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Five Decades of Operations Management and the Prospects Ahead

The first key takes away from this article is that like operations itself, supply chain management
has ill-defined boundaries. The administration of all facets of giving a consumer goods, starting
with the from raw material extraction to recycling and end-of-life disposal, including challenges
with manufacturing, physical logistics, and warranty and after-sale support. However, the most
meaningful contributions will include tackling actual issues, extending the theory to support
managerial decisions in actual supply chains making in those circumstances.

The second key takes away from this article is that the main information gatekeeper between
operations and the product is marketing. markets. Marketing is responsible for figuring out what
consumers value, including price, before the development of a product, quality, and delivery
qualities; product prior to and following a product introduction, positioning, pricing, and
forecasting; and after a product launch, promotions. There is plenty of room to create models that
are more thorough and possess higher fidelity than the state of the art.

The third key takes away from this article is that the global economy includes a sizable and
expanding portion of service firms. Since services are hard to inventory, variability needs to be
tempered by capacity or period. There are still plenty of opportunities for research, not just on
improving what's already there more effective and efficient service operations, but on how to
design, install, and operate systems that provide fresh services or new iterations of previous

Covid-19 Outcomes of Supply Chain

The first key takes away from this article is that many small business owners were unable to
keep up with the quick changes in American business practices. the Philippines, where both
nations-imposed safety regulations. Nearly 4 million words were used in the article, commercial
operations that ceased within the first three months of the extensive social-distancing regulations.
Instead of not providing the services at all, most of the businesses who were able to abide by the
regulations have lost money due to fewer consumers. The COVID-19 problem exposed the
weakness and demonstrated the low resilience and susceptibility of the global supply networks.
Lean principles, when applied among the several supply chains echelons effectively, will derive
potential benefits for all concerned. The overall aim is to optimize activities along the supply
chain from the perspective of the final customer. The pandemic originated a problem that
simultaneously affects supply and demand, making it more difficult to respond successfully.

The second key takeaways are that some businesses were able to restart their operations after the
first three months of the extensive social-distancing regulations' application. Observing that
Native demographic groupings made up the bulk of small companies that closed and reopened.
Even though there are more female business owners who have experienced losses than male
business owners, according to the demographics depicted in the article, more female business
owners have been able to recover from their losses, with a difference of 9 percentage points
compared to male business owners' 7 percentage points in the total small businesses in the
United States.

The third key takeaways are that the bulk of the companies that experienced losses provided
services related to education, personal care, and leisure and travel. Many of these firms depend
on mass meetings and travel, both of which were severely constrained by the widespread social
alienation. restrictions. However, after the first three months of the introduction of such
restrictions, the industries were able to switch to other ways of conducting business. The overall
aim is to optimize activities along the supply chain from the perspective of the final customer.
The pandemic originated a problem that simultaneously affects supply and demand, making it
more difficult to respond successfully.

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