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ISA Transactions 37 (1998) 177±187

Adaptive delay compensated PID controller by

phase margin design
K.M. Tsang *, W.L. Lo, A.B. Rad
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Department of Electrical Engineering, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong

A continuous-time delay compensated adaptive PID controller for unknown time delay dominant systems is pro-
posed. Smith predictor is employed to reduce the e€ect of time delay in the closed-loop system and polynomial iden-
ti®cation is implemented for the on-line estimation of the system parameters and the on-line tuning of the PID
controller is realised by phase margin design. Pretuning of the proposed controller is also presented. The proposed
adaptive PID controller has the ¯exibility to handle both overdamped and underdamped systems. Simulation and
experimental results are included to demonstrate the e€ectiveness of the proposed controller. # 1998 Elsevier Science
Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Delay compensated PID controller; Polynomial identi®cation; PIP controller

1. Introduction a ®rst order with time delay transfer function [5,6].

Furthermore the design is o€-line and hence the
Control of systems with large time delay impo- controller parameters have to be retuned when
ses restriction on the controller design methodol- there are any system changes. Another constraint
ogy and conventional control algorithms may give of the Hagglund's design is that it is restricted to a
undesirable results [1,2]. For example, it is well ®rst-order with time delay process. The perfor-
known that PID controllers obtained by Ziegler± mance of the controller will deteriorate if the plant
Nichols (ZN) tuning algorithm will give unac- is dominantly underdamped [7]. In the last few
ceptable performance for dominant time delay years, there have been several designs based on
processes [3]. Hagglund [4] has proposed a pre- intelligent methodologies such as fuzzy logic and
dictive PI controller (PIP) which can easily be neural networks; however, these designs have not
tuned for the control of dominant time delay sys- been applied widely to systems with dominant
tems. Although the PIP controller can provide time delay. It is therefore desirable to develop an
better tracking performance than a normal ZN PI on-line identi®cation algorithm which can address
controller, it is very sensitive to the error in the both underdamped and overdamped processes
time delay modelling since it is essentially a Smith and to derive suitable controller structure based
Predictor [13] for which the plant model is ®xed to on the estimated parameters. Furthermore, many
adaptive control algorithms developed so far are
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +852 2766 6186; Fax: +852 based-on a discrete-time approach [8,9]. One may
2330 1544; e-mail: argue, however, that a continuous-time approach

0968-0896/98/$19.00 # 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

PII: S0019 -0 578(98)00019 -6
178 K.M. Tsang et al./ISA Transactions 37 (1998) 177±187

has advantages over a discrete-time implementa-

tion [10,11]. In this paper, the polynomial identi®-
cation [12] method which the authors have used
before in the design of adaptive controller in the
continuous-time domain [6] is implemented again
for the simultaneous on-line estimation of the
unknown continuous-time system parameters and
the time delay. In the present paper, Smith pre-
dictor [13] is also employed to reduce the e€ect of
time delay in the closed-loop process and an
adaptive PID controller is designed from the vir- Fig. 1. Structure of Smith predictor.
tual delay free process through pole placement or
phase margin design methods.
The layout of the paper is as follows: Structure the process. The process is regarded as a dominant
of the proposed adaptive controller will be discussed time delay process if T  5 where  is the domi-
in Section 2. The adaptive delay compensated PID nant time constant of the system. Second-order
controller by phase margin design will be dis- approximation is more appropriate for capturing
cussed in Section 3 and simulation and experi- both overdamped and under-damped character-
mental results for the delay compensated PID istics [14]; furthermore, the structure of the PID
controller are considered in Section 4. Finally, the controller can easily be extracted from the second-
paper is concluded with some remarks in Section 5. order structure if eÿsT Gm …s† is a reasonable
approximation to the plant G…s† [7]. From Fig. 1,
if the model, i.e. eÿsT Gm …s† is equal to the plant
2. Structure of the adaptive PID controller G…s† the virtual delay free process becomes:

The structure of the proposed adaptive PID G…s† ÿ eÿsT Gm …s† ‡ Gm …s† ˆ G0p …s†
controller is shown in Fig. 1. Kp !2n
Many high-order systems in process industries ˆ …2†
s2 ‡ 2!n s ‡ !2n
can be adequately modelled by either a ®rst or a
second order transfer function with time delay [14]. 1
Consider a high-order dominant time delay process a0 s2 ‡ a1 s ‡ a2
with the following transfer function which is approx-
imated by a second-order with time delay model: where G0p …s† is the transfer function of the process
with the time delay removed. In a recent work, the
b0 sm ‡ b1 smÿ1 ‡ . . . ‡ bm ÿLs authors have developed a delay compensated PID
G…s† ˆ e
sn ‡ a1 snÿ1 ‡ . . . ‡ an controller by pole-placement design [7]. They pro-
posed the following PID controller and tuning
Kp !2n eÿTs
s2 ‡ 2!n s ‡ !2n
Kc …a0 s2 ‡ a1 s ‡ a2 †
eÿsT Gc …s† ˆ …3†
ˆ s…s ‡ !x †
a0 s ‡ a1 s ‡ a2

ˆ eÿTs Gm …s† a1
!x ˆ !n ˆ …4†
where m  n, L is the actual process time delay, T 2a0
is the apparent process time delay,  is the apparent
damping ratio, Kp is the process static gain and the
!n is the apparent undamped natural frequency of ˆ6
K.M. Tsang et al./ISA Transactions 37 (1998) 177±187 179

The above PID controller e€ectively cancels the loop response with desirable pole locations rela-
process open-loop poles and removes the steady tive to the time constant of the second order sys-
state error. The parameter is a tuning factor for tem. In the phase margin design, the PID
desirable closed-loop poles and !x is set to the controller is selected based on a desirable phase
negative real part of the dominant poles. With the margin speci®cation. Introducing a PID controller
above selected parameters, the unmodelled high with the following form:
frequency dynamics can be substantially atte-
nuated by a ®rst order lag ®lter …1=…s ‡ !x ††. s2 ‡ !n s ‡ !2n
Gc …s† ˆ Kc …7†
Combining the Smith's predictor with the PID s…s ‡ !n †
controller of Eq. (3), the overall closed-loop trans-
fer function of the controlled process becomes: The introduction of ®rst-order lag ®lter
Kc  ! 2 1=…s ‡ !n † is to make the controller of Eq. (7)
; K c ˆ …5† realizable and to attenuate the e€ects of unmo-
s2 ‡ !x s ‡ Kc 2
delled high frequency dynamics. Similar to the
The criterion for the selection of Kc is such that case of pole-placement design, extensive simula-
the closed-loop response is critically damped and tions have indicated that ˆ 6 is a reasonable
the excitation of high frequency dynamics of the choice. If is too small, the response of the system
system which is not captured by the G0p …s† is avoi- will be very sluggish and if is too large, some of
ded. With the above selection of Kc , the two the unmodelled high frequency dynamics may
closed-loop poles will be positioned at the location undesirably a€ect the performance of the system.
ÿ0:5 !x ˆ ÿ3!x . Selection of is a compromise The controller parameters Kc and are chosen
between performance and robustness and a rea- such that the phase margin at the design frequency
sonable choice is ˆ 6:0 [7]. Combining the Smith l!n is m . If l ˆ 2:0, ˆ 6:0, and Kc are given
predictor with Eq. (3), the control equation becomes: by (refer to Appendix A1):

Kc …a0 p2 ‡ a1 p ‡ a2 † l ˆ 2; ˆ6
u…t† ˆ e…t†
p…p ‡ !x †
2  ÿ1 1 ÿ1 4
Kc ˆ tan ÿ m ÿ tan ‡ tan
ÿ ‰u…t† ÿ u…t ÿ T†Š 2 2 3 3
p…p ‡ !x †

where u…t† is the controller output, p is the di€er- s

ential operator and e…t† is the error signal. The 12:6 9 ‡ 162
Kc ˆ …8†
®rst part of Eq. (6) can be considered as the con- Kp 9 ‡ 4 2 2
trol action produced by the PID controller and the
second part is produced by the Smith's predictor. Throughout the paper, Eq. (8) is used for the
A recent study of the above delay compensated selection of and Kc and the controller equation
PID controller by pole placement design shows becomes:
that this algorithm is applicable for open-loop
underdamped and overdamped processes [7]. In Kc …p2 ‡ !n p ‡ !2n †
u…t† ˆ
this paper, a new delay compensated PID con- p…p ‡ !n †
troller based on phase margin design will be …9†
introduced in Section 3.1.  
Kp !2n ‰u…t ÿ T† ÿ u…t†Š
e…t† ‡
2.1. Phase margin design p2 ‡ 2!n p ‡ !2n

The pole-placement design is based on the cri- where T,  and !n are the delay, damping factor
terion of specifying a critically damped closed- and natural frequency of the second-order system
180 K.M. Tsang et al./ISA Transactions 37 (1998) 177±187

model respectively. The operator `p' is the di€erential the pole-placement design tends to give very con-
operator and l, , Kc and are given by Eq. (8). servative closed-loop response and phase margin
design with a phase margin of 50 will give a faster
2.2. SimulationsÐo€-line design response with overshoot less than 15%. The phase
margin design gives more satisfactory closed-loop
The closed-loop step responses for the o€-line response when the damping factor of the open-
design of delay compensated PID controllers loop system is small and the pole-placement
based on pole-placement and phase margin design tends to give very conservative responses.
designs will be considered in this section. The sys-
tems considered are: 2.3. Polynomial identi®cation
Kp !2n eÿsT For systems with unknown time delay, it is
GUD …s† ˆ ;
s2 ‡ 2!n s ‡ !2n obvious that the standard least-squares cannot be
applied directly since the presence of the unknown
Kp eÿsT delay imposes a non-linear in the parameters con-
GOD …s† ˆ
…1 s ‡ 1†…2 s ‡ 1† …10† ®guration. One way to overcome this problem is
the polynomial identi®cation method [12] which
Kp ˆ 1:0; !n ˆ 1:0; T ˆ 5:0; extends the continuous-time least-squares criterion
to systems with unknown time delay. This method
1 ˆ 5; 2 ˆ 1 is derivative free and can be implemented recur-
sively. The method assumes that the system to be
GUD …s† represents an underdamped model and identi®ed is described by the following equations:
three settings of  (0.2, 0.7 and 1.0) will be con-
sidered. GOD …s† represents an overdamped model B…s†
Y…s† ˆ eÿsT U…s† ‡ Z…s†
with dominant time constant equal to ®ve times A…s†
the smallest time constant. The pole-placement A…s† ˆ a0 sn ‡ a1 snÿ1 ‡ . . . ‡ an ;
delay compensated PID controllers are designed …11†
by Eqs. (3)±(5) and implemented by Eq. (6) and m mÿ1
B…s† ˆ b0 s ‡ b1 s ‡ . . . ‡ am ;
the phase margin PID controller with phase mar-
gin equal to 50 are designed by Eqs. (7) and (8)
Z…s† ˆ noise
and implemented by Eq. (9). With a phase margin
of 50 , the corresponding damping ratio of the The error term for identi®cation is de®ned as follows:
closed-loop system is approximately 0.5 which will
give a reasonable speed of response and over- A…s† B…s†
E…s† ˆ Y…s† ÿ eÿsT U…s† where
shoot. A less oscillatory response can be obtained C…s† C…s†
if a larger phase margin is speci®ed but the corre-
sponding response time will be longer. The closed- A…s†
E…s† ˆ Z…s†
loop step responses for the underdamped system C…s†
with  taking the values of 0.2, 0.7 and 1.0 are
shown in Fig. 2(a±c) and the closed-loop response X
n X
e…t† ˆ ai ynÿi …t† ÿ bi umÿt …t ÿ T†
for the overdamped system is shown in Fig. 2(d). iˆ0 iˆ0
In these ®gures, the solid line corresponds to the
phase margin design and the dotted line corre- si si ÿsT
where Yi …s† ˆ Y…s† Ui …s† ˆ e U…s†
sponds to the pole-placement design. The advan- C…s† C…s†
tage of pole-placement design is that the closed- …12†
loop response will have critically damped char-
acteristic for all value of . However, it should be C…s† in the denominator represents the state-
noted that for open-loop underdamped systems, variable ®lter which is a stable polynomial in s with
K.M. Tsang et al./ISA Transactions 37 (1998) 177±187 181

degree greater than that of A…s†. The detailed identi- Step 2: The parameters of second order with
®cation algorithm is discussed in [6,12] and is included time delay model Eq. (1) are identi®ed
in Appendix A3 for the sake of completeness. from the input and output of the origi-
nal process by polynomial identi®ca-
2.4. Adaptive delay compensated PID controller tion [12].
by phase margin design Step 3: The parameters of the delay compen-
sated PID are updated according to Eq.
In conclusion, the procedures for adaptive delay (8).
compensated PID controller using phase margin Step 4: Control action can be determined
design are as follows: according to Eq. (9). Go back to step 2.

Step 1: The unknown process is approximated

by a second-order with time delay sys- 2.5. Pretuning of delay compensated PID
tem Eq. (1), the initial parameter vector controller
(…0†), initial cost (J2 …0†), the forgetting
factor ( ), the truncation order of esti- Although a model based approach for the
mation (N) and the state variable vector design of self-tuning or adaptive controller has the
are selected. advantage that it could track the system changes

Fig. 2. Comparison of pole-placement design and phase margin design.

182 K.M. Tsang et al./ISA Transactions 37 (1998) 177±187

and adjust the controller parameters on-line, it has necessary to get very accurate system parameters
the disadvantage that it requires a priori informa- at this stage as the purpose of the pretuning pro-
tion of the system in order to initialize the self- cedure is to give initial estimates for the adaptive
tuner. One way to solve the initialization problem PID controller and more accurate model para-
of the delay compensated adaptive PID controller meters will be identi®ed using the polynomial
is to make use of the relay auto-tuning method identi®cation algorithm after the pretuning stage.
[15]. The idea is based on the Astrom's Relay The ultimate gain and ultimate period of oscilla-
Auto-tuner approach [16] to provide system oscil- tion of the system can be estimated from the pro-
lations at a frequency close to the ultimate fre- cess output amplitude (x) and period of output
quency. If an operator triggers an auto-tuning oscillation (T3) as shown in Fig. 3(b). A step by
command during the initialization stage, the con- step pretuning procedures are shown as follows:
troller Gc …s† and the Smith predictor of Fig. 1 are
temporary disconnected from the process and Step 1: Apply the relay test for two and a half
replaced by a relay with unity feedback as shown cycle, measure the process output
in Fig. 3(a). Fig. 3(b) shows a typical relay output amplitude (x) and period of output
and process output responses. oscillation (T3).
Refer to Fig. 3(b), a ®rst approximation of the Step 2: Estimate the ultimate gain according to
time delay T can be obtained by noting the time the following formula:
T2 required for the output to fall below a certain 4d
Ku ' px
threshold  of the output maximum amplitude
after a negative trigger edge control signal has where d is the relay amplitude and x is
been applied. It should be noted that it is not the amplitude of process output oscil-
Step 3: Estimate the model parameters in Eq.
(1) according to the following formula:
Kp Ku
r ˆ tan…p ÿ T1 !u †; a ˆ p ;
1 ‡ r2
!u !n
!n ˆ p ;  ˆ ar
1ÿa 2!u
where T2 is the estimated time delay (T)
and the proof for the above formula is
shown in Appendix A2.
Step 4: The initial system parameter vector can
be chosen as:
‰1 2 3 4 ŠT ˆ ‰T1=Kp 2!n =Kp !2n =Kp ŠT

Step 5: As the initial parameters selected from

(4) are close to their optimum values,
the selection for initial covariance
should not be too large. From extensive
simulation, it has been found that the
covariance of the estimator can be cho-
sen as J2 …0† ˆ 0:01I4 where I4 is a 44
identity matrix. In this paper, the order
of polynomial identi®cation is ®xed at 4
(N ˆ 4) to make a compromise between
Fig. 3. accuracy and computational eciency.
K.M. Tsang et al./ISA Transactions 37 (1998) 177±187 183

Step 6: The forgetting factor is selected PID controller. The PT327 simulator can simulate
according to the desired sensitivity of di€erent type of systems. The schematic diagram
the estimator reacted to system chan- and the set-up of the simulator is shown in Fig. 4.
ges. In this paper, forgetting factor is The input (B) and output (A) of PT327 (signal
chosen as ˆ 0:05. range 0±10 V) are connected to a computer where
Step 7: To make sure that the ®ltered signals the adaptive delay compensated PID controller is
covered the bandwidth of the system, implemented. Throughout the experiment, the
the ®lter time constant (Tf ) of the state (DVL) and (INT/LAG) switches of the PT327
variable ®lter 1=…Tf s ‡ 1†N is set to simulator are set to the 1s position as shown in the
Tf ˆ 1=2!n . Fig. 4. The proportional gain (Kp ) is set to 1 (pro-
Step 8: Apply the polynomial identi®cation portional band PB=100%) so that the system will
algorithm and the parameters of the have underdamped characteristics. The input and
delay compensated PID controller can output of the process are sampled every 1 s. The
be chosen according to Eq. (8). delay compensated PID algorithm is superior to
conventional PID algorithms if the controlled
Extensive simulations show that these choices of process is delay dominant. The PT327 simulator
initial parameters suit most circumstances and the has a time delay of approximately 1.3 s and an
relay test can be used as a robust initialization extra time delay of 4 s is added to the process to
procedure for the estimator and the controller. give an overall time delay of 5.3 s. With these set-
tings, the PT327 simulator becomes an under-
damped system with dominant time delay of 5.3 s.
3. Experimental and simulation results Prior to the activation of the pretuning function,
the system parameter vector is arbitrarily set to
3.1. PT327 simulator ‰Ta0 a1 a2 ŠT ˆ ‰1111ŠT . The choice of this para-
meter vector is not important as the pretuning
In this section, the process simulator (PT327) function will re-initialize the parameters vector
from Feedback Ltd. is used to demonstrate the after the completion of the relay oscillation test.
performance of the adaptive delay compensated The system is under pretuning stage for the ®rst

Fig. 4. Process control simulator PT327.

184 K.M. Tsang et al./ISA Transactions 37 (1998) 177±187

40 s. The initial system parameters, covariance and procedures and the polynomial identi®cation
state variable ®lter are initialized according to the algorithm give rather good estimates of the system
procedures described in Section 2.4. After the parameters and the adaptive algorithm can track
pretuning procedures, the system parameters and system changes and give satisfactory tracking per-
the estimator parameters are initialized as T ˆ 5:0, formance.
 ˆ 0:3, !n ˆ 0:707, Kp ˆ 0:67, J2 …0† ˆ 0:01I4 and
state variable ®lter =1/(3 s+1)4. The performance
of the delay compensated PID controller with a
phase margin of 50 is shown in Fig. 5. At 130 s,
the proportional gain of PT327 in Fig. 4 is chan-
ged to 1.2 (PB=83%) and the overall time delay is
changed to 6.3 s. It can be seen that the pretuning

Fig. 5. PT327 experimental result. Fig. 6. Simulation example 4.2.

K.M. Tsang et al./ISA Transactions 37 (1998) 177±187 185

3.2. Example relay pretuning method and the polynomial iden-

ti®cation algorithm both demonstrate to be e€ec-
In this example, the following system is con- tive in providing the initial estimates of the system
sidered: parameters and tracking the system changes on-
eÿ5 s line under nosiy environments.
G…s† ˆ for 0  t  110 s
…s ‡ 1†2 …0:2 s ‡ 1†
APPENDIX A1: Proof of phase margin design
eÿ6 s
G…s† ˆ for 110 s  t < 240 s
s2 ‡ 1:4 s ‡ 1 The design criterion is that the controller para-
meter K and are chosen in order to achieved a
Initially the system is a third-order overdamped phase margin of m at design frequency l!n .
system with double poles at ÿ1, single pole at ÿ5 Consider the following loop equation:
and a time delay of 5 s. From 110 s onwards, the
system changes to a second-order underdamped !2n s2 ‡ !n s ‡ !2n
L…s† ˆ Kc Kp
system with  ˆ 0:7, !n ˆ 1 and a time delay of s2 ‡ 2!n s ‡ !2n s…s ‡ !n †
6 s. A random noise N(0,0.15) is added to the sys- !2n
tem output and a series of step changes in load L…jl!n † ˆ Kc Kp 2
!2n …1 ÿ l † ‡ 2!n l!n j
disturbances is added to the process output after
190 s. From 190 to 210 s, load disturbance =ÿ1. !2n …1 ÿ l2 † ‡ l!2n j

From 210 to 230 s, load disturbance =0 and from lj!n ‡ !n †
230 s onwards, load disturbance=ÿ1.5. Simula- 1 …1 ÿ l2 † ‡ lj
tion results are shown in Fig. 6(a±c). The system is ˆ Kc Kp 2

…1 ÿ l † ‡ 2lj lj…lj ‡ †
in its pretuning stage for the ®rst 50 s and the
model parameters are initialized as T ˆ 4:9, …A17†
 ˆ 1:1 and !n ˆ 0:74. The simulation result
shown in Fig. 6 indicate that the controller could Suppose the phase margin is m :
be initialized properly and the proposed controller
can track the system changes and gave satisfactory €L…jl!n † ˆ ÿp ‡ m
performance under noisy environment and con-  
tinuous changing output load disturbances. ˆ p ÿ tanÿ1 ÿp
l2 ÿ 1
2l p l
‡ tanÿ1 2 ÿ ÿ tanÿ1
4. Conclusion l ÿ1 2
Continuous-time second order models with time
delay are used to approximate high order domi-
nant time delay industrial processes. Smith's pre- ÿ1 l  p
dictor has been employed to reduce the e€ect of ) tan 2
ˆ ÿ m
l ÿ1 2
time delay in the feedback loop and PID con-    
ÿ1 2l ÿ1 l
trollers can easily be designed based on the `vir- ‡ tan ÿ tan
tual' delay free second order model. It has been l2 ÿ 1
2    …A19†
shown that the delay compensated PID controller l ÿ1 p l
ˆ tan ÿ m ÿ tanÿ1
resulted from the phase margin design is less con- l 2
servative than the pole placement design and is  
signi®cantly better than the classical PID con- ‡ tanÿ1 2
trollers for dominant time delay processes. The l ÿ1
186 K.M. Tsang et al./ISA Transactions 37 (1998) 177±187

As the loop gain at l!n is: b Kp Ku

ˆ r ˆ tan…p ÿ T!u † p ˆ 1
q a a 1 ‡ r2
…1 ÿ l2 †2 ‡ 2 2 l2 1
jL…jl!n †j ˆ Kc Kp p Kp Ku !2 !u …A24†
2 2
…1 ÿ l † ‡ 4 l l l ‡ 2 2 2 2 a ˆ p ˆ 1 ÿ u2 ) !n ˆ p
1‡r 2 ! n 1ÿa

ˆ1 !u !n
b ˆ 2 ˆ ra )  ˆ ar
!n 2!u

p s
l l2 ‡ 2 …1 ÿ l2 †2 ‡ 42 l2 APPENDIX A3: Polynomial identi®cation
) Kc ˆ
Kp …1 ÿ l2 †2 ‡ 2 2 l2
…A20† The algorithm aims at minimizing the following
cost function:

If l ˆ 2, ˆ 6: ^ …t† ˆ 1 eÿ t ‰^0 ŠT S0 ‰…t†

J……t†; ^ ÿ ^0 Š
3 p ÿ1 1 ÿ1 4
ˆ tan ÿ m ÿ tan ‡ tan …t …A9†
2 2 3 3 1 ÿ …tÿ† 2
‡ e e^ …t; †d
s 0
12:6 9 ‡ 162
Kc ˆ …A21†
Kp 9 ‡ 4 2 2 The ®rst term of Eq. (A9) allows the inclusion of a
prior parameter estimate 0 and an initial cost
weighting S0 in the cost function. The second term
considers the measured data records. …t† repre-
sents the parameter vector, and e…t; † is the esti-
mation error at time  with …t† equal to the
APPENDIX A2: Proof of pretuning formula estimated parameter vector at time t:

The second-order with time delay model is: X

e…t; † ˆ ^
a^ i ynÿi …† ÿ u… ÿ T†
iˆ0 …A10†
Kp !23n5e
G…s† ˆ 2 …A22† ^
^ † ˆ g…y…†; u…†; …t††
s ‡ 2!n s ‡ !2n
The parameter vector  for system model Eq. (1)
At the ultimate frequency !u , the magnitude of is:
Ku G…j!u † is 1 where Ku is the ultimate gain and
phase of G…j!u † is ÿp, therefore:  ˆ ‰Ta0 a1 a2 ŠT …A11†

Kp eÿ!u jT Kp eÿ!u Tj In Eq. (9), is the non-negative scalar forgetting

G…j!u † ˆ ˆ
‡ 2 !!un j a ‡ bj factor and S0 is a positive de®nite matrix. The
…A23† theorem for identifying the unknown system
parameters [12] is stated as follows:
€G…j!u † ˆ ÿpjKu G…j!u †j ˆ 1
Theorem: If the optimal estimate of y exists and is
unique for every t, then it satis®es the following
Therefore: system of di€erential equations:
K.M. Tsang et al./ISA Transactions 37 (1998) 177±187 187

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ˆ ÿP…t†H1 …t† …A12† eralised predictive control (CGPC). Automatica 27 (1),
dt (1991) 55±74.
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