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Dacdac, Jeleah Grace 11-BSN-01


First let’s define what is Sociology,

-is as social science that studies human societies, their interaction, and the processes that preserve and
change them.
- focuses on our society, what’s happening in our society, or how are we going to interact with others like
I reflect on this one task of Sociology,
One of the Task of Sociology is:
To “unmask domination”: forms of social inequality based on class, race, gender and much more besides.
Despite the existence of domination in our everyday lives, it is often disguised so that we fail to recognize
it. The role of sociology is to expose the workings of domination throughout our societies.
-Pierre Bourdieu.
I reflect on this Sociological Perspective and base on my understanding sociology helps us to expose our
bad or toxic traits in our society. It helps us to expose those kinds of discrimination in our society. For
example, people give justice to those people with money or people with power while those poor were
being ignored which is form of inequality base on class. And for me sociology help us to determine the
society we have and helps us to open our eyes to learn how to give equal traits and avoid that kind of
domination and discrimination in our society.
I can relate this Sociological Perspective to the song Tatsulok by Bamboo.
This song is really an eye-opener to all of us especially those who are experiencing poverty and to the
people in the government. The lyrics contains a lot about the discrimination or exposing the truth about
our society. It is exposing the people’s social status or class. Just like the Tatsulok or the Triangle it
symbolizes the normal people and the powerful ones. Where in the powerful ones are always on top while
the normal people are always at the bottom. People with power tend to control those normal people. And
for me only you can only unmask the domination / discrimination by turning it upside down. Where
normal people are on top where they can freely fight and stand for their rights while the powerful ones are
at the bottom to give proper and fair treatment to other people.

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