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Opinion Writing Unit: Gender 


Opinion Writing Lesson Plan:  

Gender Equality 
Time: ​2-3 class periods depending on how many drafts are written and if time is 
given for peer or teacher feedback 
Standards: C ​ CSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.4.1​, C ​ CSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.1  
● Articles (these are just some that you can use, can also be supplemented by 
other articles/resources) 
○ ERA Amendment that Almost Was
○ How Title IX Works  
○ Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UN) PDF 
○ Opinion Article for mini-lesson  
● Gist graphic organizer 
● Evidence note catcher 
● Opinion writing graphic organizer 
● Opinion essay rubric 
Lesson one target:​ I can explain the gist, or main idea, of a nonfiction article. 
● Introduce the articles and texts the students will be reading and assign the 
students to read. (15-20 minutes) 
This can be done in a variety of ways like  
○ a jigsaw (different groups of students read different articles and then 
share with the class) 
○ a gallery walk (students walk around to different locations to read the 
different articles) 
● Students can use the ​gist graphic organizer
● After articles are read, the gist (or main idea) of each of the articles is 
discussed as a class and recorded (guide students to connections between 
articles; human rights, women’s rights, equal rights) (10-20 minutes) 
Lesson two target​: I can support my opinion with evidence from the text in an 
opinion essay. 
● Review the gist of the articles read in the previous lesson using the recorded 
notes. (5 minutes) 
● Introduce the statement: “Men and women should have equal rights,” to the 
students and ask them to think about whether they feel like this statement is 
true or false, but DON’T ask students to share their opinions yet because 
they’ll be sharing them in their writing. (5 minutes) 
● If students have previously learned to write opinion essays, then they can 
begin to collect evidence from the article that supports their opinion using 
the ​evidence note catcher​. (30 minutes)
● If students have NOT learned to write opinion essays, then a mini-lesson on 
writing opinion essays should begin here. (10-15 mins) 
○ Let students know they’ll be writing about their opinion on the 
statement in an opinion essay. 
○ Students will look at examples of opinion essays from NewsELA to point 
out the criteria they notice that makes the opinion writing strong. 
(These are examples of possible criteria - should be mainly student 
produced, but can be teacher-guided to help build buy in and student 
■ Written in the first person 
■ Opinion is clear in the introduction paragraph 
■ Each paragraph supports the author’s opinion 
■ Both pro and con evidence is used to support the author’s 
○ Before students can begin writing, they need to collect their evidence 
that they can use to support their opinion in their writing 
● Students will begin collecting evidence using the ​evidence note catcher
● Once their evidence is collected, students can begin organizing their writing 
using the ​opinion writing graphic organizer ​(20-25 mins)
● The rubric and criteria list can be used to ensure that the writing has 
everything it needs to be turned in 
○ Extension:​ students can peer review and give feedback using the 
rubric and criteria list
Name: _______________________ Date: _________________ 
I can determine the gist of the article 

Important vocabulary: 
Important details 
Gist​ of the article: 
Name: ___________________ Date: __________________ 
I can collect evidence for and against the statement. 


Evidence FOR the statement  Evidence AGAINST the statement 


Sources and other notes: 

Name: ____________________________ I can organize my 5 paragraph opinion essay.

Introduction points/opinion on statement: 

Paragraph 1 focus:  Paragraph 1 focus:  Paragraph 1 focus: 

______________________  ______________________  ______________________ 
Details/support  Details/support  Details/support 

Conclusion points: 
Name: ____________________________ Date: ____________________________ 
I can support my opinion with evidence from texts in an opinion essay. 
  1 - Beginning  2 - Developing  3 - Meeting Expectations  4 - Exceeding Expectations 

Content (x3)  My opinion is unclear  My opinion is mostly  My opinion is clearly stated  My opinion is clearly stated 
and ​unsupported​ by  clear, but supported by  and supported by ​3 pieces  and supported by ​4 or more 
evidence (or only 1  less than 3 pieces​ of  of evidence from ​multiple  pieces of evidence from 
piece of evidence)  evidence, or the  texts.  multiple​ texts.  
from one text.  evidence is only from 
one​ text. 

Voice  I do not use the first  I use the first person,  I use the first person and  I use the first person and my 
person and my writing  but my writing does not  my argument makes  argument persuades readers 
does not move my  move my reader to  readers pause to think  to share my opinion. 
reader to think about  agree with my opinion.  about their own opinion. 
their opinion. 

Grammar &  I have ​4+​ spelling or  I have ​3-4​ spelling or  I have ​1-2​ spelling or  I have ​0​ spelling or grammar 
Spelling  grammar mistakes  grammar mistakes in  grammar mistakes in my  mistakes in my writing. 
that prevent the  my writing and it takes  writing and the reader can 
reader from  away from the power of  understand my writing. 
understanding my  the writing.  

Formatting  My writing has ​2 or  My writing has ​3-4  My writing has ​5  My writing has ​5​ or more 
less​ paragraphs and is  paragraphs, and is  paragraphs with an  paragraphs with an 
missing an  missing an introduction  introduction and  introduction and conclusion. 
introduction or  or conclusion.  conclusion. 

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