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8 口语作业
Describe a creative person whose work you admire
You should say
Who he/she is
---Guo degang...1973...china...A traditional art performer
How you knew him/her
---high school...fight for Gao Kao-a most important test in China...stressed...for
relax...i saw his performance’s so funny...from that
What creative things he/she has done
---i remember that...fen he wan...partner in drunk...didn’t want the audiences
found...acted like he was in drunk...and people believed that
And explain why you think he/she is creative
---his experience...20 years...

Describe a businessman you admire

You should say
Who this person is
---Ma Yun...ex-boss...Alipay and Taobao
How you knew this person
---in the news...the most rich people in china
What kinds of business this person does
---Internet the bill
And explain why you admire this person
---life experience...attended Gao Kao 3 times...didn’t get it...he start learning in
12...his English is very well...using this advantage...he get a admission by breaking
rule...America and operate his career...

Describe a person who impressed you most in your primary school

You should say
Who he/she is
---Yang yan...a boy...8 years old
How you knew him/her
---classmate...junior class...transfer to our school...his parents work
Why he/she impressed you most
---very clever...math...english...sports...math teacher asked a question...none can
answered...expect him
And explain how you feel about him/her
---used to lived a same building...were very a good friend for kid...i
remembered, once i got bullied by other children...he stood up for me...after
graduation...he moved to another city with his parents...since then...we lost connection
Describe a person who gave a clever solution to a problem.
You should say
Who this person is
---Guo degang...1973...china...A traditional art performer
What the problem was
---i remember that...fen he wan...partner in drunk...didn’t want the audiences found
How he/she solved it
---acted like he was in drunk...and people believed that...until the show was
over...didn’t find...
And explain why you think it was a clever solution
---his experience...20 years...

Describe a foreign person who you have heard or known that you think is interesting
You should say
Who the person is
---Jon Stewart...American...famous actor and host...Daily show of Jon Stewart for
almost 20 years...Emmy Awards winner
How you knew him/her
---search some oversea show...i google Obama...turns out it shows...
What kind of person she/he is
---a funny man...and a admirable man...until now, he still fight for the ex-soldier who
doesn’t get the care and those people get illness in 911
And explain why you think he/she is interesting
---he invite so many people...such as actor 、 politician 、 ordinary people even the
president...always ask some good questions appropriately...each one was laughed by
his question...he handle it very well

Describe a time you were friendly to someone you didn’t like

You should say
When and where it happened
---last Sunday morning... get a bad mood...disturb by a annoyed man
Who he/she was
---one of my classmate in university
Why you didn’t like this person
---so arrogant...self-centered...we need do some school work by a team..such as
fieldwork and presentation...he didn’t...he want use his way...not concern
leader in team...i explain...
And explain why you were friendly to him/her on that occasion
---argue is useless...if...can not finish the job on time...

Describe a time when you felt proud of a family member

You should say
When it happened
---4 years ago
Who the person is
---my uncle’s son
What the person did
---He pass the GaoKao...get a good score...go to a good university...a good major
And explain why you felt proud of him/her
---study so hard in high school...12.00(sleep)-6.00(wake up)...dream to be a
automotive engineer(car or something)...never have one in family...he did it

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