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Buildup left behind by styling products or shampoo can clog the follicles, leading to scalp

conditions such as dandruff, and – in extreme cases – may also cause hair loss. The only real benefit we
are aware of is that ACV can be a good clarifying hair rinse as it helps to remove all traces of product
buildup on our scalp. (Cobb, 2017)

Hair has an ideal pH level of between 4 and 5, but many commercial shampoos may disrupt this.
While there is no evidence to back this up, a 2014 study Trusted Source looking at the pH of shampoos on
the market found that the high alkalinity of many brands contributes to hair friction, breakage, and
dryness. And because ACV has a high acidity, it follows that it could help maintain the pH balance, thus
making hair smoother, stronger, and shinier. (Barrell, 2017)

It has been suggested that natural acidity of Apple Cider Vinegar’s (ACV) helps to smooth down
the cuticle of a person’s hair. This, it is claimed, encourages knots and tangles to slip out and reduces the
frizz associated with lifted cuticles. It also means hair may be better able to reflect light, giving it a more
glossy, healthy glow. (Seymour et al., 2017)

Sagen (2019) stated in The Hair Fuel Journal that the hair acid mantle is instrumental in making
cuticle scales lie flat, which gives hair a shiny, smooth appearance, and protects from moisture loss.
Alkaline products disturb and even destroy the acid mantle, leading hair cuticles to “stand up” like bottle
brush. Such vulnerable hair structure makes the hair fragile due to moisture loss, increasing its brittleness
and loss of shine. To maintain shiny and healthy-looking hair you need to avoid harsh shampoos in order
to maintain the balance of your acid mantle. This is where apple cider vinegar comes in. Mildly acidic, it
balances out the alkalinity from harsh shampoos and hard water commonly flowing from taps of urban
environments cities – making sure that the cuticles of your hair lie flat and retain moisture well.

Ebena, Inc. (2017) stated that when our hair absorbs water, it swells and expands, creating space
between the cuticle layers. The expanding and contracting of these layers can also be affected by a change
in pH level, often influenced by our choice in hair products. Products with high pH levels will help
facilitate cuticle expansion. In other words, they will help them open up. When cuticles open, they allow
for water and other nutrients from your hair products to reach the shaft. Products with low pH levels will
help the cuticle to contract and close. When the cuticles tighten, they trap in all that moisture and vitamins
that our strands need to thrive. This is where Apple Cider Vinegar comes in. ACV has a low pH level,
which means it will close those hair cuticles tight, and seal in all that moisture into your hair. This is a
great benefit for naturals who often struggle to lock moisture into their curls.

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