestinal perforation

20. The major complication of typhoid ulcer is:

A. Intestinal obstruction B. Intestinal perforation
C. Malabsorption D. Fistula formation
21. Pseudomembranous enterocolitis occurs most often in asso-ciation
with the following:
A. Shigella dysentery B. Candida enterocolitis
C. Cephalosporin antibiotics D. Clostridial food poisoning

22. Common causes of total/subtotal villous atrophy are as follows

A. Crohn’s disease B. Tropical sprue
C. Nontropical sprue D. Intestinal lymphoma

23. The nature of Whipple’s disease is:

A. Genetic defect B. Familial occurrence
C. Bacterial infection D. Hypersensitivity reaction

24. The most common location for carcinoid tumour is:

A. Foregut
B. Midgut
C. Hindgut
D. Equal at all these three sites

25. The histologic hallmark of diagnosis of acute appendicitis is:

A. Mucosal ulceration
B. Impacted foreign body
C. Neutrophilic infiltrate in muscularis
D. Thrombosed blood vessels

26. Out of various patterns of Hirschsprung’s disease, the most common

A. Total colonic aganglionosis
B. Long segment disease
C. Short segment disease
D. Ultra short segment disease

27. The following type of colorectal polyps has highest malignant

A. Hyperplastic polyp B. Adenomatous
C. Villous adenoma D. Tubulovillous adenoma

28. The most common location for primary colorectal carcinoma is:
A. Rectum
B. Sigmoid and descending colon
C. Caecum and ileocaecal valve
D. Ascending colon

29. Elevation of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) level is particularly

significant in:
A. Early lesion of colorectal carcinoma
B. Advanced primary colorectal carcinoma
C. Metastatic colorectal carcinoma
D. Ulcerative colitis

30. Intra-abdominal desmoplastic small cell tumour is a:

A. Benign tumour B. Fibromatosis
C. Tumour-like lesion D. Highly malignant tumour

31. The significant genetic mutations in adenoma carcinoma sequence

are all the following except:
A. Loss of APC gene B. Deletion of DCC gene
C. Mutated RB gene D. Mutation in K-RAS gene
32. H. pylori colonisation of gastric mucosa is implicated in the
following diseases except:
A. Gastritis B. Gastric carcinoma
C. MALT lymphoma D. Intestinal metaplasia

33. Which of the following is not implicated in oesophageal carcinoma?

A. HPV infection B. Mallory Weiss Syndrome
C. Plummer Vinson Syndrome D. Heavy smoking

34. In gastric ulcer, BAO and MAO are:

A. Normal
B. Elevated
C. Absent
D. Markedly decreased but not absent

35. Which classification system is used for gastritis?

A. Bethesda system B. Geneva system
C. Sydney system D. WHO system
36. Partial villous atrophy is seen in all except:
A. Crohn’s disease B. Parasitic infestation
C. Drugs D. Tropical sprue

37. Most common malignant tumour of the small intestine is:

A. Carcinoid tumour B. Lymphoma
C. Adenocarcinoma D. Malignant GIST

38. All are hamartomatous polyps except:

A. Juvenile polyps B. Peutz-Jeghar’s polyps
C. Retention polyps D. Metaplastic polyps

39. Which of the following is not familial polyposis syndrome?

A. Cronkhite Canada syndrome
B. Gardner’s syndrome
C. Turcot’s syndrome
D. Juvenile polyposis syndrome

40. Disease predisposing locus implicated in Crohn’s disease:

A. CARD 15 B. CARD 14
C. CARD 24 D. CARD 25

41.A 3 years old child is brought to triage & is noted to draw its knees to
its abdomen screaming with pain. As a part of assessment the triage
nurse palpates the abdomen & notes to tender " sausage shape mass" on
the left side. This should be raise the index of suspicion of which of the
following diagnosis???
A, intussusception
B, small bowl obstruction
C, large bowl obstruction
D, child abuse involving abdominal trauma

1=D2=A3=C4 =B
5=C6=D7=B8 =B
9 = C 10 = A 11 = B 12 = C
13 = C 14 = C 15 = B 16 = B
17 = D 18 = B 19 = D 20 = B
21 = C 22 = A 23 = C 24 = B
25 = C 26 = C 27 = C 28 = A
29 = C 30 = D 31 = C 32 = D
33 = B 34 = A 35 = C 36 = D
37 = A 38 = D 39 = A 40 = A 41=A
I don’t measure a man’s success by how high he climbs, but how high he
bounces when he hits bottom. #George patton

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