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How one person’s actions can affect so many others

Itachi became a victim of the Uchiha clan’s decisions and plans to overthrow Konoha and
take control.

Think about it.

 The Uchiha clan planned to overthrow Konoha.

 Their motive was obviously power and control.
 That selfish move lead Itachi to tell Konoha about it.
 Which then put Itachi in an impossible situation.
 And that lead him down the path of darkness.
 And that lead to Sasuke’s trauma.
Their selfish plans put their whole clan in jeopardy. Even if that jeopardy came
about because of Itachi’s loyalty.

Itachi’s actions then created a ripple in Sasuke’s life, and even Naruto‘s.

It shows you how one small action can create a ripple of good or bad, depending on what that
action is.

This (and the lessons in this post) apply to life as well.

You might not think it, but the more dramatic your decision is the more it can change the lives
of others around you.

Family, friends, even strangers. For better or for worse depending on what it is you choose to

Coronavirus is good example.

Lining up in supermarket ques happened because of people’s selfishness and buying up all
the goods, leaving everyone else empty handed.

How a person is on the outside is just a reflection

Itachi Uchiha seems:

 Cold hearted.
 Evil.
 Emotionless.
 Wicked.
 Uncaring.
 Uninterested.
 Empty.
To the average person Itachi is “just” a cold-hearted lunatic with no heart or soul.

In reality though these traits and characteristics reflect his experiences, feelings and personal

He’s cold because his life’s been destroyed.

He’s empty because of the heavy price he was forced to pay.

He’s evil because of the drastic actions he took.

He’s emotionless because after what he was forced to do, he lost everything. And had to
throw away his morals in the process.

What you see on the outside is just a reflection.

1. Integrity- Itachi teaches us that we should do what's right, even when no one is watching
us or expecting us to do the right thing.
2. Always look at the bigger picture- live in small moments but keep in mind what these
moments are gonna result in.
3. Always look on the bright side.
4. Count on your friends. Don't walk alone, until it's necessary. But if you have to
don't fear it.
5. Don't be predictable. Always hold a card up your sleeves. So that no one judges
6. If you love something protect it at all cost. Don't let it go.

I at least think it's the value of self-sacrifice. To put yourself quite literally above others and
everything you know.

And sacrifice yourself for the greater good.

This is just my analysis of what I can learn from Itachi fucking Uchiha.
Don’t ever be afraid to open up to the ones you love and care for. Letting people in is a way of
admitting your vulnerabilities, weaknesses and insecurities and growing stronger because of

Itachi died believing that he had to shoulder everything alone. He was reborn and learned that
had he opened up to at least one person, (I.E. Sasuke) things might have turned out better.

Itachi was an all around complete genius, and in the end even he couldn’t handle everything
himself. If we are to take anything from that it's this, “Never forget that we’re all in this
together. It takes two people to create one. But that one is the accumulation of all the billions
that came before him. He or she is the best of many worlds.”

When we cone together and share our problems with each other we are able to create ideas
and solutions that might have never been discovered had we kept our struggles bottled up
I’d say loyalty, sacrifice and love.The first trait is exhibited by Itachi when he makes up his
choice to carry out the massacre of his clan,for the sake of peace and integrity of
Konohogakure.He put the village above his clan,which shows his unwavering loyalty towards
the village.The second trait is exhibited when he decides to sacrifice his own life for the sake
of the safety of konoha.He chose to become as S-class criminal wanted by Konoha at any
cost,only to protect Konoha and his little brother Sasuke.And finally,his never ending love
towards Sasuke.He chose to live this godforsaken life with the Akatsuki so that he could keep
an eye on their movements and most importantly on their leader,Tobi.The main reason he
joined the Akatsuki was that he could constantly monitor them and thus,prevent any damages
to the leaf village.Finally,comes his unwavering love for Sasuke.This is a very precious bond
for him and he always looked forward to protecting it.He spared sasuke during the
massacre.He let himself die during his fight with sasuke,thus activating sasuke’s mangekyo
and also sealing orochimaru in the process.I could go on,but i think i’ve made my point :p .He
is the real hero of Naruto in my opinion.Period.

"If you want to know who you are, you have to look at your real self and
acknowledge what you are."

For most of the series he was portrayed as a negative character who killed his whole clan. He
sacrificed everything for peace in the village. Once you know his true story you will
understand the true meaning of sacrifice. He taught us that sometimes we have to make
sacrifices for the greater good.

Let’s talk about the first quote…

As I said before, having to face some issues I had already been dealing with again just made
me irritated with myself. It made me want to mentally beat myself up, like, Seriously, why
have you not moved past this yet? It can be hard to forgive other people, but for me, it really
is hard to forgive myself for things I’ve done or said. And I use the excuse sometimes that
because it’s me and not another person, I can be more harsh about it, which isn’t right. It’s
that perfectionist side really trying to get at me.

It also makes me not want to acknowledge who I am; to be transparent, I’ve been having
issues accepting the fact that I’m just not like everyone else. There’s this silent pressure I put
myself under to be a certain way, either because I’m a poet or because I’m dating a rapper, or
whatever, and it’s been difficult for me to learn to just be who I am because the people who
are actively in my life are there because I was authentically myself, and not trying to be like
anyone else.

Admittedly, it’s taken some strength to embrace myself as I am. So Itachi’s first words here
really hit me when I read them. And I strive to continue to be strong in forgiving myself even
when I still stumble into comparing myself or desiring to be something or someone I’m not.

And now, the second quote…

I feel like a lot of people could read this quote and be like, “DUH, Itachi!” But how many of us
look at ourselves in the mirror and wish we looked like someone else? How many times do
we do something or act a certain way, and wish we could be different? Do we wish we could
be more or less of anything…loud, quiet, brave, creative, etc.? Or, how many times do we
watch someone else behave a certain way, and long to be similar?

When Itachi says “real self,” I’d like to think it means seeing me stripped of all outside
opinions…what is left? How do I see myself, not in relation to anyone or anything? Then, can
I slowly add on outside factors that are true to form my identity – the things that I personally
believe, that stand for who I am, and not things I claimed are a part of me based off of anyone
or anything else?

Knowing who we really are is understanding our character traits, personalities, and physical
features, and accepting them as they are because that’s who God made us to be…not
because we changed ourselves to fit in someway, somehow. It doesn’t mean we can’t mature
or change, but here in this moment, we have to acknowledge ourselves, and be more than
okay with the way we are.

And most importantly, we have to know that God acknowledges us as we are. He loves us so
much, that He longs for us to come as we are to Him. We don’t have to be all “cleaned up,”
we don’t have to have a perfect performance history, we don’t have to have perfect church
attendance, He’s just asking us to be vulnerable with Him, and to surrender our identity to
Him, because He sees us as we are, and He desires for us to see ourselves the way He sees
us – fearfully and wonderfully made.

Itachi Uchiha said:

Uchiha is just a name, it just refers to our roots and clan. It doesn't mean
anything by itself.

Itachi Uchiha said:

Kabuto, you're not Orochimaru. It's fine to imitate someone that you respect,
but do not act like you are him.
Itachi Uchiha said:

That is something you do in order to grow. It's not to be used as a costume to

pretend to be someone you are not!

Itachi Uchiha said:

Even if you try to link yourself to someone you deem worthy of
won't find the reason for your existence there. I will say it one last time. Do
not try to deceive yourself with lies. The ones who do not acknowledge
themselves will eventually fail.

"However strong you become, never seek to bear everything alone. If you do, failure is

"You don't become the Hokage to be acknowledged by everyone. The one who is
acknowledged by everyone becomes the Hokage."

"Even the strongest of opponents always has a weakness."

 “It’s foolish to fear what we have yet to see and know.”

“It is not wise to judge others based on your own preconceptions and by their apperances.”

"Those who cannot acknowledge themselves, will eventually fail.

 “Those who forgive themselves, and are able to accept their true nature... They are the
strong ones!"

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