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Itachi Uchiha was born to two loyal members of the Uchiha Clan and Village Hidden in the Leaves,
Fugaku Uchiha and Mikoto Uchiha. He was no longer considered a child the moment his gift was seen.
He was a genius, a miracle child born to the Uchiha Clan - and his gift was not to be wasted - it was to
be nurtured and cultivated for the good of the Clan and Village. He was very aware of this, and never
denied his position in the family.
Because of his ability, he was sent straight to the battle field, where his abilities were put to the test. He
watched people die, people try to save others, and people get stabbed in the back by those they tried to
save - the inhumanity was endless, and as a child of war, he processed it surprisingly calm. He would
ask himself questions - questions about what being a ninja meant, and what a village really was, and if
this world was simply meant to be of war. These questions he would keep to himself because no adult
would ever understand his dilemma - he was a very lonely child.

His strength also separated him from the rest of his class, making him the outsider. Being better doesn't
always make you popular, it sometimes makes those below you jealous and bitter.
His childhood was only the beginning, once he grew into a young teen he was placed under many
pressuring situations. He was already in the anbu and was also a secret spy to his Clan. His jobs varied
from following every order given by his anbu commander, to leaking any information about the village to
his Clan members. He wasn't on a side - he didn't have a choice. If he wanted to please everyone, he
had to play the backstabber, betrayal on both sides. There was no right or wrong thing - or so he

He watched as both sides grew desperate, trying to finish the other one off. The village grew wary of the
Uchiha Clan every passing day, and the Uchiha Clan grew impatient with the Village's mistrust and
suspicion towards a Clan that's never been anything but loyal. Soon both sides were to an agreement to
destroy the other, and Itachi was right in between both battle fields. Which side was he on? His loyalty
was forced in half because he couldn't bare to see either sides fall apart. Either his entire clan was
wiped off, or his entire Village, with innocent children, were attacked by the Clan they trusted to protect
Most importantly, there was his younger brother, who had done next to everything to gain his admiration
and attention. His innocent brother was in the middle of one of the biggest battles ever, and had no say
whatsoever. That is Uchicha Itachi greatest dilemma, to choose between his clan or to save his only
brother who he loved the most.

Then came a choice - a choice that would later haunt him till his dying day - a choice between his Clan
or his brother. The village wasn't willing to give up in attacking the Clan, and had given Itachi a choice,
either he took care of it on his own or they would - and they wouldn't have mercy on his brother. If he
took out his Clan, then his brother's life would be spared, and he would have a place in the village - a

The decision was life changing, and either choice could end up bad, he was weighing the life of many
people. What was morally correct? He grew up knowing nothing but bitter war and survival, his brother
both admired and envied him, the village and clan he loved most had forced him to cut his loyalty in half
and live as a backstabber - his morality was a mess. The only thing Itachi wanted to do was the "right"
thing - the thing that would make his family proud, the thing that would save the village and his clan, the
thing that would bring him more admiration in the eyes of his younger brother - but what "right" thing
would that be?
And did it even exist?
In the end, his choice began the spiraling death of those he loved most. Although the village praised him
for his loyalty and strength - what he had done saved nobody. The night he decided to massacre his
clan (with the help of a "friend") was the same night his brother's mind began to fall into an infinite pit of
darkness. Turns out killing your brother's family in order to save him isn't such a good choice.

Every moment in Itachi's life - both childhood, and the small amount of adulthood he had, - lead him to
this choice. Was it morally right? Was killing his family, clan, and brother's mind, morally right? Was
choosing the village morally right? Was it ethical? The questions are never ending. No matter what he
did, a negative outcome was inevitable, because the ninja world was a war zone. Itachi was born in a
time of war and bitterness, and this made him question many things, sometimes even the world's ethics
- what did the ninja world consider right?

His decision was right in some aspects, he meant well. He did it to save his brother, the one person he
wanted to survive in the cruel world - he did it to make him stronger. The only thing was that his idea of
strength was wrong, it involved suffering and breaking bonds, and made Sasuke grow twisted and hurt.

Overall, ethics in the ninja world don't exist. At least they didn't during Itachi's era. He was born a
prodigy, and died a tragedy - never truly valued as a human. He was either seen as an enemy, a
weapon, or a broken man - never was he seen as the man who tried his best to do the right thing in a
world where there was no sense of right or wrong, and was killed trying till the very end. His decision
was made under circumstances nobody could understand, and perhaps was right in his eyes at the

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