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Title: HOQ Chart


Date: March 27, 2023



Θ Strong Relationship 9
┼┼ ▬
Ο Moderate Relationship 3
▲ Weak Relationship 1

┼┼ Strong Positive Correlation

┼ Positive Correlation

▬ Negative Correlation

▼ Strong Negative Correlation ┼ ▬

▼ Objective Is To Minimize ┼
▲ Objective Is To Maximize ┼ ┼┼
x Objective Is To Hit Target
┼┼ ┼┼ ┼ ┼┼
┼ ┼┼
┼┼ ▬ ▬ ┼ ┼┼
┼ ┼┼ ┼ ▬ ┼ ▬
┼┼ ┼┼ ┼┼ ┼┼ ┼ ┼ ┼┼ ┼┼
Column # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Direction of Improvement:
Minimize (▼), Maximize (▲), or Target (x) ▼ x x x ▲ x ▲ ▲ x ▲ ▲ ▲ x x x ▲ x ▼ Competitive Analysis
(0=Worst, 5=Best)

Our Company
Maintenance of facilities and equipment

Standards for topping and presentation

Quality Characteristics
(a.k.a. "Functional Domino's Pizza

Durable and high-quality materials

Max Relationship Value in Row

Requirements" or

Quality (freshness) of the pizza

"Hows") Yellow Cab Pizza
Arrangement of Workstations

Innovative and fresh flavors

Additional toppings options

Pizza Hut
Delivery Period (mins)
Weight / Importance

Customer handling

Reliable packaging

Angel's Pizza

Quantity of sauce

Yellow Cab Pizza

Crust's thickness
Relative Weight

Domino's Pizza
Size (diameter)

Cost per pizza

Our Company
Color of pizza

Angel's Pizza
Demanded Quality

Pizza Hut


(a.k.a. "Customer

Row #

Requirements" or
"Whats") 0 1 2 3 4 5
1 9 7.5 20.0 Quick Delivery Θ Ο Ο Ο 3 3 5 3 5 3

2 9 5.7 15.0 Streamlined ordering procedure Ο Θ Θ Ο Ο 3 3 5 3 5 5

3 9 7.5 20.0 Clean and sanitized accomodation Ο Θ Ο 3 3 3 3 3 1

4 9 3.8 10.0 Friendly and approachable employees Θ Θ Θ 3 3 3 5 3 3

5 9 5.7 15.0 Accuracy in taking orders Θ Θ 3 5 5 5 5 3

6 9 7.5 20.0 Timely service ▲ Θ Θ Ο 1 3 3 3 3 3

7 9 5.7 15.0 Secure packaging Ο Θ Θ ▲ ▲ 1 5 1 3 5 1

8 9 7.5 20.0 Hot and fresh delivery Θ ▲ Θ 1 3 3 3 3 3

9 9 9.4 25.0 Tasty flavor Ο ▲ Ο Θ Ο 1 3 3 3 3 3

10 3 3.8 10.0 Variety of options Ο Ο Ο 3 5 3 3 5 3

11 9 7.5 20.0 Excessive toppings Ο Ο Θ Ο Ο ▲ Θ 1 3 1 3 3 1

12 9 7.5 20.0 Adequate sauce quantity ▲ Θ 1 3 3 1 3 1

13 9 1.9 5.0 Good texture Ο Θ Θ 3 3 3 3 3 3

14 9 5.7 15.0 Ample servings ▲ Θ Ο 1 3 3 3 3 3

15 9 7.5 20.0 Appetizing appearance Θ Θ Θ Θ ▲ Ο Ο Ο 1 3 1 3 5 1

16 9 5.7 15.0 Affordable and fair price Θ Θ Θ Θ Θ Θ 5 3 3 3 3 3









(Hexadecimal RGB)
local & international
positive & proactive
attentive & efficient

10% profit margin

2-3 times a year
10 - 20 minutes

15+ available

500 pesos

12 inches

2-3 hours




1/2 inch

1/4 cup
2.5 lbs

Target or Limit Value

6 2 6 8 7 7 0 4 9 7 5 1 9 3 7 1 8 3
(0=Easy to Accomplish, 10=Extremely Difficult)
Max Relationship Value in Column 9 3 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 3 9 9 9 9 9
Weight / Importance 164.2 47.2 209.4 288.7 124.5 73.6 58.5 50.9 90.6 79.2 198.1 164.2 18.9 152.8 147.2 192.5 154.7 118.9
Relative Weight 7.0 2.0 9.0 12.4 5.3 3.2 2.5 2.2 3.9 3.4 8.5 7.0 0.8 6.5 6.3 8.2 6.6 5.1 Powered by QFD Online ( )
Customer Requirements (Wants) and the importance rankings
1. Quick Delivery is a technique to attract more consumers without eating in.
2. Streamlined ordering procedure that is accurate and quick includes getting the customer's
orders to the cashier.
3. The ongoing epidemic emphasizes the need of having a clean and sanitary workplace, which
is why having a hygienic and clean on-site experience is required.
4. Employee friendliness and approachability are essential factors in customer satisfaction,
therefore staff members shouldn't be cold or unprofessional, and should be ready to handle
customers' concerns on a regular basis.
5. A delay in order taking would negatively impact a restaurant’s reputation right away, causing
annoyance to people dining in.. While individuals prefer to eat faster these days, accuracy in
order taking has become crucial.
6. Timely service - In order to boost customer satisfaction and loyalty, it is crucial to have staff
members that can answer inquiries and serve customers right away. This is because how
quickly they can handle their concerns is always correlated with the caliber of the food that will
be served.
7. Secure packaging is important since it influences the food's overall appearance and quality.
Secure packaging is essential to ensure that food is taken care of and is dedicatedly prepared
by the restaurant.
8. Delivery that is hot and fresh has an impact on the texture of the pizza and the freshness of
the toppings, both of which influence customer satisfaction. To guarantee both the placement of
the pizza toppings and their freshness, a customized, insulated delivery box is required.
9. Tasty flavor has a big impact on customer happiness. a requirement that is deemed to be
satisfied since it makes the buyer happy and satisfied,
10. Having additional choices would appeal to more people, especially finicky eaters.
11. Overload of toppings - As the value of a pizza and its toppings are frequently equivalent, the
issue arises, "Did the restaurant serve enough toppings? ”
12. Customers dislike it when the sauce is out of proportion to the toppings, in contrast to
toppings overload.
13. Good texture - connected to pizza flavor, it may be soft or chewy, depending on the pizza
variety, as it influences the customer's overall experience matched with expectations.
14. It's crucial in the food industry to adhere to serving size standards, especially when products
are priced higher.
15. Its appealing appearance enhances client perception because it causes people to relish and
perhaps even crave the goods, which encourages them to make more purchases.
16. Fair pricing enables the restaurant to keep customers and market share by setting prices
that are competitive.

Technical Requirements (Hows), the direction of improvement, technical targets, and

level of difficulty to achieve.
1. Reduced delivery time because it should only require 10–20 minutes to deliver. Given the
frequency and erratic nature of the traffic impulse in Metro Manila, the difficulty grade is 6.
2. Upkeep of facilities/equipment - regular upkeep of facilities and equipment would guarantee
the effectiveness of pizza making and serving. Due to the abundance of 3, a difficulty level of 2
was assigned.
3. Workstation Setup: Workstations must be set up so as to prevent delays at all times,
however, it is expected that at peak hours, the enormous volume of orders may lead to issues,
thus the difficulty rating of 6.
4. Staff training and skills are crucial to ensuring that orders are made and delivered in an
effective and timely way. Given that nuances may occur during peak hours, this may be
challenging to fully accomplish, hence a difficulty rating of 6.
5. Customer service requires constant attention from staff members in order to effectively
handle customer demands. Because it may take months to properly learn the talent, this area
has been given a difficulty level of 7.
6. Morale of the staff is crucial because they will interact with clients. They must frequently be
upbeat and proactive, which is challenging to do, especially when they are dealing with personal
issues. This is why they have a difficulty rating of 7.
7. To prevent food from spoiling or being damaged, the product's packaging needs to be strong
and trustworthy. This is simple to accomplish because we are placing big orders from a lot of
suppliers who can provide custom packaging for us.
8. Materials that are strong and of high quality, similar to # 7.
9. Pizza color - a hue of golden brown must always be attained while cooking pizza to ensure
that it is perfectly cooked, with a difficulty level of nine since it requires precise timing, talent,
and fully functional equipment.
10. Weight - The recommended weight to obtain for a pizza is a target of 2.5 lbs. The difficulty
grade is seven since it is difficult to maintain this weight.
11. Size - A pizza should have a goal diameter of 12 inches. Given that a universal pizza shaper
may be employed, it can be claimed that this is considerably easier to do than weight, earning a
difficulty rating of 5.
12. A difficulty level of 5 is assigned to thickness because crust thickness can be achieved using
tools with the diameter and density characteristics.
13. New and inventive flavors - a variety of pizza flavors is essential to growing the client base,
but it may be tough to develop 2-3 new inventive recipes per year and may become repetitive if
other competitors imitate, thus a difficulty rating of 9.
14. Provides customers with the option to "build their own pizza vibe," which is advantageous for
the company as it earns an additional 10% profit margin on each element.
15. Although it is suggested to use at least 15 different toppings, it should be done strategically
and in a way that is visually pleasing.
16. A 12-inch pizza requires 1/4 cup of pizza sauce, which may be easily measured with the
help of measuring equipment.
17. Pizza freshness is difficult to guarantee if it is pre-cooked and for delivery, because it should
be eaten within two to three hours, so keep the toppings fresh.
18. Cost per pizza: 500 pesos should be the target price, which is doable.

Relationships identified in the matrix diagrams between Wants and Hows and the
correlations in the roof
The HOQ figure shows a significant correlation between secure packaging and long-lasting,
high-quality materials. Pizza wouldn't melt if it were packaged with high-quality materials, such
as thicker cardboard with insulated linings and containers with secure lids.
The food will remain in good condition during transportation without moving around. Pizzas will
be delivered hot and fresh to the client and won't be impacted by weather or humidity, allowing
them to be consumed as intended by the restaurant. This is made possible by the use of
insulated bags during delivery.
Order-taking accuracy and customer service have a close connection. Customer service is
ensured via effective order-taking. Each customer receives excellent service and the right
consideration, including accurate order taking. These procedures include paying attention to
consumers, emphasizing correctness in order taking, relaying then validating customers' orders.
When these issues are handled properly, customer happiness will increase.
Pizza's color and appealing appearance are closely related since color denotes freshness and
quality. Customers find pizzas to seem more enticing because of the variety of ingredients' rich,
vibrant colors. It's crucial for the pizza to look delicious because if it looks ugly or inedible,
customers won't eat it, leaving them disappointed.
A moderate association exists between novel and inventive flavors and a wide range of
selections. While providing consumers with more options, new and inventive flavors will also
increase the cost of these items for the restaurant. Sometimes, less is more, and while trying
new flavors may give customers more alternatives, those with more traditional palates may not
find that they have a wide range of personal choices.

Competitors identified and basis for ratings.

According to our competitive study, our business performs poorly when compared to its rivals
based on consumer preference. Our company scored an average of 2.1, compared to 3.4 for
Domino's Pizza, 3.0 for Yellow Taxi, 3.1 for Pizza Hut, 3.8 for Angel's Pizza, and 2.5 for
Shakeys. It receives a low score for qualities like rapid service, hot and fresh delivery,
packaging, wonderful flavor, ample servings, and enticing presentation. When it comes to fair
and economical pricing, it does have an advantage over its rivals. We may therefore conclude
that our company's low pricing comes at a cost to both quality and client satisfaction, which is
our Unique Selling Point (USP).

Identified CTQs/ Priority Improvement/s based on HOQ results.

Based on our HOQ results, the identified CTQs are Employee Skills and Training, Size
(Diameter), and Sauce Amount. Each of these elements has a weight/importance of 288, 7,
198, and 192.5, respectively. This indicates that these are the primary measurable attributes
that most significantly increase customer happiness. While examining competitive analysis, the
priority improvements based on the HOQ results can be seen. In comparison to the company's
rivals, ours received the lowest marks. In terms of Quick Service, Safe Packing, Fresh and Hot
Delivery, Excellent Taste, Appropriate Amount of Sauce, Ample Portions, and Appetizing
Appearance, among five others. In light of the competitive environment, these are the main
qualities that need to be enhanced.

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